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Battle Plan

Posted on 09 Apr 2009 @ 9:42pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Colonel Stadi Andrus

2,084 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: M1: Prepare for Battle
Location: Briefing Rm / DS5 Ops
Timeline: 1350

[USS Freedom]

Da`nal led the way from the bridge into the briefing room. As he waited for the other to arrive he activated a secure link to Station Operations where Lt. Bennett had taken over for him.

=^="Lt. Bennett. Confirm the link is secure on your end?"=^=

[Deep Space 5 - Ops]

"The channel is encrypted. Additional access is restricted to Level 6 and above and requires Command verification. No-one is listening in without our knowing," Alison replied; first there was not a Strat Ops Chief, then there was, and now there wasn't again, and somehow she'd slipped into that space, temporarily at least.

=^="Good. Tell Cmdr Davies I've completed the Battle plan.=^=

[USS Freedom]

While everyone quickly gathered in both locations for the briefing Da`nal made sure Rianni was tied in as well. "Computer open a secure channel to the Ashton."

Lt. Kestal entered Ops and motioned over to a bulkhead she began to lean against it and listen to the conversations in the room intently. Melanie reached the briefing room after leaving the EMH and the ensign
in charge of the last of the preparations. The only thing that was left was the calibration of the biobeds and she knew that the EMH would handle it. The ensign on the other hand...he was so new out of the Academy he still had that 'new car smell' humans would say. She took her seat silently and waited for the meeting to begin.

T'Pal walked into the room and went past the replicator, to get herself some spicy tea. Barely greeting anyone, she took a seat and waited for the meeting to start.

Silonez walked in, PADD in hand, the ideas of his previous conversations still rattling around in his head. He nodded to T'Pal and then sat, "whens' this party getting started?"

Termin Elek entered the room and took a seat further down the table, slightly apart from everyone else. When meeting new people, he often liked to take some time just to observe them and judge their reactions.

Just as he spoke, DeHavilland passed through the doors into the room. "I'm here, the party may commence." he said, slipping into one of the nearby chairs and smiling impishly around at all of them. He looked
curiously at a Lieutenant sitting nearby in the Science blues. He'd heard that the new CMO had come aboard, but he'd not met her yet. His duties on the Bridge probably wouldn't even see him to his quarters for
quite some time. He had zero intention of leaving anyone else in charge of his CoNN while there were Romulan Warbirds nearby that much was for certain. "Lieutenant CJ DeHavilland." he said to introduce himself, leaning
towards the CMO with a roguish grin.

Melanie sighed and rolled her eyes. ~Keep wishing buddy.~ She thought to herself.

CJ tried to withdraw his outstretched hand nonchalantly and resumed his seat with a cough. 'That went well.', he thought to himself.

Mari arrived a bit later than the others, having just completed the task that she'd been assigned by the commander and which he had wanted completed before the briefing. Entering the room, she caught his eye and
gave him a small nod to let him know that the deed was done.

As Da`nal returned her nod he spoke. "Any new developments Lieutenant?"

"Nothing new at this time, Sir," Mari answered, making sure to use the perfect English she possessed rather than allowing some of her infamous 'Spanish' slip in.

"Good." Looking to those assembled and those assembled. He had give briefing before but this was different. He had never had so many depending on his planning. Standing me approached the wall panel and called up the overall plan layout.

( see Freedom's Database : )

"Now that everyone is either here or monitoring, lets get started. The situation we face is one of treachery and sabotage. The Station has been infiltrated by agents of the Tal Shiar, the stations systems have been
compromised, most notably the Guardian platforms are offline. The resources at our disposal...this ship, the Ashton, the stations compliment of escorts, and fighters, plus the stations Advanced Holographic Decoy Array." Pausing briefly he continued.

"The only draw back is that they will no doubt expect use to use the array, and that their intelligence has more than likely told them that the Freedom and the Ashton could not be readied in time and that the Guardian platforms could not be repaired before the attack. We are going to make them doubt their intel....very part of it.

Passing a hand over the display as he spoke. "We will deploy a task force of seven starships; five of these being generated by the AHDA. The two real ships obviously being the Freedom and the Ashton. As I mentioned, the Romulans will think these other ships are mere projections. However concealed within the Sovereign and Galaxy class holograms will be DS5's Wallace Class escrots, the Firestorm and the Lockridge; along with several fighter groups. Within the Nebula Class hologram will be additional fighters.

"Now, when signaled the Freedom, Ashton and the Lockridge that will be within our "lead" ship, will fire a single torpedo across their respective ships. It will be critical that the Lockridge be in proper position inside the hologram so that it actually appears that the hologram fired on them. In doing so, every part of their operation will be called into doubt, after all holograms can't fire torpedoes. They will appear to have been wrong about the number of vessels docked at the station, wrong about the readiness of the Freedom and Ashton. They will
have to ask themselves, "what else could we be wrong about". Were our operatives compromised? Were they actually successful in sabotaging the stations systems? Are the Guardian platforms really offline?"

Scanning the room he wrapped everything up. "Now all of this...trickery is really against my nature. For those of you who haven't noticed; I am a Klingon." Grinning himself, he continued during light chuckling and head shaking. "My people tend to be more direct. However I have learned that when dealing with the deceitful....use deceit.

"Our primary task is to keep the Romulans off guard or other wise occupied, in order to buy the stations repair crews the time they need to get the platforms operation. To pull this off it will take some precision flying by the escort and shuttle pilots."
"Excellent. Eventually the Romulans will discover our little rouse. When they do; The Ashton, the Firestorm, along with fighter wings Alpha thru Delta will engage the D'deridex Warbird. The Freedom, the Lockridge with wings Echo thru Hotel with engage the Norexan class Warbird. Fighter wings India thru Lima with deal with the D'korva class courier.


Elek leaned forward in his chair. "Sir," he said, "I fully understand that diplomacy is probably at the far back reaches of everyone's minds right now ..." He offered a wry smile as he discussed diplomacy with his
Klingon commander on the eve of a battle, "... but is there anything I can be doing, or working on, to prevent this battle from happening? I've been speaking to my opposite number on DS5, and it does seem that the
Romulans are gunning for a fight, but I wonder if we have any last-ditch maneuvers that might stop this before it starts."

"Our holographic deception is our 'last-ditch maneuver'. I have spoken directly to the Romulan Ambassador, so has Commander Davies. She has informed us that the external attack is only the beginning; and station
personnel are searching as we speak for any explosives or other preplanned sabotage. Commander Davies will no doubt continue diplomatic efforts once our 'forces' have been deployed."

T'Pal listened intently to the battle plan. "Commander," she said. "You plan is indeed ingenious, but with a very small margin of error. I certainly hope it works. Apart form that ship being almost sixty percent larger than us, we only have 93 percent phasers available, and that is if they will hold, also our shields will not withstand it's fire for long. What is it you want the Freedom to do?" she asked.

Having just spelled out the ships assignment in the coming engagement, Da`nal took the question as pertaining to what he would order if the shield or phasers failed. Stepping back to his position at the head of the table his hands behind his back he looked at everyone assembled. "She will do her duty Lieutenant. This Station fell once to the will not fall to the Romulan's."

"I am certain every ship will do it's duty and so will the station, that I don't doubt,"she said. "What I mean is if you have a particular plan as to 'how' the Freedom should engage the Norexan class?" she said to Da'nal, glancing at the Intelligence officer. "Lt Silonez and I had been discussing tactical options, I just wanted to clarify if you had something in mind already," she explained.

"What 'options' did you have in mind?"

Once again glancing at Silonez, T'Pal continued. "The standard tactical pattern would have little effect on their shields, only our Torpedo's might cause damage. Though we have them, we cannot launch them, not by
standard means anyway. There are two possibilities: Either we monitor their transporter activity assuming they want to board the station and then we transport torpedo's directly into the ship. That will only work of we can coordinate our transport when their shields are down, and we would have to be in transporter range. The other option is to predict their trajectory and transport torpedoes in their flight path to act as mines . This class warbird is notoriously slow to turn, so we can use that to our advantage."

Da`nal quickly considered the options weighing the hazards versus the potential benefits. "An interesting idea, the timing of our transporters to theirs would be to problematic and dropping our shields to transport a torpedo in the middle of a fight is too great a risk. We can still deploy them manually in their flight path from the aft launchers. Assuming of course our helmsman is up to the task."

DeHavilland laughed as he lounged back in his chair, "If you can dream it up, I can fly it." he replied with a cocky smile.

Melanie rolled her eyes again. ~Of course you can!~ She thought.

Grinning slightly at the mans bravado. "In the mean time I want every effort made in getting those launch bay's operational."

Silonez looked at the Commanding officer, "we have a sufficient compliment of torpedoes to ake this plan work, we can set up a delay of up to 20 seconds, we'll need to maximize impact and minimalize our casualties."

"Very Good." Da`nal turned to his right at the wall monitor "Commander Dav..." His sentence cut short by the Commander himself. As the tactical display registered the impact of disruptor fire.

[Deep Space 5 - Ops]

"Damn, red alert!" Davies screamed at the man standing on the comm control. David himself gripped the edge of the Ops table, already missing Commander Da'Nal and he felt alone, amongst the thousands. He was about to shout another order as the klaxons began to wail.

"Red alert, sir!" The newly appointed petty officer replied, steadying himself for the barrage of attacks that were known to be set in motion, "Do you want me to order the guardians into action?" Harris enquired.

"No!" David responded almost immediately, "they are our surprise in waiting. I want those warbirds to be caught completely........"

The explosion bucked the station stopping Davies' response mid sentence.

"What was that?" David shouted, near hysterical though doing his level best to sound calm, but failing.

"Shield generators sir, batteries 1 through 8 have failed completely!" An officer informed him.

[USS Freedom]

Slapping the all call on the table "BATTLE STATIONS!!"

As everyone scrambled out of the briefing room Da`nal bellowed of the noice coming through the comm. =^="Commander Davies, we need those doors open!"=^=

Lt. Cmdr Da`nal of the House of Varal
Commanding Officer

Lt. Mariposa Rodriguez
Executive Officer

Ltjg. Curtiss "CJ" DeHavilland

Lt. T'Pal

Ltjg Arrianna Kestal

Lt. Melanie Hemmingway

Lt. Silonez Eircson

Ltjg. Termin Elek

Deep Space 5 Crew / NPC's

Cmdr David Davies
Temp. CO

Lt. Bennett
Strat Ops Office


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