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New Arrivals - Part 3

Posted on 06 Aug 2014 @ 1:26am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Commander Karen Myles

1,189 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: Ready Room

As the two junior officers left his ready room he leaned back. "Is there anything I can get you Commander...or do you prefer Doctor."

She smiled slightly, it wasn't often people asked her which she preferred most people just made an assumption. "I prefer Commander." She paused for a moment before adding. She had no doubt a great many people had sat in front of this man and pondered the question he just asked, minor as it may have seemed. She had very little doubt that some of them chose to ask for Raktajino if only to ingratiate themselves with the Klingon officer.

She however wasn't willing to swallow what she considered a vile poison of a drink for any reason, too call it coffee just seemed to add insult to injury in her book. She took a slight breath before saying. "A Vulcan spice tea would be nice, thank you Admiral."

Da`nal nodded and spun his chair to the replicator behind him and placed the order. Within seconds the Vulcan tea and his qa'vIn. He pick up the beverages, placing his on his desk and rising to hand her her tea. As he returned to his seat he commented, "Most try to impress me by asking for raktajino, though tolerable, an abomination of the Klingon version of coffee. In my opinion", he added after a brief pause.

She chuckled slightly. "Didn't know you could read minds sir, I was just thinking that." took the offered tea and bowed her head slightly to take in the aroma. Her eyes closed slightly and she let out a deep breath. "I tried it once, I'm fairly sure my taste buds are still upset with me."

"There are several reasons why I wanted to speak with you privately. One to discuss your view of the refugee situation and the reports of Klingon raids on the border camps. Secondly, there is a personal matter. That being Commander Ayren, my mate, currently lies in a coma due to a mental attack by a Ullian."

Her hands wrapped around the warm mug she nodded slowly as he spoke, she began to frown slightly. "I don't know much Admiral, I've had my hands full." She sighed heavily. "Most of the physicians we get here can barely hold a laser scalpel, they are fresh from the academy or from civilian medical schools, they come here to cut their teeth." She shook her head. "Don't get me wrong their hearts are in the right place, but some experience under their belts would help."

She took a sip of the tea, her shoulders dropped slightly as if it instantly relaxed her. "I do know some of our medical supplies never end up arriving, we would request a shipment of medications and it would never arrive, but we haven't had the manpower to properly investigate it and the Romulans certainly don't."

Taking several swallows from his drink he set it aside. "That is what I had thought. Too much territory, too many in need and not enough resources. Well I will see to that."

He took a breath thinking of his Ayren laying there in sickbay. It was a good thing that his children were with his parent at his House's ancestral home, they had become quite fond of her. I seemed everything was going wrong all at the same time, ~what else could go wrong~, he asked himself absentmindedly. The quiet last a few moments. "Forgive me Commander, there are several things go one both aboard and out there that are all striking home at the same time."

Taking a few moments to simply enjoy the heat of the mug warming her hands, she looked up as Da'nal spoke again. She frowned slightly. "Yes, I haven't had the chance to examine them myself yet." She paused and took a long breath. "But I did study the case notes Doctor Wallace forwarded me."

Putting her mug down she straightened up slightly. "In regards to Lieutenant Commander Ayren, When a Betazoid suffers a telepathic shock in their paracortex their brain shuts down all but the most basic functions." She paused for a moment trying to think of a way to explain it to someone who didn't go to medical school. "It is a defence reflex that stops the damage spreading, in a full Betazoid the reflex has been refined over millions of years of evolution."

She shifted in her seat. "But the Lieutenant Commander is half Human, her brain has Human qualities and they haven't evolved to compensate for the reflex, every hybrid has slight differences, slight random mutations that can't be predicted." She took a deep breath, knowing this wouldn't be easy to hear. "Her brain is healing itself but the Human qualities are holding it back." She lowered her head slightly. "There are a few treatments I could try but we run the risk of doing more harm than good."

He was impressed with her knowledge and the information she presented without even seeing her patients yet. The last thing Da`nal wanted was to put her at risk or do more harm. There was a time were taking risks were needed and he knew this better than most, but this was not one of those times. And he knew a starship medical facility wasn't the most stable place for her recovery...even on a staship more medically equipped that the Achilles. "Do you have any recommendations or would you need to see her first?"

She ran a hand through her hair as she gave the question some thought, on the one hand she was talking to the commanding officer who would normally be given the blunt truth but on the other she was talking to someone with an extreme emotional bond with the patient and that required more tact. "I would need to examine her myself before anything is done of course." Finally she decided to go with blunt truth given softly. "But I don't believe I will discover anything Wallace has missed, I believe my Medical recommendation would be that she be transferred to a medical facility where she can get full time care."

She took a deep breath. "This ship doesn't have the required staff or facilities to handle her needs on a long term basis." She leaned forward. "I will however examine her and do everything I can, but I am not hopeful there will be a quick fix solution." She tilted her head slightly. "I am sorry Admiral."

His knew CMO was confirming his own thoughts, Ayren would need to be sent to a proper facility. Whatever needed to be done he would see it done. "Understood. Let me know your recommendations as soon as you can."

She walked to the replicator and placed the now half empty mug of spiced tea inside. "Yes sir." She replied as she returned to the area near the door. "Permission to be excused?" She asked knowing the conversation was at its end but she hadn't been dismissed yet.

Rear-Admiral Da'nal

Commander Karen Myles

Ltjg Giada Lindert
Asst CSec

LtJG Tobias Todd


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