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Aftermath....Part 2

Posted on 19 Nov 2015 @ 6:39pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan
Edited on on 19 Nov 2015 @ 6:40pm

1,352 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: Holodeck

Da`nal rose and took a few paces and it was then that the hologram spoke. "Such displays of emo.." He looked over at it, "Computer remove instructor!"

With the hologram gone he returned to his line of thought and took a few more paces and place the elegant blade in its place in the rack. Once complete he turned back towards her his hands clasped behind him. Stopping before her, "So...a mission you were on went wrong and you and others fought your way out using whatever means at your disposal. And you thought that was going change things?"

"I guess I did.... I thought you would thought less of me..." she said, eventually meeting his gaze. "You make it sound so simple...." she added with a brave smile. She did feel though as if a great burden has lifted off her shoulders. Simply sharing it with Dan'al made all the difference.

"So what if you enjoyed the lifestyle! Dancing...Singing...intrigue...hell there is bound to be plenty of that during this trip. As to Vonti...his taking advantage of the situation only makes his actions more dishonorable.

"True, and I wish I can fight him on my terms," she said, "as he invaded me on his, you know... to fight him on an equal basis," she said with some frustration. "Anyway I know that won't happen.. " she said with a half smile. "What I enjoyed most? Everything, the singing.... just entertaining, the idea of having a club like that..." she explained.

Da`nal's eyebrow shot up with one hell of an idea that would not only give her a taste of her alter ego but could also lead to an opening into any under the table dealings on the ship. "Computer, secure this room and disable all audio and visual hookup."

"What are you up to?" she asked with mock suspicion.

"You are aware that Miss. Madhava was involved in an...incident before I was given this ship?"

"I remember something about her, she did something and was disgraced, you gave her another chan...." Ayren could sense he had an idea, but left it to him to tell her, rather than her simply using their link.

He held up a hand to cut her off, Ayren had been out of it for a while and probably had heard rumor though found nothing to support them in his mind. "That was the official story. In truth she is undercover serving as the lounge manager under Mr. Jothy in order to keep an eye on any underground activities that may develop. Only he myself, and now you know of her status."

"Oh... where are you going with this?" she asked intrigued now.

"What I was thinking is that perhaps as a consequence of your encounter you developed a need to drink...let that lead to dancing on a table or two." He smirked a bit. "A Federation ambassador with 'issues', especially one with an inside track to the missions CO, would make a tempting target for those that might have ulterior motives...don't you think."

Ayren cocked her head to the one side, considering the possibilities. "That could work..." she said with some caution in her voice. "But I have never officially done undercover work and we will have to make it believable...I have been such a 'good girl'.." she said.

"We start slow of course...letting you develop the cover story."

"Maybe it would be a good 'marriage'... and I can sing again..." she said with a smile touching the corners of her mouth.

Pulling her to her feet. "I will get word to Reva so she can let me know when such a scenario would be needed. In the mean time we need to lay the ground work for your...corruptibility."

"Stay right here...." she said as she stepped back and started to walk towards away from Da'nal, changing the scene of the holodeck. A 1940's type bar and lounge appeared, décor deep reds and dark wood, with luscious curtains lining the walls, providing a few tables with more privacy. On the left side was the main entrance with the bar area to the one side and a lounge with several couches and comfortable chairs on the other. A bouncer or two guarded the entrance to a busy street in the background. The restaurant area deeper in had deep wooden tables and chairs on thick carpeted floors, with a higher level to the one side, obviously for privileged patrons. Towards the front there was another slight elevation accommodating a small jazz band. It displayed a piano, drums, contra bass, saxophones, clarinet, trombone stacked in there cases, a microphone stand and a percussion set to the side.

Ayren had disappeared behind the backstage curtain. People started to appear and the tables filled with patrons, servers moved in discretely to attend to the visitors with drinks and well prepared meals. The band members were tuning their instruments, checking the sound, creating expectation in the crowd in the bar and restaurant.

The atmosphere suddenly changed as the crowd quieted down holing a collective breath when the band started to play the introduction to a song. The curtains behind the band moved as Ayren stepped through it and the crowd gave voice to their anticipation in claps and a few whistles. A deep orange long dress hugged her curves as it was wrapped around her body. In the front it was low enough the show some cleavage but allowing the imagination to do the rest. Her mass of black her was loosely taken up and held together with a diamond clasp, revealing her elegant neck and slender but toned shoulders. Glamour, grace and elegance personified in timeless style.

Then her velvet voice filled the room as she begin to sing into the microphone.

That's what you are,
Tho' near or far....."

Her sultry voice embraced and teased her audience as she slowly took the mic and stepped off the stage, weaving through the tables, touching a cheek, singing to an enchanted husband, making her way to Da`nal stroking him with the melody.

As the scene began to change he had one of the 'servers' bring him a wet towel. It wasn't long, and in accordance with the period he was brought a rolled hand towel with steam rising gentle from it. Soon he was refreshed and seating at a table in the dusky lounge.

When Ayren appeared and began to sing his eyes never left her. He intimately knew her every curve but the way she moved...the way the dress both covered and revealed her body...the way her voice reached out... He had never heard the song before but it was like he was hearing both in his ears and in his mind at the same time.

As she began to move through the crowd weaving her way towards him he sat back in his chair and awaited her arrival. Her teasing of the other patrons, even though holograms, still sparked a instinctive reaction within him.

Slowly, seductively, yet with professional reserve, Ayren moved towards Da`nal. Seeing him there, sitting and watching her, made her fall in love with this man all over again. Eventually she was right there, telling her fingers trail on the side of his face, softly over his lips as she sang the words right to him. As the song drew to a close, she signaled the band to continue playing. Taking his hand she pulled him up toward her.

Standing as she pulled at him, he held himself back. Not because he was not concerned with having a few holograms, they could be erased with a word, but this was Ayren's show and it was time for subtlety and softness. He looked down at her, his hands moving over her cheeks...down over her shoulders...finally reaching her waist. He gripped her waist lifting her up slowly until she was looking down at him slightly....then lowered her to him.


Commodore Da'nal

Ayren Kelan
Federation Ambassador


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