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Better late than never

Posted on 07 Sep 2015 @ 9:16pm by Sergeant Major Arcenio Velez & Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey & Major Richard Sharpe

1,001 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: Deck 31 - Combat Holodeck

Velez looked out over the formation and nodded to the company commander, who then turned to her Echo company as the Marines stood at ease and talked among themselves.


Everyone snapped to sharp and rigid, she gave the formation a glance and did and about face snapping a salute. "Echo Company present and accounted for, sir"

"Thank you Captain Young." Sharpe nodded appreciably to her, and then turned to the Sergeant Major. "Carry on Sergeant Major."

Cutting the salute, she stepped off took a position next to the Captain and waited for he Sergeant Major to do his part.

Velez, still locked at the position of attention. "PFC Jason Eirias, FRONT and CENTER!"

Twenty-three years around the SFMC, and he'd still never gotten used to ceremonies. A trait inherited from his family, as the others around him knew. Despite that, Jason stepped out of the back of the formation and marched up to the appointed spot with a well practiced precision of movement, came to a halt, and made a left face to bring the Captain and SgtMaj's faces into view. "PFC Eirias, reporting as ordered Sir, Sgt.Maj" Eirias was well pleased with the firm, confident tone the voice came out in, all things considered.

Opening the the promotion warrant Velez read the citation. "To all who shall see these presents, greetings: Know Ye, that reposing special trust and confidence in the fidelity and abilities of this Jason Eirias, I do hereby appoint him a Lance Corporal in the Starfleet Marine Corps. To the rank as such on the first day of September, 2392.

"This appointee will therefore carefully and diligently discharge the duties of the grade to which appointed by doing and performing all manner of things thereunto pertaining. And I do strictly charge and require all personnel of lesser grade to render obedience to appropriate orders. And this appointee is to observe and follow such orders and directions as may be given from time to time by Superiors acting according to the rules and articles governing the discipline of the uniformed services of the United Federation of Planets.

"Given under my hand, Stardate XXXXXX, aboard the USS Achilles, Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal, Commanding."

Velez closed the warrant tucked it away as the Captain did his part.

Sharpe walked over to Jason Eirias as the Sergeant Major spoke, and removed the PFC rank device from the young man's collar. With a deft hand, he produced the rank insignia of a Lance Corporal of the Starfleet Marine Corps and pinned it in the place that had once borne the rank of a Private First Class for so long. Sharpe took a single pace back, brought his heels to the attention, waiting for Eirias to salute him, so as to return it.

It took him a few moments to process this, as he was pretty well set in the idea he was never going to see Lance. After the shock partially wore off, he brought his right hand up in the traditional salute, textbook version. In the back of his mind, he was still trying to get a grip on the idea he'd finally made Lance, and what it meant.

Richard returned the salute, and broke it so that the poor young man could fall back into line. Sharpe stepped back once more and nodded to the Sergeant Major to return the Lance Corporal back to the company.

Handing the promotion to Eirias with a nod, "Post!"

Taking the promotion warrant, and making sure not one bit of his inner emotion showed, Eirias conducted a sharp about face, a left face, and marched right back to his spot to see who else was about to be similary tormented.

Once he took a position at the rear of the company the company commander took replace in front of Sharpe once again. "Any word to sir or shall I dismiss the troops?"

Richard pondered that for a moment, but then turned to Captain Young. "You may dismiss, Captain." He said. He'd considered giving some kind of motivational speech, but really, what could be said to top someone making Lance Corporal after nearly two years of being ignored? There would be time for speeches, and there would be time for action later too, but for the here and the now, it was time to get back to work.

"Aye Sir!" After snapping a sharp salute she did and about face. "Company...Dismissed."

Jason and the rest of his team, being at the back of the formation was the first to get to Eirias. Slapping him on the shoulder. "Hey I got the particulars of your promotion and assignments. The team is getting together tonight in holodeck 32 to welcome you aboard at 1900. We will see you then..." As he walked off Jason turned back with a grin, "... don't have a big dinner."

That caused him a rare moment of double take. From that comment, and the warning, it meant the transfer to the Recon element was underway, though he wasn't entirely sure what they were going to have do since he lacked the formal training. "1900, Holodeck 32, and a snack beforehand. Understood SSgt." Eirias responded, wondering exactly what they were going to do to and with him now.

Velez observed the company congratulate and gave Eirias the usual ribbing that came with promotion and grinned. He and the Captain had attached themselves to the end of the line that had formed. "We still have that meeting with the CO in half an hour."

"Wouldn't want to miss that..." Sharpe sighed. It always seemed that whenever he met with the Commodore, it was never a good outcome for the marines. Or him, come to that. Whatever it was, it had to be important to merit being summoned to the big man's office at short notice.

=/= End =/=

Captain Richard Sharpe
USS Achilles

Sgt Maj Arcenio Velez

Staff Sgt. Jason Frey
Recon Team Lead

LCpl Jason Eirias
Marine Rifleman
USS Achilles


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