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Pilots meet

Posted on 14 Aug 2009 @ 3:40pm by

1,444 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Crew Qaurters
Timeline: Before the attack

With a beer in the hand, Tarryn sat on the couch in the quarters assigned to her. She had just managed to get on before the ship had left SB47. It was a double room, so she was supposed to share, but the Liberator pilot who was assigned never made it, and apparently new one was due soon.

She didn't mind sharing, but she frigging hoped she didn't pull another goose ball like she did on her previous assignment. She didn't need another crazy, clingy, needy wannabe nurse. Reading though the specs of the new Liberator, she relaxed and sipped her beer, the pizza of the morning's breakfast chewed on absentmindedly.

Wandella entered the room that was to be hers, sitting her stuff down and looking over onto the couch, ~Hello, hot blonde.~ She smirked, then spoke, "Hello, I'm Wandella Kristere, the new pilot. And you are?"

Still chewing and lost in her thoughts, Tarryn jumped and spilled some of her beer on her chest. "Shit!... Sorry...." ~Crap~ she thought as she looked up at the gorgeous woman that had just walked into the room. Quickly swallowing she got up and tried to wipe her top. "I am Tarryn Marks, your co - pilot," she said stepping forward stretching out her hand.

Wandella took Tarryn's hand, though truthfully she was a lot more interested in the spilled beer, especially where it spilled, "Got any more of those, Tarryn ?"

Slightly awkward, Tarryn smiled and bit her lower lip as they two broke contact. "Sure, yeah and they are real," she said as she darted to the the lounge area, where she pulled a beer from the small bar fridge. "You want a glass?"

"No, I can drink from bottle." Wandella replied, popping the top off the beer with her Academy class ring, "Though I do have several good beer steins should we hold a party or something."

Now a smile spread over Tarryn's face. 'I think I like you..." she said as she unceremoniously plonked hersself on the couch again. "By the way.....welcome!" she said holding her bottle in the air.

"Many thanks." Wandella nodded, touching her bottle to Tarryn's, "I think I am going to like you myself."

~I hope so...~ Tarryn thought as she eyed her, but quickly checked herself. ~Take it easy, ....~ Apart from the fact that the newcomer might not be interested, she might not welcome Tarryn's lifestyle of non-committal fun. Better find out then. "So... what do you do for fun?" she asked

"Whatever I feel like." Wandella replied, sipping her beer, "I try not to fall into a routine. Falling into a routine is like falling in glue, you might never get out, and then you watch your life slip away from you. No, thanks, not for me." She turned back to Tarryn, "What about you? What does Tarryn Marks do for fun?"

She smirked as she sipped her beer. "Whatever grabs me in that moment. Could be one thing the one day, something else the next," she shrugged. "I like adventures, extreme sports... flying...very much like you said, the glue thing. You explained that well" she chuckled. "So you seem a bit "pretty* to be a pilot...what got you into flying?"

"I could say the same for you." Wandella winked, "But, as for what brought me into piloting, I would have to say my Uncle Vladimir, he was the chief test pilot of Starfleet. He taught me how to fly when I was young and I just fell in love with it, I've not wanted to be anything but a pilot since."

That caught Tarryn's attention. "Vladimir who?" she asked as if she knew that name?

"Lt. Cdr. Vladimir Kristere." Wandella replied, "He was one of the last 'mustang pilots' they commissioned during the Borg crisis. One day he was a PO2 flying travel pods, the next he's an ensign flying the first runabouts in combat and infiltration missions against the Borg. Ends his career as the top test pilot for the entire Starfleet."

"I know him!" Tarryn said surprised. "Well I met him.. Not really *know* him. He won't remember me," she said and shifted in her sear, slightly embarrassed. "He was my hero since I was very small," she said. "When you said your surname, I noted that it sounded familiar, and I was going to ask if you knew him.... Shit!... That is amazing," she said chuckling in disbelief.

"He taught me everything I know." Wandella beamed, "Had me flying in races by the time I was seven, I won my first feature in my fifth race. He says I'm better than he ever was, but I don't see where anyone can be better than he ever was."

Tarryn was clearly impressed and listened, just preventing her jaw to drop open in sheer surprise. "That is awesome," she said shaking her head. "I met him when he was a guest instructer at the academy. There was going to be a race as part of the course and one person was going to be chosen to have him as partner. I was that person. I was no nervous I almost peed in my pants," she laughed.

"I can imagine." Wandella laughed, her uncle definitely had star power, something he'd passed on to his niece, "I was always a little intimidated by him when it came to flying, his reputation was just...awe inspiring."

"Yep.... needless to say, we won that day. I did the flying, he did the navigating and the talking. I had learned more in one day than I did in 2 years." Tarryn finished her bottle of beer and got up to get another one, stretching a bit as she did so. She also replicated some popcorn and brought it with.

"I can't remember the last time he lost." Wandella laughed, "I can't actually confirm that it has ever happened. But, hearing you say he taught you more in one race than you learned in two years at the academy doesn't surprise me, practical exercises are so much more powerful than studying a book, they last longer, too."

"True... " Tarryn mused as she dug into the popcorn, offering her new found friend some too. "Any love life to speak of?" she asked glancing at Wandelle through her thick lashes. One blue and one brown eye watching her companion carefully.

Wandella took a handful of popcorn and munched it thoughtfully before answering, "Partners, yes, serious, no."

"Good," she said with a wink. "I have only been here for a few days, but I can tell you this much, this ship needs some loosening up," she laughed. "They are so stiff and formal, it's painful," she giggled.

"Oh, you tell me about this?" Wandella laughed, "I've already been in handcuffs on this ship!"

Tarryn's eyes widened in surprise first, then she joined Wandella in the laughter. "Hell, how did you manage that?!" she asked still laughing. "Wait let me guess... you violated one or the other protocol and pissed on someone's batteries because you are a better pilot?" she asked with a wink, enjoying the sound of Wandella's laughter.

"One or the other protocol?" Wandella asked with a laugh and a raised eyebrow, "No, no, darling, I violated all of them."

"Let's drink to that!" Tarryn said chuckling. "we need some action around here," she as the necks of their bottles clinked. Sobering slightly, she took another sip. "Talking of which... I wonder if we will see some real action.... this ship had already been in one battle..."

"Well, if we are to find a fight, we're ready." Wandella laughed, she knew she was ready for anything anyone could throw at her. She sipped her beer thoughtfully, then asked, "So, what does Tarryn Marks do for fun?"

"Hanging out with beautiful people," she replied, letting her companion know that she was included in that answer. "Oh yes and Flying helicopters, mid 20th to mid 21st century earth." Tarryn looked at the bags. "Need some help unpacking?"

"I actually meant what do you do for fun around here." Wandella laughed, "Though I will take that help unpacking, then maybe we can find a way to amuse ourselves."

"I have programmes for that for the holodeck... you know we have those here," she teased her new found friend. "Now THAT sounds like a plan," Tarryn grinned as she got up. "Unpacking then fun...." although I am having fun already...." she added.

"Wait until we're done unpacking, then you will know about fun." Wandella cooed sexily.



Ensign Wandella Kistere
Shuttle pilot

Ensign Tarryn Marks
Shuttle Pilot
(NPC by T'Pal)


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