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The Grand Tour

Posted on 09 Sep 2009 @ 7:20pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,121 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Diplomaic Suite / Galley
Timeline: Back post to before the battle

Thomas continued to show his new boss around. He had come on board just before they left SB 47 but he had had to get his person effects settled and all so. It wasn't like their serves where in high demand right now. What with the ship flanked by Romulans everyone seem to be sticking to the replicators...and their posts.

"...that was just the diplomatic offices. Here is the main reception area and the galley is just through here."

Aki smiled slyly. "Ah, this is the kitchen they give me!? I have a better kitchen in my Grandma's house!" He bellowed out to no-one inparticular.

Tom couldn't help but smile. "Its not that bad. Oh, I hope you know how to make qagh. The Captain has a batch of those nasty serpant worms in the science lab. Fortunately with everything thats been going on he hasn't requested any. Right now things are so crazy everyone is pretty much running on coffee...but who knows what we'll be doing once things settle down."

"I could still be in Helsinki now! Cooking up good food for celebrities and commoners alike. I didn't think my latest post would be preparing worms for an oversized mongrel people call a Klingon!"

The steward looked at Vixen with a bit of a shocked expression. "Hey, The Freedom is a diplomatic ship, I'm sure you'll be whipping things up for diplomats and ambassadors in no time." With a bit of a smirk he continued. "So what celebraties....?

"I did cook for an old earth scientist once... Cant place his name. Something like... Professor... Damn it, what was his name!" Aki rubbed the temples of his head before placing them to his side. "Nope, I give up. It's completely passed me."

Tom thought to himself. ~I see how it is...talks the talk but there's nothing to back it up.~
"No big deal. Hell you should have been here after we left Deep Space 5. The Diplomatic Office tried to put together a meal with the Captain, the XO and the Romulan Ambassador that we're babysitting." After a slight huff. "That went over like oil and water."

Aki snaped up at the mention of the Romulans. "That wouldn't be Isha e-Khellian, would it? The Romulan ambassador?"

Looking a bit puzzled. "Why would. We are taking here and a the guy that led the attack back to Romulus. The official line is that it was some sort of family trouble, but no one I know buys that."

"Hmm... Does she take visits from Humans? Or is it strictly limited to enlisted and senior staff?

"What with everything thats happened she's unge 24 hour armed escort. But if you really want to pay her a visit just clear it with security." thumbing towards the view porrt at the Romulan ship Tom continued. "I'm sure what with ours host out their the Diplomatic officer will want to make sure we host some sort of event."

"I might just have to stop by the Romulan and pay her a visit. If you want I could ask her if she'd like to be the guest of honour at a party or some other kinda event." Aki rubbed his chin, pondering.

Tom and Aki were both looking away from view port and failed to notice the subtle changes in the Romulans orientation and distance as it began to slowly drop back. "Well thats your call, probably a good call. Perhaps you can get your hands on a Romulan replicator database. That sure would make hosting any events go smoother if they have familiar food to eat."

"Bah! I'll check the database for Romulan recipes! Not replicated crap!" He bellowed out again, to no-one inparticular. "Damn the person who created food replicators. No-one eats fresh no more."

Holding his hands up. "Hey what do you take me for? We get the data base and we can pick the dishes apart. A little backwards engineering, so to speak."

"Still. The person that invented replicators should've gone and burnt down every resteraunt on Earth, thats basicly what they did. They ruined modern cooking." Akie quickly walked over to the window after his sentance, and gazed out of it, folding his arms and giving himself a suddenly serious look. "I shall have to meet this... e-Khellian. I have heard things about her from my predecessor."

Follow him with a curious gaze, ~what would a chef know about a Romulan Ambassador? I suppose it's possible that his knew someone that had dealt with her before; but what where the odds of that?
"You're the boss, though you'll have to clear or visit with security..." Now that he was looking towards the window the framing and Aki served as a point of reference against the Romulan escort. " it me or does it look like that ship is falling back?"

"So it is... " Aki didn't seem at all worried by the sudden back-fall of the Romulan ship. "Probably something you'll need to tell the Captain about."

He thought about it for a fraction of a second before shrugging it off. "I'm sure the bridgeis keeping an eye on things. ~At least I hope so...~ Is there anything else I can show ya?

"How about a place where you xan get a decent drink?" Aki said with a grin.

With a grin Tom replied, a drink sounded like a great idea. "Well I think my shift just ended." Returning to the galley to close the few open cabinets they both turned to leave when all hell broke loose. The ship rock from weapons fire sending them and the contents of the galley flying.

"Damn these imputent Romulans! Damn them from here to Gamma Quadrant!" Aki bellowed, yet again, to no-one inparticular.

As the ship continued to be hit the ship went to red alert and the Captain was called to the bridge. No sooner had he been page than he called all hand to battle stations. A Chef and a steward had no battle station to speak of except either sit tight or assist in helping the wounded get to sit bay. Personally Tom didn't like the idea of moving about the ship while it was moving under his feet but it wasn't long before the EMH was on the comm advising them of wounded in their area.

Tom looked to Aki as he dug through the mess that was the galley and retrieved the emergency medical kits. Tossing one to Aki, "You ready?"

"As ready as a Scandavian under attack by Romulans'll ever be." Aki said with no attempt to hide the sarcasm.


Ships Steward - played by Chris

Aki Vixen
Ships Chef


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