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Posted on 29 Sep 2009 @ 5:41pm by Colonel Stadi Andrus

1,011 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Chief Flight Controller's Quarters
Timeline: Current

The shuddering boom of a cannon sounded from somewhere in the distance and CJ winced in pain, reaching up to plug his ears as the bright flash of fire from the weapon hit his eyes. Groaning her rolled onto his back and opened his eyes to see to ceiling of his quarters. Confused, he tried to sit up, but too many muscles in too many places said no. With a heavy sigh he fell back onto the hard floor of his quarters and tried to focus in on what had happened. It didn't take long for the memories he did have to come back, along with the tightening grip that had been on his heart.

With an effort he managed to pull himself up onto the side of his bed, and his eyes met the destruction of his computer panel, and his once pristine brass sextant now ebedded within. He groaned.

"Great." he said aloud to no one, suddenly looking down at his lack of clothing. "Ok... that's wierd." he said, rubbing his eyes. As he opened them again and turned to the sitting area of his quarters he saw Melanie watching him and his heart sank lower while the color drained from his face. "Uhm..." he started, desperately hoping that what he thought had happenned hadn't really. Not that he dind't want it to, but he didn't remember it one bit if it had, that was certainly not what he wanted.

"Did... uhm?" he mumbled.

Melanie had been sipping another cup of tea, staying up all night making sure that CJ was alright. She was leaning up against the couch reading a novel when he finally woke up.

"Did what?" She asked fully aware what he was trying to ask.

"...nothing." he replied, rubbing his forehead and wavering slightly on the spot. "How long have you been here?" he asked, surveying a bit of the devastation that was his room.

"Did what?" She moved under the knitted blanket she was under so she was leaning forward a bit. Melanie allowed her cheeks to redden a little, she was going to distract him from his unpleasant least for a little while.

CJ blanched and swallowed hard. Tell me I didn't... damnit, I did didn't I... he thought to himself. A nervous twitch flashed across his cheek as he stared back at her, pulling his blankets over himself a bit. "I ... uh... you and I." he continued, "We uh... you know?" he asked. "Must have been good if you put me on the floor..." he added, rolling his eyes nervously.

Melanie sighed and shook her head. "Do you think I am the kind of woman that would take advantage of someone so intoxicated that he wouldn't remember sleeping with me?" She asked.

"I don't know what I think right now." CJ replied, rubbing his temples. "I don't... I don't honestly... I can't focus... I'm... I'm just... I don't know what I am.." he babbled.

Melanie moved down to his level and sat down next to him, rubbing his temples for him. "It's alright...I understand." She whispered looking at him.

"Thanks." he whispered, glancing up at her for a moment before looking back down, suddenly ashamed for letting her see him like this. He'd never broken down like this before, he just didn't know how else to react. All he wanted was for the pain to go away.

"I didn't make too much of an ass of myself did I?" he asked.

"No, of course not." She smiled, still rubbing CJ's temples. Melanie opened her mind and began comforting his mind.

".... did.... anyone see me?" he pressed, his nerves starting fray his already fragile state.

"No, I somehow managed to get you back in here before you collapsed. I almost took you to sickbay...but decided to stay here and take care of you instead."

"Well at least something went right." CJ replied, "The Skipper would kill me if I got caught out in the corridors... I was supossed to return to duty." he sighed, letting her rub his temples and distract his mind, at least for the moment.

"I covered for you there too...told him you have a stomach bug and weren't reporting for duty for the next 48 hours.." She smiled.

CJ chuckled nervously and looked up at Melanie, "I hardly think I've been deserving of this kind of friendship." he admitted, "I've spent the last few weeks just trying to be with you in other ways..." he said, shaking his head shamefully.

"I didn't exactly stop you did I?" She asked looking back into his eyes.

CJ stared back dumbfounded before finally shaking his head in disbelief. "Figures... I make progress when I'm half drunk and barely able to string a few words together." he said, chuckling to himself.

"I will still be around when you sober up. Until then..." She reached across him and grabbed her medkit that she grabbed while he was passed out and prepared a hypospray. Melanie injected the medication to get rid of the hangover. "Better?"

"Yah." CJ replied, tilting his head experimentally. "Still really tired though." he added, "Probably ought to get back to duty though." he said, trying to stand up.

Melanie wagged her finger in front of his face but kept the smile on her face.."Oh no you don't CJ! I have you on medical leave until tomorrow. Do not make me put my CMO hat back on and confine you to your quarters."

"Please no... I need to get to work." CJ replied sarcastically, immensely grateful that he didn't have to leave his room. He smiled up at Melanie. "Thanks." he said genuinely.

"You are welcome. Can I get you anything?" She asked him resting her hand on his knee.

CJ shook his head slightly, his head still throbbing. "No.. I'm ok." he said, smiling slightly.

Melanie nodded and they both sat quietly with Melanie comforting his mind.


Lt. Melanie Hemmingway
USS Freedom

Lt. (JG) CJ DeHavilland
Chief Flight Controller
USS Freedom


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