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Posted on 08 Aug 2009 @ 9:11pm by

307 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: holodeck 2
Timeline: after "somthing that should not be done"

Silonez sat in the holodeck recreation of a bar, he looked down at the report. Adrmial Morgan had a reason to do what he did, but why was the question that needed an answer, one he wouldn't get until he returned from Romulus.

He pulled himself up from the stage area and exited the holodeck, as he walked down the corridor he knew it was time to put the self loathing and hate behind him, he had a mission to do, and he was going to do it. As he walked into the office, he saw Lita and Janis sitting at a desk talking, they both looked up. "We're about to cross the neutral zone and your have a chit chat?"

"So does this mean your back?" Janis retorted

"I'm going to look at our orders from Rittenhouse right now, then we are going too get down to gathering some good intel on romulan society, plus I want to get a good surrvey of Romulan communications, lets see how tight there security really is." Siloez said with some gusto

Lita spoke next "So what is the first thing we do?"

"We get in contact with this dissadent movement that Ambassador Spock is or was innvolved with, we need some hard data on where the Romulan government really stands on some matters. Plus I want a good lead on this group that attacked DS5, lets start beating the bushes and see how many rabbits come out." Silonez said

"Before we cross the boader should I see who we can contact from the under ground boss?" Janis jumped in.

"Get the data ASAP, plus I want to break out some of our covert goodies, this is a rare opertunity I want to take full advantage of." Silonez was beaming


Lt Silonez Ericson

Ens. Lita Masterson

WO Janis Cortice


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