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Posted on 24 Jun 2009 @ 4:00am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

2,042 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Science Lab 2
Timeline: Current

“You are the Chief Science Officer,†Nerok said a question rather than a statement. “Please come with me. I require you observe.â€

He gestured toward the far end of Laboratory Two where a number of phials were spinning in a machine.

Mari followed the man silently. She had not been the chief of science long and she only hoped she had knowledge of what he needed. If not, she would need to begin delegating to find more information...

“The sample comes from the weapon that was used to attack the Captain’s family on Deep Space Five – a Klingon weapon named a mevak. There are three traces of DNA present – one I have linked to the Romulan cadaver retrieved from the room where the attack took place, the second to the Klingon woman who was injured in the same attack – the third, Lieutenant Rodriguez, appears to have been secreted earlier. Unlike the others, it does not come from a blood sample – it is also Romulan.â€

"If it does not come from a blood sample, then what does it come from? And from whom?" Mari asked, perplexed as she began to inspect the sample herself.

“I have no suspicions,†the Vulcan stated. “My analysis indicates that there are similarities between the sample and that taken from a prisoner we are holding.â€

Mari frowned, taking a closer look at the strands under the powerful microscopic device, "No me digas," she muttered to herself and then looked up, "Have you looked at this? What are your thoughts?"

“I have examined that sample and it shows clear evidence of contamination, look please, ma’am,†he said, bringing a colourful blow up onto his screen. “The first was immediately after the prisoner was brought aboard, and this, then this, clearly show that it was tampered with. We can derive no meaningful conclusions.â€

"Si...contamination is definitely evident," Mari responded as she looked at the screen, confirming what she'd thought she'd seen previously.

“I hesitate to speculate …but allow me to hypothesize … whoever was responsible for taking the initial sample, or recording it, introduced a foreign agent which has caused the mutation. Ma’am,†Nerok continued in his bland Vulcan monotone, “it is imperative that I acquire a genuine sample of the prisoner's DNA – it may be the only link we can establish with that person and the attack on Deep Space Five. I ask that you contact the Chief of Security and authorize me to take a new sample.â€

"This will need to go through the captain as well, not just the security chief," Mari frowned.

“In twenty minutes this cycle will be complete but I then have only ten before I must commence the next or else the experiment will be invalid, as would be any proof we could derive from it.â€

"I am sorry," Mari said with a shake of her head, "I will need to contact the captain for clearance and then, IF he consents, I will need to be present when the sample is taken."

“I understand procedure, Ma’am,†Nerok said without rancor, “Your presence would be appropriate given the unconventional nature of the request. If you would.â€

Nerok gestured to the console, his toes curling against the sort of embellishment that would make this one take the matter to her heart. “Thirty six hours for the first analysis, the same for the following,†he stated instead, knowing that she would make the link between the one who tried to murder Da’nal’s children and the sample.

"This will take just a moment," Mari said with a nod as she contacted the captain, =A= Rodriguez to Commander Da`nal. Requesting permission to take another DNA sample from the prisoner. Please advise. =A=

Putting the Padd down as the request came through. "Another sample? Care to explain?"

=A= To confirm a theory that there was tampering with samples already taken, Sir, =A= Mari said seriously, =A= I would like to oversee when the sample is taken myself this time to be sure that there is no further contamination and to study the new sample alongside the previous... =A=

"Very well. Re-examine the chain of custody and examination of that sample to verify the source of the contamination. "

=A= Si, Señor. =A= came Mari's response. She then returned and said, "Si, we are permitted to take another sample. The captain is contacting the security chief to advise him of our arrival."

"Ma'am, I have already impressed on you the import of this matter. Should you, or your superiors give it less weight than I that is your decision as the Chief Science Officer," Nerok said.

"I believe we are taking this seriously, Señor," Mari said firmly.

Nerok closed his eyes and pressed his fingers together as though meditating on her words. He nodded his head sharply in understanding before he raised his gaze again. "I apologise, Ma'am. If you would prefer someone else to collect the sample that would be acceptable," though 'Nerok' knew quite well that no-one else qualified was available.

"That will not be possible," Mari frowned before asking, "Shall I contact the Chief of Security myself to see if they are prepared to receive us?"

Nerok merely nodded and maintained his impassive stance; there was no requirement to reiterate his point.

=A= Rodriguez to security. Chief, I need clearance to get another sample from one of your prisoners. I have cleared it with the captain, ya. Are we able to come to you now? =A=

T'Pal refrained from asking the science chief if she wanted the prisoner dead or alive, and that she would be very willing to comply to make sure the sample was dead, but she tapped her badge. =A= You can come now =A= she said simply.

Looking at Nerok, Mari raised her brows in a rather scrutinizing manner and said, "Listo? Shall we go?"

Nerok looked down at her, his face impassive, "Please lead the way Ma'am."

In short order, the two were arriving to main security and Mari led them toward the brig, looking around for T'Pal so that she could check in with her regarding their arrival, "The chief should be here to 'escort' us..." she said.

T'Pal stepped towards them as she became aware of the two scientists in main security. "Lieutenant," she greeted the chief and nodded towards the Vulcan. "I presume you are here to see Nniol?" she asked.

"The Romulan prisoner," Nerok said extending a padd to her containing the particulars of his experiment. "Name and gender are not relevant to my research."

T'Pal wasn't really talking to him, but turned her head to look at him. "You will stay right here," she said and then addressed the science chief. "Lieutenant, do what you need to do, I will accompany you," she said.

Mari nodded and went with T'Pal to see the prisoner, murmuring under her breath as they walked, "Something about this seems off..."

Before they got to Nniol and they were out of sight of the seemingly unhappy Vulcan, T'Pal pulled Mari aside. "What do you mean?" she asked, alerted.

Looking around first to be sure there were no eavesdropping ears, Mari shook her head and whispered, "There is something strange about all this. The previous specimen is contaminated but I cannot explain how. It doesn't make sense unless..." she shrugged, indicating that she was sure T'Pal knew what she had planned to say.

"How long has he been on board?" she asked urgently.

"Uncertain," Mari frowned, "In the midst of all the chaos...I could only guess..."

She nodded sharply. "There may be an intruder on board, or maybe even more than one... please do not trust any one, and let me know of any suspicious behaviour," she said as she guided Mari back. They couldn't stay out of sight for too long as it might arouse suspicion.

"There is your specimen," she said coldly as she showed Mari to the prisoner.

"Can't a man get any sleep around here?" Nniol asked with exaggerated weariness, "What is it this time? Have you come to introduce your new bodyguard to me, T'Pal, she's almost as ugly as you are. Or is this some bizarre form of torture you've devised for me? "

"You wish," T'Pal said coldly. "But unfortunetely the torture will have to wait for another time. This Lieutenant wants a DNA sample, but keep your pants on...." There were no words to discribe the amount of sarcastic disgust in her voice.

"Oh, I only have eyes for you," Nniol said without a hint of sincerity. "And just what are you going to do about it if I refuse?"

"Shoot you," T'Pal said with a bored indifferent expression, lifting her phazer. She would have liked to give him the painful version of a Vulcan neck pinch, but then she would have to touch him and that was more than she could bare.

"You'll have to drop that shield first. Go right ahead and lets see if I can reach her before you can shoot me," he suggested with a shrug.

"Now get down on your stomach, hands behind your head, legs spread...move!"

Nniol rolled his eyes, "Just the order I was planning to give you, T'Pal," he said evenly, the amusement behind his smirk and the dangerous glint in his eyes entirely his own as quite slowly and with each movement exaggerated he complied with her request. Send your little Lieutenant in then."

"I will have to disappoint you... that will remain a dream," she said sarcastically, allowing him to her a lewd tone in her voice. She needed him to get the idea that she was not quite indifferent to him.

Once she lowered the force field she, she stepped through the opening, her phazer in her hand, ready to shoot him if he even breathed too much. He was dangerous and she didn't underestimate him. She could have shot him before she even stepped inside, but she wanted him to catch a whiff of her scent, the distinct scent usually associated with sexual arousal. "Don't even think to move," she said, standing where she could see his eyes. She will not break eye contact for even one millisecond.

"You cannot even begin to imagine what I am thinking, Quilyr," Nniol said with a soft chuckle.

He was quite aware of the other woman and ignored the sting in his neck as she leached his blood - it was not Nevala, which was a surprise to him ... did they even manage to get aboard? He wondered ... if not then he really was in a predicament, relying on Isha to do the right thing was risky, she was far too unpredictable, but without contact from his agents she was all Nniol had ... "I'll show you soon enough," he added, aware that the hybrid was still watching him intently

"I can't wait," T'Pal said indifferently.

While T'Pal had him distracted, Mari went about gathering the new sample and, when she was done, turned back to T'Pal and said, "Done."

T'Pal nodded for Mari to leave and stepped backwards out of the cell. Once they were both out, she reactivated the force field and with one last look towards the caative they made their way back.

"I suggest you replicate a duplicate of that sample.... let us see what happens to it," she said with a devious smile. "I want to catch this traitor," she said with disgust as they walked back, but out of ear shot of anyone, including the Vulcan, who was waiting for them, under the quiet observation of her staff who had been very careful after the incident with the Ambassador.

Mari didn't say a thing, but she'd already decided to do exactly as T'Pal had suggested. When they arrived back where they had come in, the science chief looked at Nerok seriously and nodded, "It is done."

"Then with your permission I will withdraw and continue my experiment," he said. Nerok had achieved exactly what he had intended.


Nerok, A Science Officer
Nniol tr'Illialhlae
Both NPCd by Louise

Lt T'Pal

Lt Mariposa Hernandez Rodriguez

Commander Da'nal of the House of Varal


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