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Long Overdue - Part 2

Posted on 06 Aug 2015 @ 1:25am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Sergeant Major Arcenio Velez & Commander Travis Stone & Major Richard Sharpe
Edited on on 06 Aug 2015 @ 1:26am

1,036 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M13-B: The Big Goodbye
Location: USS Achilles
Timeline: While at DS9

Da'nal was wrapping up for the end of the day and as he signed of the last of the orders he leaned back. The night before and been...eventful to say the least.

[0225 that morning ]

When it came to family it was hard to keep the rules in mind, this was one of those times, and Da'nal had been in full Klingon mode. As he marched through the corridors he was ready the rip Vonti's honorless spine out through his lying teeth. Unlike the previous incident, which had been an unconscious attack, the only way it could have happened again was for him to have purposefully not taking his inhibitor.

Rounding the corner, his robes open and billowing behind him he could see that security was already there as was Stone. Regardless of those present his stride didn't slow nor change his expression. "WHERE IS HE!"


Needless to say Vonti was still alive, though in a medically induced coma due to the intentional intrusion and his purposeful disobedience to orders in not taking his neural inhibitor. Da`nal stood and crossed the floor to leave the ready room and as the doors parted his XO, the Marine CO and Sergeant Major was standing there, about to press the chime. Even before they said anything he could tell this was going to ruin his mood and his evening...."Good evening gentleman, I assume this is not a social call?"

"Not quite Commodore, but don't worry, it's a minor fix. Turns out one of the Marines happens to be overdue on a promotion. The Sergeant Major can give you all those lovely details we just know you're dying to hear. Shouldn't take more than seven minutes to clear up." Travis spoke up first and waited to see Da'nal's reaction.

"It’s very cut and dry sir." Sharpe opinioned. "We have a Private First Class who is in need of a promotion, as he's been a PFC for far too long."

Da`nal hadn't considered the matter of an overdue promotion really worthy his attention until that last comment. "How long do you mean by 'too long'?"

It was Velez that stepped up to take the heat. "Sir, the Marine in question has been stuck with a single stripe since he came aboard during the original Achilles repairs after the Kzinti war."


Again Velez spoke up to take the heat. "I want to take full responsibility on this Sir. During all the turmoil following the temporal issue, the changes in MCO's and XO's, the attack on the Romulan refugee camps and that aftermath he got lost in the shuffle. The only consistent presences in the detachment was mine, and I dropped the ball."

"That's very noble Sergeant Major, but this is my responsibility." Sharpe said, looking sideways at his senior non-com. "Regardless of who is and who isn't to blame, sir, I would like to get this major oversight corrected as soon as possible. With your consent, of course."

This was just one headache he didn't need but luckily not anything that couldn't be fixed. "I'm not concerned with who's to blame. Their are others before your time Captain that should have caught this matter...he was has been a member of my crew twice now and if there is any blame to be assigned that blame shall be mine to bare."

Turning to Velez. "Commander Stone said you had a plan to rectify this situation. Let's hear it."

Nodding he laid out the details of his plan to their Commanding Officer. "Well sir, prior to the first Achilles' destruction he was to be assigned to SSgt. Frey's recon team as a sniper; should he still want that assignment and if he passes the training. We can't just promote him to Corporal as that promotion requires specific MCI's and a leadership evaluation. My recommendation is promotion to Lance Corporal, put him through recon training and then put him in charge of the range instruction for the other junior Marines. We have a lot of new weapons to get everyone qualified on and that will test his ability to learn quickly. If he's a good leader he'll be able to boost qualification scores and deal with any...disciplinary issues. That should give him time in grade and then we promote him to Corporal, if he doesn't earn a meritorious promotion."

Once the Sergeant Major was finish he Da`nal turned to Captain Sharpe. "I assume you have approved this plan?"

"I do, Commodore." Sharpe replied. "The Sergeant Major and I will keep a close eye on him. With your permission sir?"

"Permission Granted."

With that he turned to his XO. "Commander get together with MCPO Nelson and I want a complete review of those from the original crew. If anyone is due...or overdue for promotion get there names and we will have an large promotion ceremony before we depart DS9."

"Already on that Commodore. I sent him a notice and we'll meet up tonight to get that done. You'll have the results before you wake up in the morning. We're going to check both original and current crews just in case." Travis reassured Da`nal. For a halfway relaxing evening, this was now going to be a considerable headache. Mentally, he thought about commandeering one of the holodecks to work this out.

Da`nal glanced to them all. "Excellent. I assume this won't happen again?.

"Not by the marine division sir."

"Nor by any of the fleet departments." Travis quipped.

"Very good. Carry on then." And with that Da`nal continued on his way.

"Commodore." Travis acknowledged the dismissal and stepped outside the room to await Sharpe and Velez. "Let me know when the both the PFC and Frey have agreed to the plan and forward me the promotion paperwork. Anything else for me this evening?" He asked the pair.

Velez commented first. "I'll speak with them immediately." Glancing to the Captain, "Sir?"

"Nothing from me." Sharpe nodded. "Sergeant Major, inform me as soon as you're done, and I'll get the paperwork up to the Commander."

"Roger that."

Commodore Da`nal

Commander Travis Stone

Captain Richard Sharpe

SgtMaj Arcenio Velez


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