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A Short History of Isha - Part 5

Posted on 13 Jun 2009 @ 1:42am by

994 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Isha's Quarters
Timeline: After leaving DS5

Isha pushed to her feet and moved to the open trunk. She extracted her portable terminal and brought it back to the seating area. Isha did not take her place opposite ELek but slipped in beside him. “Major Darson, the Marine CO of DS5 acquired this for me – I paid for it with a life,†she said as she opened it and searched for the relevant information. “Darson will not hesitate to come after me if he thinks I have shared it – I told him that I had no interest in taking this beyond my government, which was and is true. Here, Lieutenant Elek,â€

Isha indicated the screen. The names were as plain as they had been when she had first read them and found the fruit of her long investigation.

"I can provide you with a copy of the file if you require it."

Elek nodded. "Thank you. You realise that I will have to forward this to my captain?"

Isha nodded. “Rhiu ir- Ainleth and Arrhae i-Nn'Verih t’Rehu,†she said twisting her skirt between her fingers, “ir-Ainleth, as her name suggests is a Senator and planetary Governor, the other woman married ir-Ainleth’s brother – he was commanding one of the vessels that attacked DS5. Captain Tahir asked for my assistance and she played me his communication – his name is H’daen tr’Rehu.

She snapped closed her machine and extracted a data chip, “Here,†Isha pushed it into Elek’s hand. “Lieutenant Elek, I am trusting your discretion, but if you must, you may share what I have told you. Nniol will not think for a moment that I could bring myself to relate my story to another being, he also does not know the extent of my knowledge about their plot. You have an advantage – use it.â€

Elek nodded. "Madam, I will." He hesitated. "I appreciate you telling me this, Ambassador. It's a huge risk, as well as a big emotional upheaval. What you have told me, I will ... deal with accordingly. If you ever chose to discuss the emotional aspect of your life, I would never share that with anyone, ever - under my counselor's code of conduct."

Isha laughed softly, the sound catching in the back of her throat. “What a peculiar man you are,†she said as the gurgle died, “I’ve just given you carte blanche and yet you are reluctant to use it – I appreciate that, but don't make me promises. Do what you must.†Isha placed her machine on the table and reached over for her shawl. “There is one thing that I would ask you in return for my honesty,†she said.

Elek raised an eyebrow. "And what is that?"

Isha swallowed, “I want to speak with my husband’s brother alone and I want all the usual monitoring devices in the cell and interview area deactivated.â€

Elek's eyebrows almost disappeared into the top of his head. "I'm sorry, I cannot authorise that, Madam. Nor, to be honest, would I want to, even if I could. I'm not sure it would be such a brilliant idea anyway.

"But," he went one, holding up a hand to forestall Isha's opening mouth, "I wouldn't be offended if you went over my head to the captain and asked him, if it's really that important."

Briefly Isha closed her eyes as her teeth grasped the inside of her cheek and she refrained, barely, from losing her temper. “I will ask nothing of the Klingon beyond what I already have – to take me home. I misjudged you, Lieutenant Elek. I thought that you wanted to resolve this matter, I see that after everything that is not the case.â€

"I do want to resolve this issue, Madam," said Elek, a strong passion in his voice. "I'm just reluctant to put you in a room, alone, with the man who had done everything he can to destroy you. You asked me here as a counselor - meeting him would, in my opinion, destroy your emotional health, as it currently stands. Additionally, I need to present this to my captain - how I possibly say that I agreed to let two enemies meet, without a single witness or record of the incident?"

“Why do you need to say anything at all?†Isha queried. “Its not as though I asked you to let him out of his cell.â€

Elek couldn't help wondering if she had, in some way, cracked. He knew she had to understand his viewpoint, but she was refusing officially to understand. She knew what she wanted, and her ... determination to do it her way was overwhelming.

"I will not agree to your demand, at least not in the way you want. If you want to meet with him, then I can understand that, but I will observe from the adjoining room."

“If you wish to see me abase myself,†Isha sighed her reluctant agreement to the condition as she drew her shawl around her arms. “Unlike you I can’t read minds, but I do know how he thinks – observe if you must.â€

"I must." Elek quietly rose. "I will make arrangements for you to meet him. Meet me there in 30 minutes, Ambassador."

Holding the phial and the disc, he nodded, and walked to the door. He paused, and looked back. "Ambassador?"

"The dead of night, when it is quiet and I can claim to have evaded my guard and come alone and in desperation... otherwise he'll not believe me," she said, more than anything she had to work out what she was going to say. "I'll let you know when I am ready."

Elek nodded. That he would accept. "Thank you for sharing your story with me, Madam," Elek said. "It's a worthy story. I will act upon it, trust me on that."

With that, he left.


Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illialhlae

Lt (JG) Termin Elek
CDO / Counselor

OOC - shall we post?
Yep. :)


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