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Been there...done that

Posted on 05 Aug 2015 @ 11:01pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Master Chief Petty Officer Lance Nelson & Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan
Edited on on 06 Aug 2015 @ 12:49am

1,877 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M13-B: The Big Goodbye
Location: USS Achilles
Timeline: While at DS9

[Ready room]

Da`nal was wrapping up some last minute details before meeting Ayren on the Promenade for dinner when his longtime yeoman rushed in.

"Excuse the interruption sir but you have a visitor."

More irritated at the lateness of this visitor than the interruption he waved it off. "Have whoever it is come back tomorrow."

"I'm afraid that won't be possible Commodore my ship is only able to divert her for a short time; and given the nature of your mission I had to stop by."

Hearing the voice and seeing the woman enter as Lance stepped aside, he rose quickly. "Admiral Janeway! You honor me by taking the time to come here personally. Is there anything I can get you?"

"Well...I'd like to see more of this ship of yours."

"By all means." Coming from around his desk motioning for the door and as he passed Lance he paused, "Let Ayren know I will be bringing a guest to dinner."

Janeway turned slightly. "Oh I wouldn't want to intrude..."

"Not at all Admiral. Ayren Kelan is the ships Federation Ambassador. I'm sure she would love to hear firsthand how you dealt with the numerous first contact situations you navigated during your journey."

After a brief tour of the bridge Da`nal led the way to the ships "mass transit" with a minor detour to Deck 10 and the ships primary sickbay and Deck 11 to see the ships educational center.

During the ride towards the aft section of the ship Janeway asked about the ship's capabilities. "If I'd have had the industrial resources on Voyager that you have on this ship our trip through the Delta quadrant would have been completely different. There was more than one time we had to depend on others or even cannibalize non-essential systems or components for repairs."

"Well the ore processing area is current filled to capacity with refined ores and deuterium so until we burn through those supplies our mining staff has the option of going into stasis until needed."

"You have crew in stasis?"

"Yes actually. As you well know the unknown can be a dangerous place and no matter if someone meets their destiny as a result of battle, disease, or simply an accident; death will occur. Currently there are 300 replacement crew in stasis right now with the capability of placing another 100 into stasis if needed."

"What if you need to place your entire crew in stasis as I had to?"

Their 'tram' came to a stop and Da`nal motioned to her to a nearby lift. "Ahhh yes the large nebula you encountered on star date 51929.3 that was giving off subnucleonic radiation...."

Her head tilted up as she look at him as the walked. "I see you've been studying Voyager's logs."

"As the only ship to have done anything remotely close to what we are attempting your logs and experience will be an invaluable resource. It's just a shame that Command locked away the armor and torpedo technology you came back with." He added wryly.

"Yea, that temperal prime directive thing is a real pain...", she stopped mid-sentence as they entered the Achilles' promenade. They had entered on the mid-level near the center. Stepping to the rail she looked down at the park like setting below her that continued for a distance in either direction ending in shops on her left and sporting facilities on her right. She let out a whistle as she shook her head. "This would have been a big hit. Looks to be about as long as Voyager was."

"Longer actually." Motioning to his left, "Admiral, if you will follow me."

"Lead the way."

It wasn't long and the pair found Ayren waiting at a table outside a several of the ships restaurants.

Ayren was caught in her own thoughts, aware of Da'nal in her consciousness all the time and knew that he was approaching, but there was someone with him, so she looked up, which caused her to nearly jump up. She didn't attempt to hide her surprise and admiration for the woman. "Admiral", she greeted her with a broad smile. "If I am a little star struck.. forgive me," she said, without apology in her voice.

Da`nal knew she was still upset with him about his resent decision but nearly laughed at her reaction. "Admiral, allow me to introduce Ayren Kelan...the mission's Federation Ambassador."

Admiral Janeway grinned and cocked her head to the side slightly as she extended her hand to her. "Oh there is nothing to forgive... When this mission was announced I knew I had to stop by. Having been out there in the unknown, I wanted to see for myself the ships that were going on such a historic mission. It's one thing to find yourself in such a situation due to no fault of your own...It's another to be heading out there of your own free will."

Ayren flinched inwardly at the reminder that the children would be left behind. The refocused on the amazing woman in front of her and gladly took her hand. "Yet from what I have studied from your logs you managed to lead the crew as if you were there by choice, which is remarkable," she said. "However, I suspect in time, those very free will decisions will be questioned by individuals when reality settles in" she commented, resisting to glance at Dan'al. Janeway was sharp and that was not something she would miss. The raw emotion of the thought of the immanent separation was too close to the surface and Ayren wasn't sure she could hold it together under scrutiny. "Please...sit down .... if you could endure my questions. .?"

"Thank you...feel free to ask whatever you like. But let me address your comment. Once it was clear that we weren't going anywhere fast most focused on making the best of the situation. There were enough challenges and discoveries to keep people busy enough that the free will of the situation wasn't a consideration. We all accept a certain amount of risk when we put this uniform on or sign on as civilian members of a ships crew. If the ship is destroyed or finds themselves on the other side of the galaxy....that's part of the job. All we can do is make the best of the situations we are presented with.

"This ship and mission is unique; not the exploration in itself but the duration and destination. Had the the wormhole not existed there is no way a mission like this would have even been conceived let alone actually being launched. At most a 20 year mission...10 out and 10 back. Unlike my crew everyone here knows exactly what is about to happen and they have chosen to take those risks." She looked to Da`nal, "I understand that there were a few divorces because some people what to be here?"

Nodding his head as he looked at Ayren, "That is true...and I denied each of them and told them to repair their families."

Ayren looked away for a moment, not wanting her expression to reveal what she was thinking. He could tell others to repair their families, but their own was torn. Regardless of the rational reasons behind it, she still could not accept it. Looking up again, a friendly demeanor plastered in place. She didn't want to allow their circumstances to tarnish this once in life time moment with the Admiral. "Families remain the core of many societies, and since we will become one of our own out there, I suspect, additional stressors like regret could add to the challenges they would face."

Janeway looked back and forth between the two of them. "Stress is always a factor on a starship and regret is definitely going to be something to face. When I was on Voyager regret was a constant companion for me. It was my decisions that stranded us in the Delta quadrant. Luckily for me one of my dearest friends was aboard and was able to council and convince me that my choice was for the greater good." Rising from hear seat. "However, I think I'm intruding on something personal here..."

Da`nal stood quickly but her hand when up to stop him. "Thank you for your time Commodore," looking to Ayren, "but I think Miss Kelan can show me around."

His gaze went from Janeway to Ayren and back. Bowing his head respectfully, "As you wish Admiral, you have honored me and my crew with your visit and I will leave you in the Ambassador's capable hands."

Ayren also got up and regretted that she couldn't hide her grief deeper. "Admiral, I would love to give you a tour," she said grinning now, focusing on this amazing opportunity. "I also know where also the nice shops are.. that is if you are interested?" Ayren said.

Once the Da`nal was gone she turned to her guide. "Lead the way." As they began walking the promenade Janeway turned her head. "Sooo how long have you and the big guy been together?"

Ayren giggled at her reference to Da'nal. "It has been four years," she said with a grin. "And he is as obnoxious as he was the day we met."

She nodded not bothering to hide her mild surprise. "It takes a strong woman to be with a Klingon....I don't think it's something I could do."

Ayren wondered where this was heading, but answered at face value. "My father is an Ambassador too, Edriar Kelan, and when he was still the Betazoid Ambassador to the Empire, I spent quite a few years on Q'onoS as a child. I had to embrace the culture and it proved not to be too big a challenge.." she said with a chuckle. "You did much more than that Admiral..."

"What do you mean?"

"Where do I start?" Ayren commented with a chuckle. "You incorporated a hostile crew into your own, faced the journey with no support.. it was not your choice...and you were alone," Ayren said. "That takes marry a Klingon, that takes only love," she said with another chuckle.

Janeway grinned. "You're selling yourself short. True we had no Federation support but we were able to find what we needed, including help, along the way. Maqi...well they weren't exactly hostile. They were former Starfleet and that part of them was still there it just needed to be brought to the surface; besides, there no better way to unite a fractured family than a little joint adversity. All that chosen or not are a part of the job; a risk we accept when we put on this uniform.

You don't have to put up with all that Klingon drama if you don't want to and yet you do. Then again; no one chooses who they fall in love with, and if his record and reputation is any indication he'd rip open the hull with his bare hands for those he cares for."

Ayren laughed and nodded. "True..."

"Well enough of the heavy and show me this ship."

"Absolutely," Ayren said and lead the way as they started a tour of the ship.

Commodore Da`nal

Ayren Kelan
Federation Ambassador.


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