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On the Road Again

Posted on 22 Apr 2020 @ 12:19am by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya

276 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M-17: Blood Moon Rising
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: MD 4 - 0930

"Captains Log, Stardate: 71298.51

"Again I am filing an objection to the reassignment of my XO and being sent out into uncharted space without a replacement and request a formal inquiry.
Once again Starfleet has issued order while there are significant vacancies in our command staff. With the near constant assignment and reassignment of my officers it would seem someone over personnel is purposefully messing with my crew. Pause recording."

Leaning back in his chair, "Computer, delete the last sentence and resume.

"As a result I will be appointing Lt. Commander Kreval as acting First Officer until we can properly fill the position.

"The Phoenix has left Teralis 4 to track down the distress signal detected by the Federations newest dilithium suppliers. Apparently all of their ships were tied up with aid the construction of the new mining facility or other commercial ventures. I have to admit I was no more pleased to speak with the Imersa Council than they were to see me again but they sent us all the data they had on the signal, without too much difficulty. Probably for no other reason than to get the Phoenix out of the system. Though I got the distinct impression that they were pleased the Phoenix had been assigned to this little errand of theirs.

"The intitial information showed that the signal originated on the far side of their 'commercial' space and had been detected by one of the Imersa's clients and relayed to Teralis. To date the ship that sent the original signal has been accounted for so we will beginning our search at the last known coordinates.

"End log entry."

Captain Ricardo Montoya


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