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Not what he wanted to hear

Posted on 12 Aug 2014 @ 2:01am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,543 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: Admiral's quarters

After hearing the various reports and discussing things with Isha he had put in a call to an old friend. "Computer open a secure channel to Commander Charghwl'IH on the VaQ`bach."


[IKV Vaqbach]

It was evening on the VaQbach and he and Xae had an evening planned that would start with a sparing match...that usually led to sparing of anther kind, and dinner in their quarters. Ever since his return from Earth's ancient past he had spent many an hour teach Xea and the Admiral the fighting skills he had learned. The memory of his time as a gladiator caused Vibia's face to flash into his thoughts. Xae still had episodes of jealousy from time to time but al those time it only made their fights and mating more passionate.

As the doors parted to his quarters, Xae was standing there with their weapons dressed and ready for combat. She was about to say something but was cut off by a call from the bridge.

==Commander Charghwl'IH, you have a call from a Rear-Admiral Da`nal on a secure channel.==

Both Xea and Charg stared at each other in surprise. Due to the paradox created by the manner of Charg's return to the present. Da`nal was no longer ware of the role he played in his return. They both knew that they could not mention anything to him but they were glad to hear from their old friend all the same, thought curious as to the need for a secure channel.

Responding to the hail, "In my quarters."

==Understood, transferring now.==

[USS Achilles]

Da`nal poored a tankard of bloodwine while he waited and sat up as the wall monitor filled with not only Charg's face, but Xea's as well. "My friends! It is good to see you again."

==Like wise my friend, it has been too long since we have shared a bottle...==

Grinning Da`nal raised his drink. "Not since we defeated the Kzinti...side by side."

The smile on Xea's face wide and warm as she chimed in. ==Where is Ayren?==

Da`nal's grin faded as did Xeadell's smile on the monitor. "She was injured. She is in a coma and it is unknown when or if she will recover."

[IKV VaQbach]

Charg sensed and shared Xea's concern for his mates cousin, but he was certain that was not what Da`nal had contacted him for. "She is strong and honorable my friend. If it is her destiny to leave this world...she will meet you in Sto Vo Kor! But you didn't use a secure channel to tell us Ayren was injured." Da`nal's deep breath was clearly seen and Charg knew his friend was baring great burdens. "You know if there is anything..."

Da`nal's expression shifted. ==What do you know of Klingon raids into Romulan territory?==

There it was...the real reason for his call. Having served on Qo`nos in the Empires Division of internal Security he was in a unique situation in that he had access to all kinds of information. He knew the answer to his friend question...more than that as a matter of fact.

There was no reason not to tell him as the evidence was there and he would learn it on his own eventually, though there was other things taking place that would put is friend in a very difficult position. "I know of these raids. Several of the smaller border houses are taking advantage of the Romulan's weakness. They are slipping past the Federation ships and taking what they wish and returning across the border before the next patrol ship is in sensor range."

[USS Achilles]

Da`nal nodded. He had thought as much, at least it wasn't anything major. a few additional starships to close the holes in the patrols should solve the problem. "Thank you. You know I will have to order additional ships into the area to stop those raids."

Charg looked to Xea as he shook his head. ==There is more.==

Da`nal had been lifting his glass to his mouth and stopped putting it down. "Tell me."

It was Charg's turn to take a deep breath. ==You know the House of Moqrhat...==

"Of course I do! I know full well my own Houses affiliations!"

Charg raised his hands to calm his friend. ==I meant no offense my friend. Only to tell you that Toran has massed a fleet of ships, most belonging to those houses who are pledged to serve him...==

Da`nal completed his friend's sentence. "To included the House of Varal."

==...Yes. Toran is old and feeling end is near. He want to go out in a blaze of glory and lead to Empire back to day of glory where there galaxy feared the work Klingon. He thinks that if he succeeds the High Council will have no choice but to go to war and Conquer the Romulan Empire once and for all.==

Deep inside him his heart pounded at the idea, for such times were hat bred in the bone of every Klingon. At the same time he knew that such a plan was destine to fail and plunge the quadrant back into war. "He must know that the Federation will not allow that to happen! And the Council has done nothing to stop him?"

==My sources tell me that they are waiting. If he fails, he will fail and be dishonored. But if he succeeds...==

There was no need for his friend to finish his statement for he knew that if Toran's incursion succeeded the Empire would follow him.

[IKV VaQbach]

The silence lasted for several moments and it was Charg the broke it. "I do not envy you your position my friend. You walk an extremely sharp blade, but I know you will make the honorable choice. That said...If you should ever need me all you have to do is give the word."

Da`nal lifted his eyes at the pledge of loyalty that had existed between them; though never spoken until now. ==You Honor me. Will Kretorg give you leave should I call?==

"This is a matter of honor...leave or no... I WILL be there!"

Xae had been silent up until this point but added, "WE will be there."

==Thank you my friends. Now if you will excuse me I have things to do.==

Even thought the channel was closed Charg leaned back. "Qapla Da`nal...Qapla"

[USS Achilles]

Da`nal had closed the channel only to open a new one. He had wanted to contact his mother to find out what was going on within his House but thought better of it. Toran was no fool and had a reputation of micro managing the Houses under his control, he would no doubt have had communication to his ancestral home monitored. Instead he opened a channel to his House's ship yard.

His families ship yard was always bustling with activity and a call from a star ship would only be one of many and the current yard master had been the man that had taught Da`nal how to fly as boy. Age and stress had taken its toll on the man he had once knew, but it was him and his eye's brightened as he saw who it was that was calling.

Looking behind him quickly, ==Lord Da`nal! Kahless be praised!==

Da`nal took the old warriors reaction to mean that things were not going well. "Is it true.?"

==Yes my Lord. Your father was honor bound to answer Lord Toran's call. Our ships left here 2 days ago to meet in orbit over Toran's estate.==

Da`nal knew he couldn't keep the channel open long or risk letting Toran know he was aware of what was going on. "Send me what you can and get word to Lady K'Vash. Select warrior's you can trust, you shall personally see to the safety of her and my children. You must be ready to defend our home if needed."

The old warrior sat taller at being called to duty once more. Da`nal may have spent most of his adult life in the Federation, but his family took pride in the Honor he had gained; defeating the Romulan's at their own game, rising to Admiral at such a young age, defeating the Kzinti... And to know his would be charging to his House's defense in it's time of need only proved that he WAS Klingon. ==It will be done My Lord!==

The visual faded and a few moments later his monitor sounded as data was added to his database. He examined the information and bolted to action. The Klingon fleet was already on its way!

He looked at the time as he left his quarters. "Da`nal to Bridge. Hail the surface and get me ambassador t'Khallian."

"Sir, it's the middle of the night..."

The anger he had been holding back was vented over the comms at the officers. "I DON'T CARE WHAT TIME IT IS...WAKE HER! THAN HAVE COMMANDER LYONS MEET ME IN MY READY ROOM! "

He didn't wait for a response before slapping his commbadge and closing the channel as he entered the turbolift. "BRIDGE".

Rear-Admiral Da`nal


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