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Fears realised

Posted on 29 Apr 2010 @ 8:18am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

653 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M4: The Cartaris Strain
Timeline: Back Post - MD 1 1600

Casiday had a strange few days it been the hardest week of her life hearing her mother had been killed she decided to contact the captain =^= Captain do have some free time I need some help and advice =^=

Da`nal had returnd from the ststion and was making a tour of the ship as the crew returned and began to prep for departure in the morning. Tapping his badge he replied to the inquiry. "Certainly, your location?"

Her reply came "in my quarters Sir." she was trying to hide the tears.

He could tell by her voice that something was wrong. He made his way to the lieutenants quarters, but while enroute he was stopped on a few occations. He looked over a padd here, a directed a few new faces there, and acknowledge several 'Evening Capain's as he made his way through the corridors. Eventually he arrived at his location and pressed the chime at the side of the door.

"Enter." was all she said as she sat in her marine t-shirt and shorts.

He stepped in as the door slid open the room was dark compared to the corridor but his Klingon eyes adapted quickly. "You asked to see me Lieutenant."

"I wanted you to know that my mother has been killed." she said as the tears fell.

Da`nal was completely surprised...and out of his element. This was something that she should have taken to Ayren, or at least the new CMO. "I am sorry for your loss, has the killer been apprehended?"

"No they have not. I am scared that those who killed my mother is gonna come after me." she admitted

"Why would you think that?"

"Its this feeling I cant explain Sir. All i'll say is that my mother feared for her life the last time we spoke."

There had to be more to it than that he thought. Sitting on the arm of a chair ,"What is the situation? Why would someone kill your mother then come after you?"

"My mother was working on something very experimental as a a medical officer she asked me to look at the data from a medical stand point." she stopped "I have the data here it was to be sent the other day but Mac contacted me telling me She had been murdered." she sighed. "In some respect I wished I had stayed with the Marine Corps."

Da`nal raised a brow at the statement. "What is the subject of this data?"

"It has something to do with a device that would make the conn station console useless... meaning that person could fly the ship with their thoughts." she paused "There is a prototype in the shuttle that my sister Mac has."

"Impressive. Where is the research being done at? Have you heard anything from your sister? I assume her security is being increased?"

"It was the Utopia fleet yards. The last I heard from was a few days ago. She had just been reassigned to a Galaxy class star ship named the Xelisa. so as far as i knwo she safe but I believe so."

"If someone is after that technology we should inform the Upotia Planitia Yard. Hopefully your mother and sister had authoization to share this information with your or there could be secrutiy violation. However do not worry about your safety, everyone on this ship will defend you if needed, but as a precaution I want you to speak with Lt. Kage and have the computer monitor your location and vital signs...just in case."

"Sir it was my mother who told me about the device as she was lead engineer. They were working together on the Manhattan class development project.I will speak to Lieutenant Kage directly after i'm done here. Thank you Sir I've taken enough of your time."

"My door is always open."


Capt. Da`nal

LTJG Taylor


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