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Straight to work

Posted on 01 Feb 2019 @ 1:31am by Lieutenant Heather Fischer-Montoya
Edited on on 05 Jun 2024 @ 5:16pm

1,141 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M-15 Prison Planet
Location: Deck 7, Isolation Suite A

Nassie was still trying to adapt to her new surroundings. She was told to report in with Heather Fischer-Montoya. Together they would be working on a faulty relay for the Isolation Suite, in room A. She walked over to Heather. "Cadet Nassie Essu, reporting as ordered." She said with a big smile on her face, and a tool kit in her hand.

Heather was still feeling a bit queasy and swallowed hard again. "No need to be so rigid Cadet. This isn't the Academy after all. So I see you area all ready to get to work." Motioning her to go first into one of sickbay's critical care area, "Lets see what you can do?"

"Yes Ma'am." Said Nassie, as she started to walk next to heather. The lady seemed to have a glow about her, but Nassie was not sure why. She was not use to dealing with adults, who were pregnant. She kept her tool kit close to her side, as she followed Heather. "Where do you want me to start first?" Asked Nassie, not trying to be rigid, she was trying to be respectful of the Heather's rank.

The sterile smells from the lab seemed almost noxious but she managed to keep a smile on her face. "Well since we don't have the Ops holo-display to show us what exactly the problem is what do you think you should be doing first?"

"We should try the tricorder." Teased Nassie, wondering if Heather was teasing her, or training her or both? Nassie pulled out the tricorder, and started to scan the room. She hoped she passed this part of a test, if it was a test. The last thing she wanted was to alienate herself. But as a cadet, she was told at the academy, that the crew of the ship you will be serving on, will test you and make sure you are ready to become a starfleet officer.

"Perfect." Smiling with a bit of a chuckle. "Just like any problem you look for that root cause and fix it at the source. Of course that's the text book answer. Out here, there are times when you have to patch the problem and move on until the situation allows for a proper repair. That the one thing medics, engineers, and ops all have in common...sometimes we have to triage. And at times, cut our losses." Pausing slightly, "Not that you haven't already heard that I'm sure."

"Yes triage. They taught the concept to us, but surely every day life on a starship, will allow for proper maintenance and care. Unless your saying every day brings new crisis for the operations team to handle?" Asked Nassie, as little confused. From what heard at the academy. Average life on a starship can be classified as routine. It's not till you encounter something, where things get interesting.

"For the most part it is routine, but even with routine maintenance things can breakdown unexpectedly. To add to that the Phoenix is a brand new ship. That means there are still bugs to get worked out. When I said '...tere are time when...', I was referring the the non-routine."

"Has the Phoenix separated yet?" Nassie, with a sense of curiosity in her voice. It was not of the features she loved about the Prometheus class starships. Their ability to split into the three ships. She could not help, but show a little enthusiasm. She was still a cadet, and this was her very first deep space assignment.

Grinning at the youthful display. "Oh yeah, but you missed that part. We had a bit of a shake down cruise through the system around DS5, which included a few separations drills. That reminds me, we need to get you a separation assignment."

Returning to the original question, "but don't worry I'm sure there we be other instances of separation for you to participate in.

"That would be amazing. I heard the separation process, is pretty intense, but in a good way." Nassie said, remembering the technical briefing on the Prometheus class starship. And instantly falling in love with it.

Shaking her head as a hand subconsciously went to her abdomen. "Don't get too anxious, if the ship has to seperate it's going to be intense enough as it is."

"What part of the ship are you assigned too, when she separates?" Nassie asked out of curiosity. She needed to find out, what section she could be assigned too. She hoped one of the lower half's of the ship.

"I go with the XO to the lower engineering section as the bridges ops officer. Not to worry, once we get down here we will find you a spot." Nodding back to the open panel, "So what do got there?"

"A damaged relay circuit." Nassie said, as she tried to refocus her attention on the project at hand. She pointed the relay so Heather could see it. She heard Heather words, about finding out her spot later on. But she could not help, but be curious.

Heather pushed off the bulkhead and picked the tricorder as she knelt to examine things for herself. She looked at the relay circuit and then also examined the surrounding pathways. "The relay is definitely out, but look here. See, there are too many connection runninin through which led it to burn out. Eventuality the backup would go as well. So not only does the primay relay need to be replaced and replace with a higher capacity relay, but the backups too."

Nassie smiled, as she watched Heather explain to her, what to look for. She would not thought about looking at the backup relay. "Do you mind if I repair them both?" Nassie asked, knowing that Heather was going to observe her every move.

Backing away with a smile and a gesture. "Have at it."

Nassie begin to repair the relays and followed the advice of Heather. She noticed Heather looking over her shoulder, and with a big grin, she continued to on with her work. She waited for some feed back. She hoped to hear she was doing great, and to keep it up. She feared to hear, 'well try it this way.'

Despite having someone hovering over her, Heather nodded approvingly at her work as the Cadet repaired the relay. "Looks good." She backed away making an annotation in the next shifts duty log to have an additional relay installed in this section to distribute some of the load for that section.

"As soon as you get that buttoned up we can go take care of that seperation assignment. "

"Yes Ma'am." Nassie said with a big grin on her face. After a few minutes she had completed the task.

Lt. Heather Fischer-Montoya

Cdt SG Nassie Essu
Operations Officer


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