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A matter of Trust

Posted on 29 May 2009 @ 11:16am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,884 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: 2nd Day after returning to DS5 - 1100

Da`nal stood staring out the windows of his ready room. He needed information and he didn't have it. Fortunately they had time before they headed into Romulan space to get that information. Plus there was another matter he needed to address. Stepping down to his desk he pressed the comm panel. "Lt Eircson report to ready room."

Releasing the panel he returned to the upper level, pulling at his chin as he thought.

Silonez was a bit startled but quickly hustled over to the ready room, and pushed the buzzer. ~Wonder what this is about?~

As Da`nal waited he again looked at the device in his hand. When his door chimed he turned tucking it was behind his back for the monent. "Enter."

Silonez entered, "You wanted to see me sir?" for some reason he was half expecting to get chewed out over somehing.

"Yes Lieutenant, have a seat. I want to talk to you about two things. First our up coming mission. I recievd our orders this morning. I want you to gather the Romulan remains from the battles as well as the attack on my childern. I want to know who this person was, what his cover identity was on the station, and wht his connect is to our prisoner and the ambassador if any. In addition to the remains, gather any debris you feel germain to the Federtions case against the Romulan Empire. Particularly any detonator remnants etc. We will be analyzing the remains and debris while we are on our to Romulus."

Silonez just about dropped, "Captain, we're shipping out already?"

"Yes we will be dparting...We are going to Romulus. We will also be escorting the Romulan Ambassador from DS5. Keep an eye on here - a close eye. I will be scheduling a mission briefing later today to inform the rest of the crew. Now Lt. Gabriel on the station will no doubt protest, and if I know him he will through a full blown fit.

"I don't care. He he gives you any trouble tell him that you are acting on my orders as well as those of Admiral Rittrnhouse of Star Fleet Command. Any questiongs so far?"

Silonez was swimming a little "Sir, could I bring a Romulan technical specialist, otherwise this will take weeks." Sil was already trying to figure out who to get, and on short notice.

There was going to be enough Romulans on his ship he didn't want any more than necessary. "Specialist on Romulan technology yes, Romulan no. The technical side is not as important as the dead Romulan agent under guard in the stations morgue. Anything else."

Silonez was still trying to remember the name of that ensign he met three months ago, "Soon as I can get our technical expert here, we can go. I've got one person in mind, its a case of getting them here in the amount of time we have before departure."

"Good, get everything Gabriel has on the Romulan and a copy of anything he may have on additional agents."

"I'm on it, anything else" Silonez said waiting for the other shoe to drop.

"Now." Da`nal's tone and exprression shifted enough to make it obvious that what was to come wasn't going to be good. Reaching behind his back he retrieved the weapon he had taken from the doctor and placed it on the table.

"Can you explain this..."

Silonez looked at the weapon, "Its a TR-110I semi-automatic pistol" he said

"A silenced TR-110I...not your standard Star Fleet issue. Wouldn't you agree?"

"there not even issued to marines, only Intelligence and authorized operatives. I'm assuming Ms. Hemmingway was walking around with it?" Silonez said with out much remorse.

"You assume correctly, Mr Silonez. I already know what she was going to do. And while I would like to gut him with a spoon for the things he has done to my own House. I want to go to quarters, get my bat'leth and cleave him in two. this situation I have to set my personal desires for vengance aside. I want to know why? Why you would help her commit a murder on my ship."

Silonez picked up the pistol, and with one smooth action flipped the clip release, the clip dropped to the desk, "Can't fire a gun with no ammunition, but it does feel better hearing it go click a few times. she asked for a gun not ammunition, I don't hand out loaded guns to greif striken people, not my stlye." silonez paused as he replaced the empty magazine into the weapon "If I wanted the Romulan dead, I'd do it myself, not let some amature do it."

Da`nal grinned at the deception, but his grin faded as soon as it had appeared. "Nor would I Lieutenant. However the failure of the pistol, if she had even bothered to use it would have forced her to use this." Placing the hypo on the desk, he studied Silonez's expression noting a hit of surprise.

"According to her she never intended to use the pistol, but to use that to induce cardiac arrest. It would seem that her request for a weapon was more the action of some looking to be talked out of something than a request for help."

"Had I not intercepted her she could very well be in the brig for murder. And as you had knowledge of her intentions and took no action to stop her, eventually you would have ending up there as well as an accomplice. Given the orders I received this morning that would have put the Federation and myself in a very bad position to have had a prisoner been murdered by a members of my own crew.

"I understand the desire for vengeance. IF ANYONE has reason to march into that holding cell and gut him with a spoon it's ME." Taking a few moment to try and calm himself. "You have know idea the history between that QI'yaH's family and my House. He personally held back his ship and watch as a klingon battlecruiser was destroy. My own brother was on that ship! Hundred of klingons died so that he could kill one man. So you see I want him dead as well.

"However my duty as a Star Fleet officer says I can't. If I can control my thirst for vengeance, I expect the same from my officers."

Silonez could have said something blunt at this point, "So leaving that guy in the holding cell like a rotting vegetable has any honor? " he paused "the fact is I now have to do a prisoner transfer whose in the custody of a man whose record has far more serious infractions on it than on unloaded fire arm."

"Again, neither would I. And you needn’t concern yourself with the prisoners accommodations or his 'transfer'. He won't be going anywhere until we reach Romulus. When that time comes that duty will fall to T'Pal as Head of Security.

“I assume you are referring to me when you refer to the ‘man’ who our prisoner is in the custody of. I’m curious just what infractions are you charging me with.?â€

"Your not aware of why Lt. Gabriel was passed over for promotion are you, during his last assignment he was accused of making some Xenophobic comments, and displaying simular behavior. Theres' even been allegations of innvolvement with a group known to have some of these beliefs. Knowing the lieutenant hes going to hold the prisoner for his own agenda, I would like to conduct the transfer myself to avoid any more 'mishaps' with Mr. Gabriel." silonez paused "If Lt. T'pal shows up we're likely to have a major inncident, If I go, we can just show-up enmasse and collect the prisoner with minimal issue."

"I've had my own dealings with him. And I have know intention of handing our prisoner over to him. Normally we would have had to but our orders have changed that. What I need you to do is get whatever intel he has, and remains...ESPECIALLY the remains of the Romulan that attacted my family. Carry out the order I gave you earlier. If he gives you any problems...I want to know."

"Do we take the saboture as well, the intial report indicates he may have been innvolved in some of these events?

"Sabotures; being anyone caputured on the station are out of my hands. Survivors from the ships that were thats another story. I beleive there is a Romulan Commander and a pilot that was recovered."

"I don't want to rule it out captain, to many things have been inter-connected to this point, besides that if the prisoners we have hired the saboture, he becomes a critical witness." Silonez tried to make that point clear.

"Very well concentrate on the physical evidence. Bomb debris, detonator fragments, any data From the Romulan ships that survived the explosions, identifying hull fragments, but I want that body. Gabriel doesn't need it but we do in order to show proof of Romulan incurrsion. I want to know who he was supposed to be. If he was impersonating someone run a check to see if you can track his movements and see when he was replaced. We have just over a day before we leave so you better get busy. Any questions?

"I'll make all the arrangements, I'd also like have a forensic evaluation of the remains, more for any legal B-S on Romulus." Silonez said

"Good." Oh and as a gesture of good will, have any Romulan remains from the battle transfered as well for return to their families. Coordinate that with Hemmingway."

"At the minimum I'd like to review their interview with that saboture, I've got a hunch and I'm not gonna let this one go." Silonez added

"You have permission to enlarge the scope as needed to improve the Federations case. As we are not infringing on Gabriel's domain he should have a problem. Though he might have a fit about the sabotage evidence. Since we are taking the arguement to them we need the evidence more than he. If he give's you any problems use Admiral Rittenhouse's orders then take what we need. He can protest all he wants."

"I'll assemble my team and head over to DS5, anything else?" Silonez asked

"Yes, get with T'Pal and arrange security for everything. I know you two have issues...I want them settled...NOW. You handle the Intel, she handles security....if you to hit a grey area, share the responcibilities. We are going to have enough to do with out fighting amongst ourselves."

Silonez was begining to think this matter was becoming way to complicated. "Excluding the saboture I'll try to keep this simple, if Mr. Gabriel is even half on the ball all I need is his interview transcripts, not that I wouldn't mind to throw in a few of my own questions, T'Pal and I will try to aviod to much territorial pissing.' silonez added with some hidden sarcasum.

"Very Well, you have a lot to do soI won't keep you any longer. Dismissed."


Cmdr Da`nal

Lt. Silonez


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