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Getting to Know You

Posted on 05 Aug 2009 @ 12:15pm by

666 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Science Lab
Timeline: Current

Mari was in the lab again, still trying to 'catch up' on what in the world it was that science was all about. She had to admit, there were several areas she was finding fascinating, stellar cartography being one.

Chrisandra was in another part of the Science Lab making sure that her report for her ranking officer was complete and accurate. She wanted to have Mariposa be proud of her new Science Officer. Satisfied that her report was in what she seemed was a finalized manner she turned and headed back the way she came and nearly ran into the CSO. "Oh I'm sorry Lieutenant! I didn't see you there. I was on my way to find you to give you this report." Chrisandra gulped and handed the padd to Mariposa. Would the CSO accept her report or make her redo it?

Looking it over, Mari began nodding and then looked up at the other woman with a smile, "Looks good. What are your thoughts on where to go from here?"

"Well I thought that we could gather some samples to study. And then once we get the results from the samples then we could see how it would affects the crew, starting with the Science Department. If nothing happens then we'll know the samples aren't dangerous. If they are, then we can try to come up with some kind of formula for the Medical Department to make to help protect us from it."

Nodding thoughtfully, Mari looked impressed and said, "Bueno, it sounds like a solid plan. Perhaps a bit risky to our own people but only those who volunteer need to take part. When and where would you like to begin?"

Chrisandra thought for a moment and said, "Well when we reach the next planet to do some geological surverys or something should do the trick. And when the time comes I think we should work on the samples in Science Lab 2." She lowered her voice and said, "I'll be one of the volunteers since it was my idea to test the samples. If anything goes wrong and I was the only one that exposed myself then the rest of the volunteers should be safe."

Mari agreed with a nod, "Sounds like a plan. Well, is there anything else you need me for at the moment or are we good for now?"

Chrisandra pondered the question and then said, "Well I just need to put in a request for the equipment needed for the day scheduled, but other then that I think we're good for now."

"Good," Mari said with a smile, "Then I'll talk to you later?"

"Sure." She paused and then said, "Are you busy later? Maybe we can grab a cup of coffee on our break or when our shifts are over. Is that ok with you?"

"Si," Mari smiled and nodded, "That would be fine. Just let me know when you're ready."

"Alright. See you later Lieutenant! I'll shoot you a message when I am off shift. Would it be alright if I invited a third person to join us?"

"Who are you thinking of?" Mari asked with a bit of hesitation in her eyes and voice. Depending on who it was, Mari might just decide to invite Termin as well...

Chrisandra noticed the hesitation, "I met a friend, Dr. Hemmingway, and I can see you want to invite someone too. You can if you want. I could use some company later and meet new people." Chrisandra smiled at Mari and said, "I don't mind who you invite. Who knows I may even like them as a friend."

Mari pursed her lips to hide a smile and nodded, "It's a 'date' then. I will invite Termin and you invite the doctor."

Chrisandra laughed, "What time do you want to meet?"

"8ish?" Mari responded.

"Cool. I'll see you then." Chrisandra smiled and returned to her work.

Lt Mariposa Hernandez Rodriguez
Chief Science
USS Freedom

Lt Chrisandra Davidson
Science Officer
USS Freedom


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