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Problems in Paradise

Posted on 27 Mar 2010 @ 10:10pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,018 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M4: The Cartaris Strain

The USS Weatherbey had entered orbit over planet 583176d ahead of schedule. The captain, one Commander Grayson, leaned back in his chair and then stood. "Helm, put us into a standard survey orbit."

"Aye sir. Entering orbit over the northern hemisphere."

As the ship orbited the planet the Chief Science Officer Ozwald Goodshire had begun his scans of the planet. His readings confirmed the survey probes findings. Though the planet had lush plant life and a wide array of animal life there were no signs of any humanoid species. Not even
proto-human or evidence of lower primate development. However, just to be safe he would continue the analysis. Starfleet wouldn't allow the establishment of a colony if there was the chance that intellegent life could develop.

While the scans continued to run the Captain stepped up behind Oz and put a hand on his shoulder. "Well?"

"Looking good so far sir, nothing but plants and lower animals sir. If things pan out we'll be able to open this planet up for colonization."

"Excellent. Looks like a nice place. I might have to just join the away team for the surface survey."

Oz chuckled a bit. "You'll have to get past the XO sir."

"Privileges of command Oz...privileges of command," he said smiling. "Besides, someone has to help you collect your bugs. And after what happened last time, you'll need me to even get a chance to go to the surface."

Oz grimaced as he recalled how the XO had nearly lost his....'manhood' from a bug he had brought up from their last survey mission. "Yea, his wife still gives me dirty looks."

The Captain slapped his shoulder as he laugh. "Well once the scans are complete you and Tom can put the teams together."

"Aye sir."

[The next morning]

The surface survey teams were assembling in shuttle bay, and as usual Oz was running late. When he finally showed up he had numerous sample containers and specimen kits hanging from his person.

Lt. Thomas Delancy, the XO, waved his hand and had to keep his other hand from protectively covering his crotch. "Oh no....those stay here."

"Tom, you know I have to collect samples for analysis..."

"Yea, for analysis...not to add to your collection. Everyone of those things had bettr be dead before returning to the ship."

"Come on Tom..."

"Don't 'come on Tom' me; I said dead."

"Yes sir." Oz frowned but figured he could get a few live pets aboard despite the XO's objection. He took his seat in the shuttle and soon after the XO gave the order to launch.

[On the surface - Team Alpha]

The away team landed in a very picturesque clearing. The sight was breath taking. The sun was high but cool. A gentle breeze was rustling the trees and the air itself smelled sweet. Everyone on the away tem could be heard breathing deeply from the sweet fresh air.

Tom looked about then spoke, "ok folks lets get to work. The sooner we get done the sooner we can enjoy ourselves here."

They all smiled because they all knew what he was talking about. The prospect of getting to spend some time on the surface relaxing was one of the perks of colonial survey duty. Everyone fanned out to see to their respective tasks.

Oz took out his tricorder and scanned for the insects he was always collecting. After several hours he had collect several unique specimens and was heading back to the shuttle.

[On the surface - Team Bravo]

Lt. Rogers had headed towards the tree line. Once inside the trees he circled back towards the landing area. As he moved he began to see signs, something had been there. He began to follow the tracks as they seemed to circle the clearing as if the team was being observed. The tracks themselves were not large by any means, but it had obviously stopped to watch them at several instances. He continued to follow the tracks, carefully he animal had slowed its pace…like it was stalking something.

Pushing aside a branch he first saw part of the body of the creature he had been following. Pushing deeper into the brush he revealed the rest of the now headless body. All around was a greenish residue that had a putrid stench.

Removing his tricorder he scanned the carcass and the residue, but as he did his scans picked up something else. Quickly pushing through he saw two of his team covered by the same gelatinous muck with. His hand darted to his commbadge, but before his hand could reach it his arm was in a vice grip of the young Ensign. Her grip was inhumanly strong. With his best backhand he belted her a good one, but it didn’t even phase her. Her only reaction was to crush his wrist in her bare hand. His screams of pain were muffled and changed to gagging as she reached down in a flash of movement to scoop a handful of what had been the creature’s brain and stuffed it into his mouth.

[On the surface - Landing point Alpha]

Oz was waiting at the shuttle with his insect containers full. He had been wait for a while and no on was around. He tapped his commbadge to contact the others. =^=Goodshire to Delancy=^=

=^=What is it Oz?=^=

=^=Tom, I'm here at the shuttle with a bunch of full sample containers. Permission tio retrun to the ship for another set?=^=

Oz was totally blown away, he actually had been give the OK. Well he wasn't going to pass it by. =^=Goodshire to Weatherbey. One to beam up.=^=

What had been Tom Delancey senced that the specimens in the containers were in deed alive...good. =^=Permission granted, out.=^= As his hand lowered from his chest. He looked to the others. It had been least as these being measured time since they had incorporated others into the Aggregate. But now...there was a change, now there was thought, not just instinct, what these beings called...sentients.


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