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Bearer of bad news

Posted on 14 Mar 2010 @ 2:45am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,253 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: Captain's ready Room
Timeline: Current

Don located Da`nal on the bridge and as he approached, he found him speaking with Ayren.

Ayren sensed his approach and started to get up from her seat. "I think you have someone who wants to talk to you," she said to Da`nal" Her empathic senses told her that Don was annoyed, so what ever he had to discuss with Da`nal was not going to be pleasant.

They had had little time together as it was during what was supposed to have been shore leave. He was sorry for that, but a voice in his mind echoed an old phrase...'the burdens of command'.

When Don saw her getting up, he waived his hand. "Please don't leave on my account, this will involve you too," he said to her politely and turned his attention to D'anal. "Captain, could I see you and Ms. Kelan in the ready room, there is someting I need to discuss with you."

He cast a glance at Aryen, her long black hair shining in the lights of the bridge. They hadn't been having a 'personal' conversation. That was something a Captain could afford to do, not even on his own bridge. Regardless of the nature of their discussions she was a calming presence. One that balanced him nicely he thought. After all, as a Starfleet Captain he had to keep an even temperament, it didn't matter if he was Klingon or not. Don's demeanor and request for privacy most likely meant that something was wrong.

Extending a hand towards the readyroom. "Certainly." Stopping at his door he let Ayren enter first. He then proceeded in followed by Don.

Once behind closed doors, and they were all settled down, Don transferred the information he had to Da`nal and Ayren. "As you can see, it is concerning Lieutenant Lawrence. I stopped adding incidents," he said. Both had full reports of what had happened in the brig as well as the other reports. "I think he needs a psychological evaluation, the CMO agrees," he said not without regret.

As Da`nal looked over the reports his anger rose. ~What kind of mess did they send me..~ Multiple count of insubordination, threatening a superior officer, demeaning of lower grade personnel, and the list went on. As he read on there was mention of his 'instructions' to the other department heads.

"Were any of these changes sent to you prior to his attempt at implementation?"

Don shook his head. "Nope."

Da`nal had thought not. "I take it the other department heads were less than enthusiastic about what he was demanding. But he only spoke directly about his procedures with Cmdr Montoya? Who met with the other department?"

"Petty Officer Jessica Logan," he answered knowing that Da'nal would realize just how unfair that was.

"Really? And how is she holding up under all of this?"

"She asked for a transfer," he said, showing D'anal the official request. He wanted to tell D'anal exactly what he thought, but restrained himself. He was way too angry and might end up in the brig himself.

"I agree with the psychological evaluation," she said.

Looking at Ayren in response to her comment, then returning to Don. "Do it. If the evaluation shows a problem it might help explain his previous issues," referring to the incident that led to Lawrence's demotion.

Da'nal could tell there was something that his first officer was holding back, but he would find out what that was later. Glancing down at the padd he looked over the transfer request and her justification. "What is your position on the transfer request and what are these articles of war she referred to?"

'You don't want to know!" Don said shaking his head. "It is the articles instituted by a King George a hell of a long time ago.... centuries in fact," he replied. "It included the death penalty," he added. "As for the transfer... under the circumstances, I will let her transfer, only with Lawrence in the brig, she is our only ops officer."

The death penalty...hhmm, that gave Da`nal an idea. As he called up the Articles he looked to Ayren. The Commanders little outburst confirmed his suspicions. He, no doubt had strong feelings about the situation; either about Lawrence or his previous decision. With the current situation there way no way he was going to continue with that plan. The articles were listed on this terminal but before he read them he looked to Don. "Obviously I put too much faith in this officer. That said, I will not abandon him either, he is now a member of this crew and we take care of our own. He was sent here for a reason, perhaps so that he could be reigned in under the command of a Klingon. He wants he officers and enlisted personnel to abide by these article...then as an leader HE must be willing to abide by them as well."

Don nodded slowly. he could see where the Captain was headed. "Yes, that is true... so we need to find an article in those laws partianing to his situation.." he said thoughtfully.

Da`nal began to review the Articles....."There! In Article 22," Reading an excerpt to the others. "... if any officer, mariner, soldier or other person in the fleet, shall presume to quarrel with any of his superior officers, being in the execution of his office, or shall disobey any lawful command of any of his superior officers; every such person being convicted of any such offense, by the sentence of a court martial, shall suffer death."

Ayren smiled at Da`nal's way of thinking. She felt compassion for Lawrence, but at the same time, his behavior disrupted the work situation for others and that needed to be addressed.

"So we can hold a court martial according to those laws," Don said.

"In a matter of speaking. If my knowledge of that part of Human history military judgements were swift and final. We will simply hold him to the same standard he wants to hold others. That is until we stun the hell out of him...while he thinks the phaser is set to kill. That will let the doctor given him a complete medical work up to see if there is anything physical causing his condition."

To Don that sounded not only fair, but he liked it and a smile formed around his mouth. "That would have scared the living daylights out of me. I suggest that Ms Kelan would only *brief* him afterward?"

Ayren agreed but looked to D'anal for a response.

Da`nal stood. This was a very unorthodox approach to a disciplinary issue but this was an unusual situation. Opening a drawer he tossed Don a phaser. "I'll be asking for that when we get to the brig. If our new CMO finds anything he may wake up a bit more personable. If not she'll have her work cut out for her."

"I think so," Ayren said thoughtfully. "Is he still in the brig?"

Don nodded his reply as he caught the phaser. Somehow he was looking forward to this. "And I advise that we keep him there, his behavior is too disruptive and he has shown no signs of remorse so far."

"Well lets get on with this." Tapping his badge. =^=Commander Montoya and Lieutenant Kage report to the security office.=^=


Captain Da`nal

Lt Cmdr Don Killian

Ayren Kelan
CDO and Counselor when needed


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