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The hits just keep on coming

Posted on 09 Oct 2009 @ 5:57pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

819 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Ready Room / Brig

Da'nal closed the channel and set back. Four families were now mourning the loss of a member of their family. The one thing he disliked about command was dealing with emotions of others when it came to death, death in battle was something to be celebrated. However when dealing with other races he had to where an expression of compassion and understanding for their loss. He had found out early has he had risen in the ranks that not eveyone took kindly to the Klingon point of view.

Turning of the terminal he stood as it sank back into the desks surface, and he took the Bat'leth, his father had given him, of the wall. His muscles felt tight and running through a few forms would loosen things up nicely.


Highly irrate and frustrated T'Pal marched through the brig as if to confirm that Nniol had truly been beamed off the ship. The dead security officer just added to her rage. Realizing that she seemed everything but shocked at his death, she changed her demeanor slightly for the sake of his saddened collegues. She nodded silently to allow then to remove the body after the forensics officer cleared the scene.

He had a weapon in his hand, so he had died in honour. Most other races had a different view of death than the Klinogns or Vulcans, and she had learned to respect that. Watching them leave, she pursed her lips, plotting revenge in the back of her mind instinctively, That had to wait though.

=^= T'Pal to Da'nal =^=

Da`nal was in mid-form when the call came in. Without stopping he replied, =^=What is it Leiutenant?=^=

=^= I need to see you immediately =^= she said.

=^=Your location?=^=

=^= The brig =^= came the tight answer.

From the tone in her voice he could tell there was something. He allowed himself the luxury of hoping Nniol had been killed in the attack. =^=Is there a problem?=^=

=^=You had better come here, Nniol has escaped =^=

=^=WHAT! I'm on my way!=^= Tossing the weapon onto the couch he rushed out of his ready room and into the turbo lift. Willing the lift to go faster he cletched his fists. He should have killed him when he had the chance. Now the man who not only led the attack, but had attacked his family had escaped. When re arrived in security is mood was less than cordial.


Keeping her own rage under control, T'Pal answered him with as little emotion as she could muster. "Nniol had been beamed off the ship during the attack. He had also killed a security officer," she informed him.

He forced himself to take a moment to calm himself. This was not her fault and nothing would be served by taking his anger out on her. "My apologies Lieutenant, I assume the cells containment was deactivated by default?" Having been a security chief himself he know the anwer before he asked.

T'Pal nodded sharply. "Indeed and he took his chance," she asnwered. "There is something else though.... he was beamed of the ship without any prior communication from the ship.... " she reported.

"So they were waiting for the chance to grab him. But why not take the Ambassador as well?"

"That is what bothers me... someone has another agenda it seems,' she mused looking around the room when her eyes fell on the demarkated area where the security officer was killed. "He took out one of ours as well," she said, hatred now present in her voice.

"He wasn't the only one." Stepping closer to the outline he looked T'Pal in the eye. "But I...we will not be loosing anyone else to Nniol and his ilk."

T'Pal returned his stare, unspoken communication passing between them. "They died in honour," she said simply. "But Nniol... he must die in disgrace," she threatened softly in disgust in a low voice, for Da'nal's ears only.

"He will...He has been a thorn in my Houses side for too long. If those who took him don't kill him for his failure, he will die...eventually ."

T'Pal nodded in agreement. "Anything you want me to focus on?" she asked forcing herself away from regretting that she did not kill him when she had the chance.

"Coordinate with engineering. McPherson is dead, and I spoke with Lt. Flaherty, right now the focus is maintaining the containment fields aroud the hull breaches. With hampering his effortssee about getting our weapons and shields up to strength. Aslo Have anyone of your staff with an engineering rating of 3 or hight report to engineering to lend a hand."

"Acknowledged," she said and then gve him an enquiring look. "What are we going to do next?"

"Continue with our orders. Only our success will bring about Nniol's defeat."

T'Pal nodded and then said firmly: "I cannot wait..."


Cmdr Da`nal
Commanding Officer

Lt. T'Pal
Chief Security Officer


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