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Command Decision - Part 2

Posted on 29 Sep 2015 @ 12:22am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Sergeant Major Arcenio Velez & Major Richard Sharpe

1,083 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: Shuttlebay

The flight deck of the shuttle bay had been cleared and a platform assembled. On the platform were the Federation and Marine Corps flags as a back drop. Before the platform the entire battalion of Marines stood in formation quietly talking amongst themselves. On other occasions he had heard other complain about such ceremonial 'garbage' like promotion or command ceremonies, but he took it in stride. Besides the warrior aspect, another commonality both Klingons and Marines shared was a pride in tradition. For Marines, one part of that tradition was the honoring of accomplishment with a ceremony. So on this day they found themselves here.

With a nod from Da`nal Sergeant Major Velez moved from behind the platform, were the rest of the command staff mingled, to a position between the platform and the assembled Marines. "BATTALION!"

Everyone became instantly quiet and came to a sharp parade rest as the reply came from the various company commanders, "COMPANY!"

Velez didn't' wait for the echo to faded before completing the command. "ATTENNNTION!"

The sound of over 500 Marines snapping to attention was audible, and as Da`nal, the CO of the USS Freedom, MCPO Nelson mounted the platform, Velez turned sharply and waited to follow the others up the steps and onto the platform himself. Once in position he issued the next command. "Officer to be promoted; Centerrr-harch!"

Sharpe, who was already at attention, snapped off a salute. He took one step to his front, brought his heels together loudly, turned 45 degrees to his right in precision march - and marched forward again about eight paces - then repeated the process until he was at the dias. He clapped his boots together at attention as he stood before the platform. "Captain Sharpe, reporting as ordered... SAH!" As was usual, during such formal occasions, his British accent became far more pronounced and used the vernacular much used by the English.

No sooner had Da`nal acknowledge the salute then Velez began reading off the standard promotion warrant. Once completed he handed the commemorative plaque to the ships CO who the presented it to Sharpe, replaced the his Captains bars with his new rank and shook his hand as was customary. "Congratulations Major."

Sharpe, who had been standing impassively as he heard the promotion warrant read off, wondered not for the first time if he truly deserved this advance. It was a significant step he was now taking, moving from the junior officer category to that of a senior officer. A fair number of marines hit their ceiling at Captain - usually because their mandatory service period often came to a close at that service rank, and they retired with full benefits to go into private service before military actioned maimed them. Major was a big deal, as it was something of a transitional rank from the junior line officers to the senior brigade ranks. Major's were often the 2IC's of Battalions under Light Colonels, but it was not uncommon for a Major to hold a detachment command in their own right.

When he felt the bars being removed and replaced with the gold oak leaf on his collar, he could feel a new weight bearing down on him. Accepting the warrant in one hand, he shook the Commodore's hand with the other. "Thank you sir." He said, gratefully.

To close out the ceremony it was custom to have the new promoted officer reaffirm his oath of office. Stepping back Da`nal raised right hand. "Repeat of after me. I, state you rank and name."

"I, Major Richard Eugine Sharpe." Richard said, raising his right hand.

" solemnly swear that I will support and defend the constitution of the United Federation of Planets against all enemies foreign and domestic;"

" solemnly swear that I will support and defend the constitution of the United Federation of Planets against all enemies foreign and domestic."

"...that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;"

"..that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same."

"..that I take this obligation freely; and without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion;"

"..that I take this obligation freely, and without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion."

"and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter."

"and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter."

Nodding shallow but sharply as he lowered his hand. Da`nal gave the order for Sharpe to take his position to his right. "Post."

Richard snapped off a rigid salute to the Commodore, then with parade ground precision, took his place to the right and just behind his CO.

Da`nal stepped forward and spoke to the assembled units. "At ease. Marines of the 6th Battalion, 51st Marines. It is my honor to present to you your commanding officer....Major Richard Sharpe!"

Somehow this seemed a much bigger deal than the last time he'd been promoted to the CO spot of the marines aboard the previous Achilles. On that occasion, the Commodore had just handed him some bars over dinner. This time, he was getting a full on ceremonial in front of the entire battalion. It felt odd, since he'd been in command since they'd left Earth several weeks ago as a Captain - yet it all seemed different now. It was somehow more formal. He vowed to himself there and then that he wouldn't let it change him - he was going to lead his people in the field as he'd always done, and he was going to overcome his own inner demons of failure. He might not be a General in the making, but he was going to do this command damned proud.

The Marines, being Marines began to applaud, cheer, and shout for their newly promoted CO. Da`nal clapped the Major on the shoulder as he excused himself. "I'm afraid I cannot remain for the festivities, but there are things that require my attention."

"Thank you again, Sir." Sharpe said, with gratitude.

Da`nal nodded and as he come down of the platform several Marines were waving for the Major to join them as several tables had been set up with various food and drink. Looking back as he left the bay he felt a twinge of pity for the man and over 500 Marines lining up to congratulate him.


Commodore Da`nal

Major Richard Sharpe
MCO, USS Achilles


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