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Who's in charge around here? - Part 2

Posted on 16 Apr 2015 @ 2:52am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Commander Travis Stone & Lieutenant Commander Fanvo Adtanis
Edited on on 16 Apr 2015 @ 2:52am

1,578 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: USS Achilles

Tyce was in full rant, "I've had to de-malign, cross-check, Range test, break mold, cauterize seals... frankly things too far above and below my level of station. I am frankly astounded at our CEO track history, and can’t wait to meet the next Engineer wanting a ship of the line on their tenure to just abandon the real work to me-

Fanvo had met eyes with the Commander who was tolerating a breathless rant from a clearly overworked Engineer. Tyce Backo of Stratos, If Fanvo remembered correctly, which he always did. Commanders Lawson and Mitchell previously had done little on the Achilles; Fanvo had noticed the string of reports bearing ACEO credentials and double stamped by OPS. Engineering had become a stepping stone with an Admiral on board, but now that Da'nal was a commodore, maybe it was relax a bit.

Tyce was still going, he had much to say, "I'll take the test, I'll sign up and toe the line every damn day sir, but I need the respect and rank of the job if I am going to do it properly. Sir."

Fanvo looked to Stone, to see if he wanted to respond directly, clearly Tyce didn’t realize who had just gotten to the conversation.

"Backo, Commander Adtanis, let's take this somewhere a bit more private so we don't have this all over the Engineering spaces in a light second." Travis gave the two no chance to argue, and put a seemingly friendly hand on both of their shoulders and gently propelled them into the office, then shut the door.

"Lieutenant, I know you're frustrated, I know WHY you're frustrated. Even IF we did promote you a full rank up to Lieutenant, you still wouldn't be qualified to act as Chief of Engineering on a ship this size per regulation." He held his hand up to forestall the coming comment. "Before you even think of exploding, the Commodore and I both know you've been putting in some long hours the last few weeks, and right now, you'd probably refuse an order for some leave until we get to DS9, so we'll come back to that then." Now he motioned to Fanvo. "You have a new CENG here. Work with him. If for some reason he doesn't bear his share of the load, we'll reevaluate, but you will cooperate with him." He leveled a look at Tyce and gave him a moment to respond.

Tyce was busy trying not to make obvious the screaming lunatic held at bay within. So many emotions collided within him at once, feelings of abuse from a year of neglect and overworked thankless nights, righteous indignation at the officers who deserved it, pure simple spite, and petty lip curling envy... most of all mortification that he had just shoved his foot in his mouth. That Commander Stone had pulled them to the offices adjacent and been so gentle was a mercy Tyce desperately tried to appreciate.

"I am sorry to rant, you are of course correct Commander. I am a little tired, some leave may be in order, but for now I'll feel content knowing the department is in order." With that statement so heavily loaded it threatened to topple under its own weight he turned to Fanvo, a wry grin on the simpering little man face.

"Tyce Backo, ACEO I hope we can work together... Sir. I didn’t mean a word about y-"

"Fanvo Adtanis, Newly assigned Chief Engineer Achilles. I heard every word Lieutenant, and I will be damned if I don’t pull my fair share at least, you and I will be working many late hours... together. Please finish your inspection, we have shove-off in a few hours and I will need to sign off on your reports. Will there be anything else for the moment Mr Backo? Commander Stone?"

Inwardly, Travis was cursing Fleet Command right now. Fanvo MIGHT be experienced enough in Engineering to handle the duties of the CENG post, but the man was very short so far on the other, non-engineering qualities of a department head, something he intended to bring up with Da'nal when they had a moment. For now, it was time to smooth over the ruffled feathers and see if this was salvageable. "Lieutenant, I'm setting a note on my calendar, I want to talk with you after we get to DS9. For now, get what you need from the Commander here, because I still have to haul him up to the bridge to meet the Commodore."

With barely a care left to muster over his resigned fate, Tyce nearly said no, but the smell of smoke on his cuff reminded him, "Sir, gladly. Can you put your stamp on my inspection requests for the day, so my codes aren’t overridden?"

Fanvo backed away from Tyce, the confrontation at an impasse. The ACEO deserved his anger, but this was his one safe chance to vent. After this, there would be little tolerance for insubordinate tones and behaviors. There was too much to do, and Tyce was a professional who would do his part. Fanvo would remember to do his part and more, so as to comfort and re-assure Tyce that he wasn't going to be taken advantage of anymore. This ship would require both of them, so he would let Tyce have his words and feel better at their telling. Tomorrow they launched, and tomorrow their journey began. Nothing would sway his mood at this point, surly mechanics aside.

=/\= Computer, CENG Adtanis Alpha-Quick 11-017, Inspection rounds commencing by ACEO Tyce Backo and CENG Adtanis, elevate hierarchies to adjust... Will that be all Lieutenant?"

Tyce was back to a mild level of irritability, a default state for him half the time. Coldly he replied, "For now, sirs."

"Dismissed." Fanvo couldn't help but put a twist on his words to show he was merely amused by this and was not intimidated. It landed on Tyce as pure condescension and cemented this divide he felt growing. Neither man knew it, but this was a path that would lead to destruction.

Again, Travis inwardly winced. This one needed a lot of training before Travis would let him go unmonitored. "Alright Commander, up to the bridge now." He said plainly, keeping his tone in check while nodding to Tyce.


Da`nal was with two other officer looking over a display concerning cargo arrangements for the promenades commercial interests when a lift opened and he heard his XO's voice and the voice of another he was unfamiliar with. He could hear them approaching and gave his final instructions to the other officers and turned to meet the XO and the officer he had in tow.

"Commodore? Fanvo Adtanis, I'm your new wrench turner for the Achilles. The other CEO was... detained. It's why I needed to speak with you sire, and why I was so late."

"Sire? While I am honored you are not a member of my House or even a Klingon, nor am I a member of Ardana's ruling class. You can address me properly by rank or position." Considering that matter closed he moved on to the officers late arrival. "As to your arrival. You are saying that you were unable to arrive on time as your relief was delayed?"

Fanvo kicked himself for forgetting a simple thing like this. He never forgot a damned thing, but oversights like this still happened. In his aristocratic society, your superiors were Lords, Sires, Gentle-Persons... He wasn't in the Ardana was sir. He wouldn't forget that again.

"UT malfunction, my apologies... sir. Catherine Wilhelm was slated for the position but she was re-assigned to a Beta Quadrant site, her relief vessel was detained, so now travel times alone make it impossible for her to make the launch. Fortunately I was on site Administrator for the Arcanis Expedition, and Starfleet sent me here. It’s been a journey of high warps Commodore; I probably beat my personnel file here."

Da`nal stood there as he rattled off his excuses. He hadn't heard such a string of events since he was an instructor. His eyes darted to Stone momentarily and returned to the new engineer. There was no point in chastisement so long as his tardiness wasn't habitual. "Well at least you made it before we left.

So is everything working properly in Engineering?"

For the moment Fanvo looked relieved, though there were depths to his relief not immediately evident. He was still forced to answer honestly however, "I haven't had the opportunity to truly dive in, however Lt. Backo has done an admirable job thus far, I will conclude the inspections and sign off personally after following up. I'll be sure to get the transfer documents to you; Commander Wilhelm will have to find another billing."

Travis caught that momentary look from Da'nal, and minutely shook his head at the direction of Fanvo. For now, that would convey his thoughts until they could talk at length.

"Very well. Get settled and get Engineering ready for departure; we leave tomorrow. When we arrive at DS9 you will need to check over the USS Berlin and the USS Freedom as you are the missions Chief Engineer...not just this ship." Looking to his XO, "A word."

Together the XO and the Commodore headed off to the ready room .

Commodore Da`nal

Commander Travis Stone

Fanvo Adtanis

Tyce Backo


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