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Reporting For Duty

Posted on 13 Feb 2010 @ 6:13pm by

415 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave

Hannah walked through the corridors trying to fiind her new quarters. Finally arriving outside, she input her lock code and the doors slid open. Barely glancing around she dumped her stuff and made her way back outside, heading for the security offices.

She arrived a few minutes later and made her way inside. Recognising the Lt Kage from the meeting with the captain she made her way over.

"Ensign Dawson, reporting for duty, sir," she said.

Kage didn't look up from his PADD, reading through something very quickly and making some notes. "Take a seat, Ensign. Something to drink?"

She sat obediently and shook her head. "No thanks."

Kage continued to work and did not look up, "I've read your record, Ensign. What do you think stood out for me?"

"I would guess the fact that I repeated my last year at the Academy, sir," she answered frankly.

Kage continued to read, "Continue."

Hannah looked down briefly at her hands before looking back up at him. "And because it was for fighting with a fellow cadet."

"Keep going," Kage replied, still not looking up.

She bit back a sarcastic answer and forced herself to reply, "And I was made to take anger counselling sessions after the fight."

"Finish the story," Kage added, still reading.

She paused. "And then I graduated with the rest of the cadets at the end of that year, sir."

Kage looked up and tossed the PADD aside, it was empty, "I'm not interested in that stuff, just demonstrating one of the techniques a security officer has in their arsenal. Your personal guilt is often the means of control over another. Questions?"

Impressed, she replied, "Yes, sir. What are the training arrangements for the security department?"

"I've posted a regular schedule, part of the training being psychology in addition to combat and ship operations. Most of my people have history of brawling, which we will clamp down on. If I can keep calm, the rest will follow my example. Any other questions?"

She thought for a moment, then replied, "No, sir."

Kage nodded, "Then you can resume your duties. Nice to meet you, Ensign."

She gave a brief smile. "Yes, sir. Nice meeting you too."

Kage nodded and briefly smiled, picking up the PADD and activating it finally and making a note. "When you're on-duty, check the security arrangements on the torpedo tubes. No rush, before the end of second shift."

Lt. Jason Kage
Tactical/Security CO

Ens Hannah Dawson
Security Officer


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