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Comfort of a Klingon Kind

Posted on 20 Aug 2009 @ 9:48pm by Colonel Stadi Andrus & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

772 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Da`nal's quarters
Timeline: Back Post - following "After the Interview"

Melanie had repaired the damage to T'Pal and Cassiday was finally resting comfortably. The conversation with T'Pal was now bothering her and see needed to see her friend, she went in search of Da'nal.

Perhaps it was true that Talar had faked his death and wanted her to believe that he was dead. The whole the heart grew bigger and she felt sick.

Da`nal had just finished his 'meeting' with T'pal and was once again composing his letter, when the chime to his door sounded again. ~Who could it be now~, he thought. "Enter."

"Hello...Am I bothering you?" She asked quietly sensing annoyance.

"Well it seems I'm doing some entertaining tonight. Your patient, T'Pal, was just here. What can I do for you?"

"T'Pal said something to me and now...I am unsure what to think..." She sighed.

Motioning for her to take a seat. "Have a seat."

Melanie sat in the chair. "T'Pal suggested to me that Talar may have faked his death...but I don't understand...he died in Counsellor Mackenzie's arms."

Da`nal was puzzled. "What would make her suggest that?"

"I asked her how she got her injuries...I knew that you had already talked to her about Talar. I told her that I could not find his body after the attack."

Wrinkling his brow, Da`nal shook his head. "I asked her to look into the break in into your quarters and the disappearance. Did she have any evidence to support her suggestion?"

"I only sensed theories from her...nothing concrete. I'm more confused than I when I found out he was" She looked up at him.

So it had just been an 'impression' and not actual discussion. That made things a little clearer. "I can understand that must be confusing. But give her time to investigate, see could have just been looking at all the possible explanations." Shaking his head as he mentally kicked himself. "I'm such a terrible host. Can I get you anything?"

"A cup of tea please." She replied. "But what if it is true? He faked his death and left me completely broken?" Melanie asked watching Da'nal go to the replicator.

Returning with her tea he handed it to her retaking his seat. "Well lets assume for a moment that he did fake his death. Why? Why would he need to fake his death? Was Mackenzie in on it, and if so why? Was his past catching up with him? If so did that put you in danger?

"If he cared for you as you say, and he had to 'dissapear' isn't it likely that he would have found a way to let you know he was alive? "

"I never thought he would have to disappear in the first for Mackenzie, I sensed her mind, she believed what she was telling me."

"But hypothetically, IF he had to. He would find a way wouldn't he? But in this case you were clandestinely given a farewell holo....." As the words left his mouth his mind clicked. Or did he want her to think she was dead to protect her. But from what???

"Perhaps he didn't love me afterall." She replied to his thoughts. Melanie looked at the heavy silver bracelet, undid the clasp and placed it on Da'nal's desk. ~There.~ She thought to herself, ~ I am moving on...just as he wanted me to.~ Melanie looked back at Da'nal and gave him a sad smile. "It's done...let him be nothing more than a ghost."

Da'nal knew all to well that it was not that easy....even for Klingons. If she wanted to take that road it was not for him to say, but eventually she would be stronger for it. "Sounds like you've made up your mind."

"You both told me not to live in the move on and that is what I am trying to do. "

"GOOD." He leaned over, picking up the braclet. "I need you in the here and now, not distracted by a lost love. But..." He extended his hand, the braclet in his palm. "...just because he is gone, doen't mean you can not honor his memory."

Melanie took it back unwillingly and placed it into her lap. "Is it not unhonourable to deceive those you love?" She asked looking into his eyes.

"But did he deceive you? Did you ever sence that he was untruthful, or do you doubt him because of a theory?"

Melanie sighed. "He has never deceived me unless I asked him too."


Cmdr Da`nal

Lt Hemmingway


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