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Intruder in my quarters

Posted on 29 May 2009 @ 11:45am by Colonel Stadi Andrus & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,221 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Melanie's Quarters
Timeline: Day 2 - midday

Melanie had come back to her quarters to find a hologram chip sitting on her coffee table. The message with it said:

"He wanted you to have this." It wasn't signed. ~What the hell?~ She said taking the chip in her hand looking at it. Someone had been in her quarters, a complete violation to her safety.

=^= Hemmingway to the Captain...please respond.=^=

Da`nal had just returned from his second trip to the Station today. The first had been a sort of farewell breakfast, the second had been personal. Upon hearing the summonds he placed the PADD he was reviewing on the deck taping his badge.

=^= Da`nal here. What can I do for you Doctor? =^=

=^= Can you spare a few minutes and come see me. I believe I have a situation regarding what we discussed earlier...=^=

=^= Very well, on my way. =^= Grabbing his coffee he headed off after confirming the doctors location. A few minutes later he was pressing the chime to her door.

Melanie paced around her quarters looking around to see if there was anything else disturbed but nothing was, everything was in its place as it should be. She heard the chime and went to the door. "Captain."

"So what is this situation you mentioned?"

"This." And she handed him the note and the hologram chip. "Someone was in my quarters in my absence."

Normally door entry could only be authorixed by the occupant or by security or command personnel. "I take it you haven't given anyone else access to your quarters. Have you scanned these for DNA?"

"No...but read the message...look at what is says."

After reading the note he eyed the chip between his fingers. "Computer name all persons that have entered these quarters in the last 12 hours."

=^= Doctor Melanie Hemmingway.=^= The computer responded.

Melanie looked at Da'nal in disbelief. "That's impossible! This...wasn't here when I left and was in sickbay."

Holding up the chip. "This is now a security matter. Have you looked at whats on here?"

"No, I hadn't." She said taking the chip back and looking over it for the fifth time. "No security Captain please. This is from Talar and you are free to see it with me but for now no security."

"Very well these are your quarters and if you don't wish to report an unathorized entry that is your decision." Handing her the chip.

She sighed, "That is not what I meant captain...I am reporting you. I do not want to have Talar's name involved. Please understand..."

"Very well. I will see what I can do. Let's here what on that chip."

"Then it is to the holodeck we need to go." She said leading the way. Melanie was silent the whole way wondering what could possibly be on the chip, why Talar wanted her to have it. Were there secrets left on it for her to give the 'right' people?, Did he want her to do something? Was this his final goodbye to her? A lump lodged itself in her throat and she forced the tears that were threatening back.

Once they reached the holodeck she stepped inside and handed the chip back to the Captain.

Stepping back he motioned towards the door to her quarters. "After you."

[Holodeck 1]

What appeared seemed to be a tall, thin Vulcan; like many Romulans Talar lacked the tell-tale ridge on his brow, one of the factors that had made their deception possible. The hologram waited then began to speak.

"Hmmph, if this message has reached you then ... well, you know that I'm gone. I should have gone a long time ago and let you live a normal life, but in life I couldn't do that. Now that I am dead I can finally set you free. Melanie, I never intended for it to be like this...."

Melanie's mind screamed out when her voice couldn't. Her legs frozen in place as she stared at the hologram of who had been everything to her. Tears threatened but she would not let herself to be weak again in front of her Klingon Captain. "Oh Talar..." She whispered.

"... I suppose all that is left to say is that I love you, and that you can now find someone who can give you everything that I couldn't."

This was like learning of his death all over again but this time it was Talar telling her of his death...not someone else. She was overwhelmed with emotion. She stumbled towards the hologram. Repeating "no..." over and over again.

Da`nal stood back allowing the doctor her privacy as the hologram delivered its message. He stood there thinking how he was going to have an investigation as to how broken in to her room and keep this out of it.

The image of Talar fadded away and Melanie was left alone again with the Captain. She turned to him, tears still threatening her black eyes.

Da`nal could see the grief she was trying to hold back. It was well known that Klingon's handle things differently when It can to death. However the woman in front of him was not Klingon...though she appeared to be trying to restrain herself for his sake. Stepping towards her he put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You can grieve for him. Do not think you have to hold back because of me."

"I..." The sentence caught in her throat as she began to sob openly. Talar had been her life since she was 18 and now it was final, he was gone. He had promised her that he would never leave her, that he would always be there to protect her.

Da'nal took in a deep breath. As she began to weep harder and harder. It wasn't in the nature of is people to do such or to comfort those that did. However his time in Starfleet and with Anita had taught him to not judge other races by his own; though he wasn't always successful in that. For now he offered her the support of a Commanding officer and a friend.

"He promised..." The silver bracelet that Talar had given her hung heavy on her wrist. They had promised each other...

"And I'm sure he would have kept his promise if he could. Now you should honor his memory by doing what he requested and move on with your live." Pausing slightly. "And I agree. I need you here and now, not living in the past."

She nodded wiping away her tears. She would not be living in the past but how could she move on when he had been in her life for a third of her life? "Yes Captain...of course."

Rubbing her arm gently, the way he would when Anita was upset. "Good...I know you won't see the counselor, but I want you to talk with someone."

"I only trust you Captain." She responded quietly.

Looking at her, not completelty surprised. "I'm honored....but I'm no counselor. I'm not sure what I could do..."

"Just listen to me."

Da`nal tilted his head slightly, as he thought about what he might be getting into. "Alright, I will."



Melanie Hemmingway
USS Freedom

Cmdr Da`nal
Commanding Officer

OOC - should post in a day or two....


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