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Posted on 12 Jun 2009 @ 7:49pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

608 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: USS Freedom
Timeline: Day 3 2130


It had been a long couple of days and now everything was in place. The Freedom was about to set off towards a place that few Federation Starships have ever been to...Romulus.

It was well into the ships second shift, but all the senior staff were at their depature stations. Da`nal looked to his left to the empty First officers chair. Thinking to himself, ~At least we're picking him up on they way.~

Tapping the panel on his command console he opened a channel to engineering. "Mr. McPherson, are my engines ready?"

"As they'll ever be Captain" John said with a sigh, unsure as to how this trial by fire was going to work out, but standing by and ready to keep her going, as long as he could.

"All stations report departure status."

Lt Cranz checked her OPS console and reported, Ships Operations...ready for departure...Auxiliary power is fully charged at 100 percent Sir."

"Science is ready for departure," Mari responded through her com from the main science lab.

"Diplomatic and Counselling ready, Captain," came Elek's voice over the comm link from the diplomatic suite. "May we meet when we've cleared Spacedock?"

"Once we're clear and on our way. In my ready room."

"Tactical ready, all weapons systems and shields are fully functional, sensors operational," T'Pal reported from the tactical console.

"intel here, stations secure, and ready to depart." Lita said

Turning back toward the viewscreen that showed the interior of the cavernous docking area. "Helm, do we have depature clearence?"

CJ tapped his panel a few times and nodded, "Aye, sir. We are clear for departure." he sid.

"Very good. Clear all moorings and take us out. Slower than last time Mr. DeHavilland if you don't mind. One quarter impluse."

"Not sure she can take it, sir." he chuckled, moving his hands gently over the panel as he coaxed the Freedom from her moorings and out into open space.

Elek had arrived on the bridge just in time to see the ship get underway, and felt a frisson of excitement. Unable to supress it, he laughed out loud - he was free, racing amongst the stars again.

Da`nal looked over at his diplomatic officer. "Something funny Mr. Elek?"

Elek realised where he was, and cleared his throat. "No, sir. Apologies."

Da`nal smiled inwardly. "Helm set a course for Star Base 47, Warp 8."

"Course set and laid in, sir." CJ replied, his panel chirping in confirmation.


CJ pressed his fingers firmly against the panel, even though it wasn't neccessary, and watched as the ship leapt forward and the stars turned into blurs, moving swiftly past.

Once the ship was at warp he stood. "It's been a long day for everyone, and make sure your Beta shift reliefs understand they owe most of you a few hours." Looking behind him he say the Officer of the Day waiting to take control of the bridge. "Lt. Reynolds you have the bridge. Mr. Elek you wanted to speak to me?" Waving him toward the Ready room.

Satisfied that the internal sensor caalibration showed no variance and external sensors were working at hundred percent efficiency, T"Pal allowed herself some relief as the ship sped into the blackness of space. Chances of another intruder boarding the ship were signaficantly lower when not docked at a station. One was quite enough.


Cmdr Da`nal

Lt (JG) Termin Elek
CDO / Counselor

Lt Mariposa Hernandez Rodriguez

Lieutenant John McPherson
Chief Engineer

Lita - NPC'd by Lt. Silonez Ericson
Cheif Intel officer

LT T'Pal

Lt Saraya Cranz

Ltjg "C.J." DeHavilland


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