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Remind me what the joke was ...

Posted on 12 Jul 2009 @ 3:53am by

1,665 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Isha's Quarters
Timeline: Whilst at SB47


Isha looked over at Webb. "Well she sounded happy," she said without a hint of sincerity. "I'm not so certain this was a good idea, Webb. Would you be so kind as to fetch me some tea?" she added dropping her hands into her lap.

Isha was about to describe what she would really like, but it was not standard in Federation replicators - she did not feel like rummaging for the necessary ingredients so she settled for something they would have, "Red Leaf, please, fetch a pot and two glasses, you need to keep me convinced that I have not in fact just lost my mind.â€

T'Pal strode towards the Ambassador's quarters, hoping that there was a very good reason for Webb to ask her to join them. When she did arrive there, she pressed the annunciator and waited, hands held behind her back, feet slightly apart, her facial expression it's usually neutral self.

"Forget the tea then," Isha said, "Invite her in, and forgive me for playing games."

"Come in" was all Webb said.

T'Pal stepped inside, her eyes going from Webb to Isha, where she was sitting on the sofa. "What is the reason for calling me here?" she asked skipping the normal tedious pleasantries. "You's better have a damned good reason," she said to Webb, but including Isha.

"The Ensign here had a joke he wanted to share with you," Isha said with an absolutely straight face.

T'Pal glared at them both. 'I don't have a sense of humor, ambassador and I have no intention of developing one either," she said dryly. With a nod to Isha and a final annoyed look at Webb, she turned in her tracks to leave again.

"Oh, before you stalk out of here I think you should hear this, you might even manage a smile ... and it might help you find your unwanted guest," she added just in case the woman was stupid enough to leave without finding out why she had been asked here.

"I did the investigation on the new science officer, Nerok. Here is my report." Handing T'Pal the Padd.

"As you can see, it's not complete. The record is there, he is a fresh graduate from the academy but, there is no visual ID of him anywhere on Vulcan. I can not verify that this record belongs to the science officer on this ship named Nerok. I saw him today for the first time. There is something odd about him. He seems too cold for a new officer. He gives me the creeps. The Ambassador says that she has seen him somewhere before and can't remember where and that it would not be possible for him to be a new starfleet officer. I believe the Ambassador in this matter but, she needs help to remember where she saw him. More specifically, she needs your help........mindmeld with her so she can remember. It could shed some light.

Isha tilted her head and watched for T'Pal's reaction; she still was not totally convinced of the merits of the idea and she was seriously considering changing her mind, burdensome though that might prove for Webb once his superior got him alone and on to the topic of wasting her time.

"Even a committed anhedonic such as yourself must admit that the idea is hilarious, Lieutenant T'Pal," Isha observed.

Somehow the idea of a mind meld with the Ambassador sounded grimly appealing, but she wasn't going to consent to do it just because of that. Looking past Isha she addressed her subordinate first. "That sounds like an order, Ensign." she said coolly as what he said would constitute an instruction. "You can state a *request*, not give an instruction to a superior officer" she continued. Eying both of them dispassionately, she said: "I am not entirely opposed to the idea, but a mind meld is not the only way to retrieve data that is forgotten. There are other ways which I am sure you should be aware of," she stated flatly.

"My apologies Lieutenant. It wasn't meant to be taken that way but, I did want to stress the importance that I think the mindmeld will be." Webb stated plainly.

Isha pushed to her feet, "I haven't FORGOTTEN anything," she said, "I cannot recall - there is an enormous difference ... if he had not indulged himself with that same sort of cold, critical appraisal you are relishing giving me now now I don't think I would have even noted the man ... I can't find him T'Pal ANYWHERE in my memory. He IS there and I don't know why!"

Isha returned to her earlier position at the dining table, "Leave," she said tracing a pattern on the smooth surface of the table with her finger, "Both of you. Thank you Webb for attempting to find an answer. I have attempted to assist you, but am not prepared to tolerate such obstinacy; I suggest that you note our intentions in your log and leave it at that."

"For goodness sake, Ambassador... There is no need to take it personally. ghay'cha! Hell, I would do anything to get to Nniol and find his accomplice," T'Pal said, showing a bit more of her Klingon and passionate side. "I was referring to hypnosis for instance.... it is less invasive for *you* Ambassador," she said.

Isha did not bother to look up, "For a moment I could have thought that there was blood in your veins," she said tapping a fingernail rhythmically on the table top; of course it was personal, how could it be anything but?! "Even if there was anyone here who could do that, I doubt that they would have much success with hypnotism, I have an unco-operative sort of mind and if I have been prevented from recalling this man then I am unlikely to give up his identity unless our approach is very focused. I do not want to do this in the slightest, and I am rapidly losing my willingness to put my own concerns aside in order to assist."

T'Pal suppressed a sigh. "Ambassador, we are after the same thing, are we not?" she asked. "The mind meld was not my idea, and believe me it would be strenuous for both of us and more so for me, especially as you suggest that your mind is uncooperative." There was no accusation in her voice, she was merely stating the facts. " But if it would give us Information we seek, I am willing to attempt to retrieve the information, if you have exhausted other means to recall the information. If you suspect that you cannot do it on purpose, we should do what we can to get to the bottom of it." T'Pal's attitude was reasonable and as concerned as she could be. "I need to be sharp and focused for my *meeting* with Nniol later, I do not wish to compromise that either." For a change she needed understanding, they both needed or be willing and in agreement for the meld to go smoothly.

Isha turned, leaning sideways against the back of her chair, "I cannot guarantee that this will turn out to be the man you seek, but certainly I know that he shouldn't be here on this ship ... that in itself should be of interest even if he is not our intruder."

"I am quite aware that this nerok may or may not be working for nniol, that is why I will go ahead with my plan to see him later in any case," T'Pal said thoughtfully. "I hope this will be worth it ... I must say I am surprised that you do agree at all.... especially as I will be the one performing the meld.." she added watching Isha.

It may be the only way in which I can get you to trust me Isha thought, though she still hoped that it would not come to T'Pal having to place that sort of trust in her, mhnei'sahe could be a fickle guide at times.

"Webb is very convincing, if we find anything you will have him to thank. He believes that you can help and so far I am willing to trust his judgment," Isha did not add that her opinion was influenced by the responsibility she felt responsible for the dismissal her first guard and for whatever reprimand both he and Webb had received. "If we agree to do this I will not actively resist you, T'Pal, but I only have one piece of information to use ... he has dead eyes, just like yours, but I saw them previously in a different face."

Isha's description of her eyes was curious to T'Pal, and she arched an eyebrow. It didn't bother her in particular. No one could do what she had done and be left unscathed, but she wasn't aware that it was that evident in her eyes, but again, the Ambassador was particularly observant. "I will keep that in mind.." she said, already thinking about her preparation. "Alright, as said, I am willing, but we need to do this soon. I need an hour of meditation," she informed them.

Isha nodded, "You may use my bedroom. I'm sure that Webb is happy to remain here and make sure I don't change my mind and run away. Tell me, if I have a little Kal'iFhou will that make it easier or harder?" she asked.

"It will make no difference to me, but it might relax you," she said with a hint of a smile. "In fact afterwards, I might want to join you for some, Ambassador," T'Pal said, again showing some of her Klingon side.

"Then you 'll be playing catch-up ... I'm sorry Webb, but I think I would get you into trouble if I asked you to join me ... perhaps you could make do with an inert version from the replicator," she suggested.

To be continued ...


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