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Holodeck Fun

Posted on 15 May 2009 @ 12:34pm by

1,225 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M1: Prepare for Battle

Mari and Termin chatted amiably as they made their way to the holodeck. That, of course, after Mari had changed into something more conducive to working out. As they exited the turbolift near the holodeck, Mari asked, "What kind of exercise program are you thinking of?"

Elek shrugged. "I had a few I rotated through on my previous assignment, but haven't had the chance to upload them here yet." He thought for a moment, then said, "A Klingon workout? Always gets me out of breath." He tried to avoid Mari's gaze as he said that.

"Which *kind* of Klingon workout?" Mari asked, her voice filled with mirth.

Elek laughed. "When was the last time you worked with bat'leth's *and* d'k'tahgs?"

"Minimally in the Academy," Mari responded wryly.

They paused outside the holodeck and Elek programmed in his requirements, smiling as he did so. The holodeck doors slid open and they stepped inside. He was glad he had swung by his quarters to pick up his training outfit - he didn't really feel comfortable getting changed in front of Mari, for some strange reason.

He walked over to the wall and picked up two d'k'tahgs. He swapped them over and felt their weight, then handed them to Mari. Watching her closely as she assessed her blades, he picked up his own ones, slipped them into his belt, and turned to examine the bat'leths.

"I'd advise you to pick your own blade," he said over his shoulder. "The opponents we've got won't show any mercy. You need a blade you're confident with."

"Pues, I'm fairly confident with *any* blade, Counselor," Mari responded with a flirtatious grin as she swished the d'k'tahg in the air with an ease that only someone accomplished in its use could manage.

Elek watched in admiration as she effortlessly manipulated the blade. This was going to be an *interesing* workout.

"Computer," he said, "activate opponents."

Three holographic figures shimmered into view before them - three hardened Klingon warriors, in the images of Kahless, Worf and Martok. He looked over at Mari impassively, controlling his smile.

"Que empieza los juegos," Mari said with shining eyes, making her first move before she interpreted what she'd said, "Let...the games...BEGIN!"

Elek swung his blade high as the Kahless-hologram lunged towards him, and deflected the blow. He enjoyed this programme, especially with all three players, as it really helped him keep fit. He usually ached like hell afterward - today, perhaps, might be different, as he had a training partner.

He side-stepped Kahless' new blow, and fought back with a parry that pushed the holographic Klingon back a few steps. Glancing to his left, he smiled at Mari, focused and concentrating on the fight.

Mari did catch the smile out of the corner of her eye, but she knew that if she took the time to respond in kind, she'd be 'dead' so instead, she twirled and parried past him in a graceful and almost dance-like movement, using the moment when they were nearly side by side to give him a sidelong glace, a half-smile, and a wink.

"This sort of thing ... makes me ... feel alive!" Elek gasped, moving through various maneuvres whilst constantly defending himself. "Shame it's ... not ... real!"

"Could be!" Mari said, ducking and swirling only to come up behind her attacker, aiming for a kill shot as she said, "Never...know!"

Elek knocked one to the floor and spun round to find the one not being covered by Mari. "What do ... you mean?" he asked, his eyes searching.

"Starfleet," Mari responded, struggling with her opponent who was pressing her back further and further, "Not...always...predictable..."

Elek smiled, both at Mari's comment and the fact that he had spotted the third opponent, coming forcefully towards him. He kept an eye on Mari, but didn't interfere. He was someone who doubted that chivalry was the way forward, and thought that the exec could most likely take it the wrong way if he suddenly stepped in.

He caught his breath in the few seconds he had and said, "Agreed. But isn't that part of the fun? I used to be in the El-Aurian space fleet, and terra firma is never quite the same again, is it?" He deflected a blow from his opponent, but found himself pushed back a few steps by the sheer force of the attack.

Mari, on the other hand, had come back out on top with her opponent and had him literally against a rock and a hard place, namely the wall. Taking aim, she struck the man down and turned, seeing that the only opponent left was the one that Termin was working toward defeating.

Elek stepped forward, pushing his opponent back two paces. He swung the bat'leth round and slashed his opponent's chest. The Klingon fell to the floor, holographically dead. Smiling, Elek threw the bat'leth to the floor and looked at Mari, smiling. He dragged a hand across his forehead.

"So," he said, "was that real enough for now?"

Mari laughed and nodded, "Si, definitely."

Elek beamed and sat down on a nearby rock to catch his breath. "If you even *suggest* doing a run or anything else, I shall be forced to mutiny."

Laughing again, Mari sat down gracefully beside him and shook her head, "No, that won't be necessary."

They sat in companionable silence for a few moments, then Elek's hand brushed against Mari's, which was resting against the rock. He looked down at it, then away, and made no move to take it away.

The ghost of a smile passed across Mari's lips as she looked down at where his hand touched hers. Briefly, she felt a moment of sadness but then she pushed the cloud aside and made the conscious decision to do what she did next, which was to take his hand in hers and give it a gentle squeeze.

Elek's telepathy picked up the flicker of something from Mari, but he quickly reined in his senses - his mother had taught him ettiquette surrounding his telepathic ability, and using it in this sort of situation was murky at best.

He looked round at Mari, and drew in a breath. She really *was* beautiful. He knew now was as perfect a moment as any other. He leant forward towards Mari ...

As much as Mari wanted to kiss the counselor, at the last moment, Mari turned her head and shook it saying, "Lo siento, Termin. I'm...just not ready for this right now..."

Elek drew back, and nodded. He had suspected something like that might happen, from the telepathic "flash" he had received from her.

"That's okay," he said quietly. "I don't pretend to understand, but I respect your decision. If you ever want to talk about it ...?"

Mari smiled sadly, a brief moment of vulnerability showing in her face, and squeezed his hand as she said meaningfully, "Pues, if I do ever decide to tell you about it, I sincerely hope it is as a friend...or more...and not as my counselor."

He squeezed her hand back, then kissed her gently on the cheek and pulled back. "Absolutely. I'd rather be your friend than your counselor any day. Tell me whenever you're ready."

They sat in companionable silence for a while, just enjoying each other's company.

Lieutenant (JG) Termin Elek

Lieutenant Mariposa


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