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Slow Learner

Posted on 23 Aug 2009 @ 10:19pm by Colonel Stadi Andrus

871 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: CMO's Quarters
Timeline: Current

CJ paused before the door to Melanie's quarters and drew himself up a bit, before pressing the door chime.

Melanie sensed CJ at her door and rolled her eyes but went to the door and opened it. "Hi CJ....still got those headaches?" She asked knowing full well he didn't.

CJ smiled back and produced a small bouquet of flowers. "Heard things have been a little rough round your end, thought I'd cheer you up." he smiled devilishly.

"How did you know that pink daisies are my favorite?" She smiled.

CJ grinned back, "A hunch." he replied, holding them out to her. "Looks like I was right." he added, stepping completely into her quarters and letting the door close behind him.

"Thank you." Melanie said taking the daisies from him and bringing them to her nose. She inhaled deeply before turning to the replicator and replicating a vase full of water.

"How've you been" CJ asked as she set the now full vase down on the table. "I haven't really seen you since we arrived at the Starbase." he added.

"Dealing with too much lately..." She replied looking at him sadly.

"Yah?" CJ asked, taking a seat at the table and looking up at her with a friendly smile. "Need to share with a friend, or would you rather a nice distraction?" he asked.

"What kind of distraction did you have in mind?" She asked.

"A little holodeck action?" he asked, winking slyly.

"That might actually be fun." She stood up. "Let's go." Melanie replied tugging at his arm.

CJ smiled broadly, surprised at Melanie's sudden interest and even more sudden playfulness. Maybe my charm is working, after all he thought to himself.

"So... I was thinking maybe something more like home? Maybe Paris, or maybe Risa?" he asked as they stepped into the turbolift.

"Paris...I have never been." She smiled at him.

CJ grinned even more, "Well then, Paris it is. We can have a café in one of those little shops and watch everyone go about their day. Sound fun?" he asked with a wink.

"It does...I haven't 'people watched' in a long time." It had been near ten years, right before she moved into the beach house with Talar. ~NO!~ She thought to herself. ~I will no longer think of him...he is gone to me now...I am moving on.~ She scolded herself.

CJ activated the holodeck and glanced back at Melanie oblivious to her inner workings. "Ready?" he asked as the door's hissed open and revealed a beautiful spring day in Paris.

"Yes." She smiled and linked her arm with his as they walked in.

It was the picture perfect scene of Paris. The Eiffel tower, the spring breeze, even down to the people walking lazily past going about their day. CJ walked with Melanie along the street until they approached a corner cafe. He smiled at her and point to a table where a waiter appeared no sooner than they sat down.

Melanie ordered herself a strawberry and chocolate scone and an espresso, she turned back to CJ to see what he would order.

"Espresso, s'il vous plait." he ordered, turning back to Melanie.

"Thank you..." She said quietly after the waiter had left.

"So..." he continued, "Been a busy few days, hasn't it." he smiled, thoroughly pleased with himself for having finally managed to get Melanie alone in nothing short of one of the most romantic places on Earth... even if it was a holographic representation.

"How many other women have you taken here?" Melanie asked.

CJ laughed and shook his head, "As smooth as I wish I was, this rarely ever works out to my advantage." he smiled.

"Not even to the real Paris?" Melanie asked, glad that she had been the first.

"I've never even been." he replied bashfully. "I spent most of my time in New Berlin, before my mom deployed with the Fleet. I've only been to Earth a few times. My time at the Academy was the longest I've ever spent there." he continued. "It's always just been this planet on the horizon... never home."

Melanie sat up straight in her seat and folded her hands on the table. "It was my home for ten years...longer if you count my time at the Academy...." She would not speak bitterly of her time on had been the happiest time of her life, was nothing more than a memory.

"In all honesty." CJ continued, "I never felt at home anywhere that wasn't moving. Anything that I couldn't adjust its course, or that stayed in one place too long wasn't really home. This." he said, gesturing around him. "This is just a stop along the way. A ship is home. The Freedom is home." he smiled across the table at her as the waiter quietly deposited their orders and withdrew.

CJ picked up his tiny glass of espresso and smiled. "To Paris." he said.

Melanie picked up her espresso, "To Paris." She replied and sipped her drink.


Lieutenant Melanie Hemmingway
Chief Medical Officer
USS Freedom

Lieutenant JG Curtiss "CJ" DeHavilland
Chief Flight Controller
USS Freedom


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