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A Change of Plan

Posted on 13 Aug 2009 @ 12:05pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,431 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Romulan Escort Ships / USS Freedom
Timeline: 19 hours after 'Romulan Rendezvous'

As Riov Amerik i-Nn'Verih drummed his fingers on the arm of his chair he considered the rather strange introduction to the Ambassador, still it was not his place to question how she, or her ‘friends’ conducted themselves.

They had been underway for several hours, everything was proceeding according to plan, and it seemed that this would be a straightforward escort, clearance was fully authorized and though the corridor that had been opened for them differed from the one originally supplied; i-Nn’Verih, signaled the change to both the S'harien and the Freedom, then, anticipating no unusual activity rose.

“Ri’lae-fv’htaiell,†he told his Rhaetelh'Saehne (First Officer) before he withdrew to his office. Here at last was a chance to catch up on a bit of paperwork, particularly a secure block transmission that had been received just before the rendezvous; what that could be i-Nn’Verih had no idea.

The mystery did not remain for long; the recording came from a person Amerik i-Nn’Verih had not seen for several years, it reminded him of an obligation to a somewhat elevated acquaintance from the region of his birth who had once been gracious enough to do him a favour. Even without such a debt of obligation Amerik i-Nn’Verih could not refuse a request from a member the most senior House of that city; Arrhae i-Nn'Verih t’Rehu was hardly a woman to be trifled with.

He leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers, he had orders to see the USS Freedom straight through to ch’Rihan, but he owed his career to Arrhae t’Rehu under whom he had served his first commission … this was not an easy decision to make.

As he considered his move the thrum of the engines seemed to deepen, it was a sealed and precise instruction rather than a communication during which the order might be discussed and though it conflicted directly with those from Galae Enriov Liun to convey the Ambassador and her companions directly and safely to ch’Rihan his loyalty to Arrhae t’Rehu was greater.

“So be it,†i-Nn’verih muttered as he returned to the bridge and gave the order that would set both the Yhae and the S'harien against the Ambassador and the Federation.

[Bridge USS Freedom]

Lance was in the Ready Room laying out various PADDs for Da`nals review or endorsement, once he was finished he head out onto the bridge. As he headed out onto the bridge he paused glancing at the view screen, shaking his head. "I never tought I'd see a romulan ship this close, let alone be passing through Romulan space."

Andrew Fienneman continued to consult the panel to his right, glancing up at the Romulan ship on the screen constantly out of nervous habit. He hated having them so close, even if they were working together here.

"Steady as she goes, Mr. DeHavilland." he ordered, "Keep your distance a bit, but don't make it look like you're keeping your distance." he added.

DeHavilland smiled to himself, "Aye, sir." he said. "Flying casual." he replied.

Lance grinned, his hand on the rail separating the command area from the upper level. Stepping up he moved to the XO handing him a padd. "Sir, here is a copy of the reports I left for the Captain."

"Anything in particular I should be aware of?" Fienneman asked.

"No sir, just business as usual," and with that he left the bridge.

T'Pal didn't trust the Romulans, period, and had been running drills with her staff continually. If she had her way they would have had full shields up at all times, but that was not to be. Staying alert and ready for anything, she continually scanned their Romulan *friends*.

[Officer's Quarters]

Silonez was in his quarters, he was streached out on the couch reading a report, he wasn't to worried about the Romulans, he was expecting something bad to happen. He didn't trust them one bit, and he was even more concerned since they had a Romulan ambassador aboard who could become a target, but it wasn't his job to protect dignitaries, and he wasn't going to do anything either, if things went to hell in a hand-basket he was going to sit back and let everyone else cook, he tried to do his job and was ignored, he took the attitude that if shit was going to happen let it.


[Romulan Escorts]

The Sub-Commander looked askance for a second then turned to the Riov, "What about the Ambassador?" she asked, quite aware of their orders to see her safely to ch'Rihan.

"Will not reach home," i-Nn'Verih said, aware that even though she was questioning, as was her right, she had already begun to power the weapons. "Your concern is noted," he said with a half smile, not indicating if that concern would serve her well or ill, Hyaa-aifv-hnah!." Fire disruptor.

[Bridge - USS Freedom]

The moment T'Pal became aware of the lock, she raised the shields, limiting the impact of the surprise attack. Her response was a lock on their shield emitters, but she had to wait for orders to fire.

Andrew glanced up from his PaDD absently and saw the incoming disruptor fire. His face reddened as his ears pulled back in shock.

"Shields!" he cried, grabbing onto his chair. "Helm, evasive maneuvers! Evasive pattern, delta one-four-zero!" he ordered, turning back to the Tactical station. "Fire at will, Lieutenant."

The shield were up before the order came. "Shields are holding," she as she ship rocked with th impact. She answered with the first volley of torpedoes, knowing that she could rely on DHavviland to vad and fly her them into an attack position.

He tapped his commbadge as he braced against the impact, "All Hands, Red Alert - Captain to the Bridge!"

DeHavilland's fingers danced quickly over the CoNN panel, moving the ship swiftly through the ordered maneuvers. The quick turns, so reminiscent of their last battle, were executed without injury to the Freedom thanks to the upgrades he and their former Chief had effected in Engineering. He smiled to himself. Now he could push her a bit farther than before. If he needed to that is.

You'd think they'd know better by now, he thought to himself as he executed a swift roll over the Romulan's keeping the ship's phaser stripes and at least one torpedo port on the vessel as he did. He smiled again as he saw Lieutenant T'Pal take advantage of the weapons presentation and unleash hell on the Romulan's.

T'Pal was concrntrating her phazer fire on the shield emitters, but hammering the them at the same time with a another torpedo spread. "I need another pass!"

[Deck 6: Science Lab 1 - USS Freedom]

Chrisandra was in the science lab looking over her promising schematics for the experiment she wanted to try.

Mari was at another station, looking things over as well, occasionally casting a glance over her shoulder to check on Chrisandra.

[ Maria's Quarters]

Tim and Maria were having a nice quiet meal together. When the announcement came for Battle stations. Tim jumped up and kiss Maria on the cheek. "I gotta go.....and so do you. You are short handed down there, so if you need help contact Lieutenant T'Pal to have me relieved to come and help, Be safe......" Tim disappeared into the corridor of running people.

Before Maria could even respond, he was gone. She rose herself, and raced toward engineering to get a report and prepare to handle any damage.

[Aerowing Liberator]

Wandella and her crew were getting strapped in on board the Liberator, waiting for orders to go, "Come on, come on, give us green light." She muttered, going through the various pre-flight checks required before take-off.

[Ambassador's Quarters]

...Da`nal's reply was cut off, "All Hands, Red Alert - Captain to the Bridge!" came his XO's voice as the ship rocked from an impact. If T'Pal and her staff had been on their toes they would have raised shields the instant sensors detected weapons a weapons lock.

Without another word Da`nal bolted for the turbolift hitting his commbadge as he ran. "All hands to battle stations!"


Cmdr Da`nal
Commanding Officer

Riov Amerik i-Nn'Verih and the other Romulans NPCd by Louise

LtCmdr Andrew Fienneman

Lt T'Pal

Ltjg "C.J." DeHavilland

Lt Silonez

Lt Chrisandra Davidson

Lt Mariposa Rodriguez

Ens Wandella Kristere
Aerowing pilot


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