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Conduct Unbecoming

Posted on 09 Oct 2009 @ 6:07pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

965 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations

Earlier...On the bridge

The Freedom had proceeded without incident while they had been under cloak and was now on its way to a Romulan planet. T'Pal manned her post, but was frustrated and internally irrate. The Captain had been been 'reassured' that they had safe passage to Romulus only to get fired on, now they had been 'reassured' again by Romulans that they would be provided a safe harbor to carry out repairs. She knew his family history with the Romulans...What Klingon didn't. She just couldn't believe he was working so willingly with those that continued to betray not only Starfleet, but there own kind as well. The Romulans were without matter what they had in recent events. Could one or two acts undo decades of treachery? She was monitoring her panel as she mulled over the possible reasons they didn't just head home when an Ops panel beeped and she looked over to the crewman manning the station.

Trying to do her job while the repair teams worked behind and underneath her Jessica moved slightly to see what was beeping. Looking up to meet the already questioning gaze of the Security Chief she stammered a bit. She found the Security Cheif intimidating and looking up into her frustrated expression didn't held. "Incoming message from Star Fleet. Its marked personal for Lieutenant DeHavilland."

"Sir, permission to take this off the Bridge." CJ asked, turning in his chair.

T'Pal's mouth pulled to one side slightly, the ship was still on alert but a quick message shouldn't take too long. "Permission granted"

[Sometime later]

Williams had just finished with patching a ODN junction and was heading to his next assignment when he heard some commotion from down the corridor. Retracing his steps he saw the source of the noise. The ships helm officer was being helped to his feet by someone. The smell of alcohol wafted down the corridor and as he staggered back into his quarters he shook his head. ~The shift wasn't over yet....what was he doing smashed already....

Once he got to the bridge he noticed that Dehavilland was indeed not at his post. He could just leave the bridge on his own so he must have been given permission. He went about his duties and helped get the ops station back in working condition.

With the shift finally over he head off to engineering to put his gear away and let the new engineering crew coming on what had been worked on. Once there, and with the injuries to the crew the next shift was short, so he volunteered for a second shift to help take some of the pressure off. Looking over the repair list he a lot of the jobs would have to wait until the ship had a repair facility.

A short time later he was passing by the Diplomatic Offices and saw a small security escort taking two Romulans somewhere. As the door closed he saw the XO and thought he heard the Captain’s voice. He had made it a few steps passed the door when he stopped. He didn’t want to get anyone in trouble but and he wasn’t even sure if it was the ships helmsman but if there was something wrong he should bring it to someone’s attention.

Turning around he stepped through the doors to the meeting room. The diplomatic meeting rooms were a lot nicer that standard conference rooms but that was to be expected. “Excuse me sirs, but umm…I saw something I think you should be aware of.â€

Da`nal stood as their Romulan guest left. Moving over to the window, all he could do was hope his plan worked. "Will will need to brief the rest of the senior staff. And quickly."

Looking over at the officer then to his XO at the unexpected interruption, he turned to face the man. “Ensign…â€

“Williams, sir.â€

Nodding in appreciation, and slightly angered at himself for forgetting the mans name. “Go on.â€

“Well sir…before the end of the last shift I saw Lieutenant DeHavilland drunk in the corridor.†Before either could respond he retracted his statement. “I take that back sir. I saw him stumble and fall; smelled alcohol from down the corridor; and saw a woman come out of his quarters and help him to his feet and then take him back into the room.â€

Glancing to Andrew and back to Ensign Williams. “I see. Well thank you for clarifying your statement. Do you know who this woman was?â€

“Yes sir it was Dr. Hemmingway.â€

Andrew smirked and turned a quick glance at the Commander before turning stone-faced back to Williams.

Catching the XO’s expression he dismissed the young officer. “Thank you for bring this to our attention, you’re dismissed.â€

“Thank you sir.â€

After the doors closed Da`nal looked to Andrew. “What do you think?â€

"Scuttlebutt can be a dangerous thing." Andrew replied at length. "Could be true, could be that Williams saw what he wanted to see." he continued. "Either way, I think we should try to find out more... I'll stop by Sick Bay and have a word with the good Doctor." he smirked.

"Very good. And I'll check with T'Pal as to why he was off the bridge."

Andrew nodded in agreement and stood up. "I'll keep you posted." he said before stepping out the door.

Da'nal nodded as he watched his XO leave. As he stepped out into the cooridor, he tapped his commbadge to let engineering know what was going on.


Cmdr Da`nal
Commanding Officer

PO3 Jessica Logan
Ens Williams
NPC'd by Da`nal

Lt. T'Pal
Played by Da`nal

Lt Cmdr Andrew Fienneman
Executive officer

Ltjg CJ DeHavilland
Chief Flight Control Officer


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