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The new Butterbar

Posted on 06 May 2024 @ 11:09pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & 2nd Lieutenant Emily Spicer & Gunnery Sergeant James Wickman

1,013 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future
Location: Captain's Ready Room

Rico looked over the list of court-martial charges looking to be brought against the two Marines in the brig. The padd contained all the eye witness testimony, medical reports, and other evidence. Due to the circumstances, and after a conversation with the regional JAG it was decided that the two would be transported to Star base 514 for trial. There was a hell of a list and even if the JAG decided to drop some, it was a sure thing that their careers were over and that they'd be staying at a penal colony for a while.

While they waited for the Lieutenant to arrive Rico looked to the Gunny. "How are things down below?"

"Morale is a bit shaken. None of us are happy we weren't able to prevent the...incident from happening. The action aboard the Granger helped give a bit of action to dispel the useless feeling. The two sitting in the brig is not helping much either. You know the instinct to self-address and self-correct." James responded, knowing better than to pull any words or punches with Rico.

"Well now that the Granger is patched up they will be taking them to Starbase 514, the JAG there is waiting for them. That will leave the detachment slightly undermanned but in all the commotion we did pick up the Commanding officer you all have been missing. She was injured when the Granger was damaged but she's been released from sickbay and is on her way here now."

James nodded at the warning and groaned. "You know a fresh Butterbar is not the best thing around here, right? Not with the morale shaken, the incident still fresh, and the sting of the XO deciding to bite our heads off. Give you 10-to-1 odds those two have a blow up inside of a month. And speaking off odds, that new Engineer is proving to be a pretty adept fighter, you might want to work on your form." He added with a grin at the reminder of the lapse in concentration that cost Rico a black eye recently.

The last forced a chuckle over the closed door disrespect for an officer. "I may have gotten a shiner, but I still won the match...again. But I will definitely take your tip under advisement. Now about the ne..."

Before he could address the Gunny's other issues, the chime to his door sounded. "Enter."

After getting her arm fixed in sickbay Emily had checked on the Captain's status but with the current crisis with the Granger she couldn't officially report for duty. Despite that the Captain's Yeoman, who was a bit too casual and something she would address when she met the Captain, had arranged for her to get into her quarters so she could freshen up prior to meeting the Captain.

Now she stood at the ready waiting. Even as the door open she stepped off, coming around the occupied chair and stopping exactly one pace from the Captain's desk coming the position of attention, rendering her salute. "2nd Lieutenant Emily Shiver reporting for duty Sir."

Rico glanced at the Gunny, perhaps he had been right. Standing he returned the salute. "At ease Lieutenant. Have a seat. Gunny, if you wouldn't mind..."

James immediately stood and moved to the left. relinquishing the sole chair to Emily and using this chance to observe her demeanor. So far, it wasn't a good feeling. "Ma'am".

Emily nodded to the Gunnery Sergeant as he surrendered the one chair, taking the seat herself.

What with the Granger and the other issues on his was really too busy for the usual meet and greet that he usually conducted, but he wanted to at least get an initial meeting in. "I understand you broke your arm when the Granger was damaged?"

"Yes Sir. Your ship's EMH fixed my arm quite nicely and said I will be fully recovered by tomorrow."

"Excellent. Unfortunately with the current situation I don't have the time for the normal meet and greet I usually conduct with my new department heads but we will get something on the book once we are on our way. Regardless, I at least want to welcome you aboard."

The Captain of a ship was the Captain and could do things as he or she saw fit. "I completely understand Sir. This is your ship and you call the shots, but I look forward to and will make myself available whenever you like."

"Good to hear. Well then if you'll both excuse me I have a several issues with the Granger and a few transfers to address. Gunny Wickham here can bring you up to speed and answer any questions you might have."

Emily stood with a glance to he new SNCO. "Roger that Sir."

"Aye, Sir." James responded to the order, mentally sighing about the probable baby-sitting duty he was just saddled with. Then again, Emily could turn out to be reasonable? James held his position until after Emily exited the room, following protocol for the time being.

As they made their way to the turbo lift, "Well Gunnery Sergeant. How does the Captain want things run and what kind of platoon do I have waiting for me?"

James looked over at Emily, deciding to err on the side of caution. "Do you prefer Ma'am, Sir, or Lieutenant as the mode of address? I think we should table this discussion until we reach your office." There was a cautious note to his voice, warning her the information would be...pleasant.

She let out a breath at the tone. "Well if there were problems to address that was just something she would have to deal with, figure out why they weren't addressed before now, and make sure they didn't happen again. "Deck 12.
Lieutenant or Ma'am is fine and since we are waiting to discuss the status of the Platoon; why don't you tell me about yourself?"

Captain Ricardo Montoya

2nd Lieutenant Emily Spicer
Marine Platoon Leader
NPC by Capt. Montoya

Gunner Sgt James Wickham
Marine Platoon Sgt.
NPC by Lt. James Mitchell


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