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Posted on 19 Dec 2015 @ 12:04pm by Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey

1,780 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: Holodeck 32

Holodeck 32, not a place he had been often, so it took slightly longer to find. Whoever organized this ship had to be a paper-pusher, nothing was setup for battle conditions. Finally and still a bit early, Eirias stepped into the holodeck and tried to make himself invisible as his new rank would allow.

Jason grinned at his creation even as he heard the door open behind him. Even though the vast majority course was out of view the rest of the team snickered.

Under his breath Theqar jested. "You're just wrong gonna kill him before he even pinned."


Turning, the rest of the team behind him. "Eirias come on over...don't be shy."

That was predator talk, and having grown up in the Corps, Eirias knew something was up, and it would not be something he liked. He was determined to get through it though, and stepped over as directed.

Jason stepped aside and behind the others as he introduced the team. "Let me introduce your teammates...if you make it that is." The large Bolian sneered as Jason slapped his shoulder. "This is Sergeant Trawa Theqar, heavy weapons specialist and improvisationalist extraordinar. The man can build a mobile transporter out of a piece of wire, a broken reflector, and a rotten potato."

Moving down the line he put his hands on the shoulders of shapely but obviously very strong woman. "This is Corporal Dalera Rinnes, our medic, and comms specialist. Don't let her smile fool ya she can field strip any weapon faster than Q can snap his fingers. Oh and she's full Betazoid so keep your mind outta the gutter or she will plant you in that deck plating."

She added a wink to her smile as Frey added the little warning.

Finally Jason cam out from behind the last member, leaving a hand on his shoulder. "This is my assistant team lead, Corporal Mahaj Chopra. The man is a human'll see for yourself. If he had to he could find a way to climb a wall of Mellanoid slime worms.

"Everyone...hopefully our newest member. Lance Corporal Jason Eirias....Now he is already sniper qualified BUT will still have to complete BRC, SERE, Dive, and Jump training. Our job is to get him ready for that training without killing him."

Rinnes chimed in as she wrapped her arm around his, "Don't worry boss I'll be gentle."

The group broke out in a cat calls and laughter at Eirias' expense.

"Alright now. He maybe new to the teams but he's still a Marine. Now get. to your can have your fun there."

The group headed of at a run and Frey turned to Eirias. "Okay. Bullshit aside. In addition to the training you are being assigned as a range instructor. We have a lot of new toys to get everyone up to speed on. There could be a meritorious Corporal based on your leadership and student qual rate. Questions?"

"I've done dive training already. And Jump won't be hard, my uncle trained me for that before I even enlisted. Are we going to do the others on a holodeck here, or find a nice planet to use, Staff Sergeant? And what did you mean by Range Instructor, I couldn't qualify for the MTI course until I reached Lance, and that takes Command approval?" Eirias asked

Frey grinned. "There's dive school and there is recon dive training, but I look into it. As to the need to worry you won't be the senior instructor and command approval is already in place."

Guiding Eirias to the start of the course he had put together. "We will have no choice but to use the holodecks, but if we happen to come across a planet with the right environments...who knows. welcome you to the team and to celebrate your long overdue promotion we...I put this little course together. It's a 10 mile obstacle course. Spread though the course are the folks you just met with a few surprises for ya. Normally you might have starter pistol or some other nonsense but here..." Pulling a cloth of a small table on the grass, "...we have a pitcher of ale. Drink the pitcher, then hit it.

"Ready... GO!"

As soon as Frey had said go, Eirias had the pitcher in hand and drank it quickly. Living in a multi-generation Corps family, he'd heard of these courses. Whoever chose the ale must of had no palate, it was as cheap and strong as he knew it would have been. Setting himself into a slower run, he went for the first obstacle, and his second tormentor. While running, he fell back into that mental state of keeping situation awareness, but staying highly focused on his goal. Mentally, a cadence was playing along with him to keep the foot pattern going.

Jason kept pace with his new underling. He wouldn't have to be an ass until he had him in a training situation but he goaded him non the less. "Seriously...My dead grandmother runs faster; Pick up the pace Marine!

"Your dead grandmother isn't drinking during this either. Unless you're trying to put me in sickbay with alcohol poisoning?" Eirias replied as he ran, but he did pick up the pace enough to leave Frey behind for a few steps.

Eirias had to hand it to Jason, the man should have been a Drill Instructor. Taking a look at the course, he estimated there was roughly a mile in-between each of the 12 obstacles and those were apparently to be at a sprint. Coming up to the first one, he mentally sighed at the sight of a wall climb. Naturally, the Marine version did away with the concept of safety straps, so he started picking his way up, and at speed before someone yelled. Once over, he had to climb down careful enough to not break a leg, and then sprint to the next obstacle.

After an over/under, rope climb and swing, parallel bars, low crawl, and log roll, Eirias finally made it to the halfway point and mentally groaned. There was another pitcher of that foul-tasting ale, and he knew it had to be drunk to continue. Idly, he looked around for some water to drink afterwards while contemplating the second half of the nightmare course.

Jason and Delara waited till he had started on the pitcher to open up with the old school fire hoses they each had. From their positions they had Eirias in a hell of a wet crossfire and the pressure sent the pitcher flying and him sprawling.

Jason shouted laughingly over the rushing water, "No resting Marine!"

On that taunt, Eirias picked himself up and started to run again. Mentally, he was wondering if they had imported the water from Andoria since it was almost literally freezing. Running at least would warm him up again. That thought occupied him until he saw the layout of the remaining obstacles, and he mentally cursed Frey for his creativity.

Coming up to the first of the latter half, there was a false sense of security as he started scaling the net, feeling a ache developing from the cold water and the run. At least the wood ladder part that came up next was easier to scale, if leaving his arms a bit dead feeling. As he reached the top, the water slide caused him to pause, this thing was nearly vertical, and were those flames on the sides?! Hearing a yell, he plunged down into the water and let gravity do the work. At the end of the slide, he twinged feeling the heat of the flames before bouncing on the mud pit like a stone across the water.

Stepping up to the enclosed area, Eirias was definitely apprehensive of this obstacle. Climbing in, the acrid smell of CS-gas twitched his nose. Since there was no mask in sight, that meant this one was meant to be done at speed since he could clearly see more tortures awaiting his presence. Climbing in, he felt a log on the floor and realized this was going to be an over-under style, which meant mostly a straight course. Just about the time he was starting to feel confident, he saw a movement in the gas, and then felt something heavy and wooden hit him in the leg and unbalance him. A yell of "keep moving Marine!" followed this, and he knew someone had played a game with him. For once, he was grateful to be able to exit the maze and breathe in clean air.

Another run, more hits from Frey, and he arrived at the next obstacle, and one he finally liked. Someone had set up barrels in a pool, and he knew this was a game of up and down. Checking the depth and finding it too shallow for a good dive, he slipped into the water and used a breaststroke underwater to reach the barrels. Pushing upwards, he surfaced in between, grabbed a breath, and then submerged and started the process again. At the third set, he started to surface until a boot was pushed on his head and forced him back down. Well used to this from training and at his childhood training at home, he hadn't taken a breath yet to start choking, but waited until the boot lifted and surfaced. Of the dozen or so sets, this process happened five times until he climbed out of the pool, half-frozen and dripping wet. The run to the next obstacle would be welcome as a way to warm up and dry out some.

After their new initiate had completed the last of the obstacles, Jason was waiting for Eirias at the finish line along with the rest of team. He had thought of having a weapon to test his marksmanship afterward such a hard workout but decided he had put him through enough today. Besides, the REALLY hard stuff was yet to come. The team was slapping him on the back and congratulating him for surviving the course and putting up with their torments.

"Well done. You cango get cleaned up and relax for a while, we have another gathering later tonight. Nothing major, just a group of Marines getting together for some food and fun...sort of a get to know ya get together."

"What time and where, Staff Sergeant?" Mentally, right now he wanted nothing more than to go soak in some hot water and relax before this...gathering.

The team had gathered and were patting Eirias on the back. "2200 on the promenade."


Alpha Team
Marine Recon


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