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"The beginning"

Posted on 02 Jun 2009 @ 3:21pm by

2,055 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Classified location - Section 31 training facility
Timeline: Current

Please be advised that the following post contains scenes which are a little beyond the general rating of this simm. If you are likely to be offended by such content (language, torture etc), please skip this post.

Going through the security team roster, T'Pal made some adjustments. After the recent events, they needed to be jacked up and ready for the next mission, whatever that would be exactly. The teams didn't know each other, and many were new and inexperienced non comm recruits fresh out of training. She would have to pull them together and some holodeck training would do that. She altered a few programmes and walked to the holodeck, looking through them and adjusting them.

For weapons training, she chose a forest environment, where she could identify potential snipers and those with advanced martial arts skill. As she walked into the holodeck, the scent of the trees triggered a momery of a long time ago....

[Many Years Ago]

Blood splattered against the grey wall as the thump of the blow hit it's target. No one would see the droplets slowly dripping down the rough surface though. The room was dark, with only one light illuminating a woman tied to a chair. Her face was swollen, with a gaping wound on her cheek, where the fist of a large man repeatedly added to the already large bruise. Her lips were parched from lack of fluids, her dark hair tangled, having been used to pull her head backwards. Caked blood stained patches where hair had been ripped from of her skull.

The man, known only as Reynolds reached over with a bloody gloved hand and took a long drink of cold water, spitting the last of it into the face of the woman. "Wake up, darlin... don't quit on me now.." he cooed like a lover, watching her skin prickle at the cold liquid. He then slammed a fist into her midsection, hearing a rib crack.

Her body slumped back forward from being knocked by the force of the blow. The hybrid coughed up more blood. She felt the fist, but she was beyond
registering the added pain. Her whole body ached and cramped. Every inch of flesh screamed in agony after three days of torture.

"Give me the information we want, and all this can stop. You'll be seen too, nursed, come on, is all this really worth a bit of old, worthless intel?" he
backhanded her, enough to make her teeth loose on that side and causing an arc of blood to fly through the stale air.

Once again, her mouth filled with blood, which she shallowed. At this point, even that would serve as nourishment. Only the entwined lattice pattern her
rib cage formed due to her Klingon heritage, prevented more ribs to crack and even break. For the last 36 hours, she had practically been in a meditative state, hiding it from her interrogator. Vulcan discipline coupled with Klingon resilience would cause her to eventually wear out the man that
so relentlessly attacked her.

Behind dark glass in the far end of the torture room a very tall, muscular man watched everything, as he been had for days now. It amazed him that this half breed had taken this much punishment. He sent a mental command to the man in the room who immediately stopped and listened, then looked back with a raised brow. Again he received the same instruction and only nodded.

He crossed the room and retrieved a very barbaric item, with wires and clip on ends attached to a wicked box. He ripped open the woman’s shirt and
applied the painful clips and gave her a complete soaking with a cold bottle of water. "Well, if smacking you around won't open your mouth... maybe this
will." He grinned with glee and turned the voltage up and pressed a button.

This time T'Pal could not prevent the scream from escaping her swollen lips. It sounded more like a hoarse growl, not because she wanted to, but because her mouth and tongue was so swollen. Lack of water and several blows to her throat and neck had also damaged her vocal cords to such an extend, that even if she wanted to answer him, he would probably not even understand.

As the convulsions subsided, her lips moved. There was no sound coming from them though. Her head fell forward again.

"Whats that, Love? You need something in your mouth?" he started to unbuckle his pants, "I can fix that for you... want some of this?"

T'Pal didn't see what Reynolds intended, her eyes had been swollen almost shut for almost a full day now, but she picked up his intend from the lewd untertone in his voice. "QI'yah!", she croaked a curse that defies translation, but there was no sound. "bIHnuch - coward". The effort brought the relief of drifting into the blackness of the unconscious closer. The answers locked down in her mind, she never revealed one bit of information and now they are disappearing as she began blacking out.

This wasn't in the menu for this exercise, and the big El` Aurian seethed. He rushed out his door and seconds later just as Reynolds was approaching
the helpless hybrid woman, he burst in and launched himself at the interrogator. Landing a massive blow to the man's face that launched him halfway across the dark and bloody room.

"You have one option.... Run.. run hard and fast or I'll kill you where you lay, Bastard!"

Reynolds blinked in terror, for he knew this man could do exactly that. He stood unsteadily and pulling his trousers up, shuffled from the room as fast
as he could go.

The voice ... the scuffle... T'Pal jerked her head up, pushing the darkness away, but she lost control of the movement and her head fell sideways and
forward. She had been aware of another presence, but she had lost track. Her body started shaking involuntarily. Dehydration, chemical agents, physical damage and psychological torture had finally caused physiological shock to set in that even her Klingon genes could not prevent Without quick intervention, this barely recruited Federation agent would be lost. She forced her on one eye open, if she was going to be killed, at least she wanted to see her attacker.

The large man came into the light and he was intimidating indeed, tall, and with eyes of a color the woman had never seen. Silver orbs looked down on her as he pulled a Kabar knife at least a foot long and severed her bonds without trouble. He then picked her up and carried her out of the room she had been in for 72 hours, and down a dimly lit hall.

T'Pal was barely aware of her surroundings, and fought the darkness that wanted to enfold her. She had to stay awake, she wanted to know... what was
happening... where she was going... how she was going to die...

Finally he stepped into a medical suite and lay her on a table. Her nakedness didn't seem to matter to him and he returned with a few items. He gave her a drink of cool water then scanned her with a medical tricorder and gave her a painkiller before starting to deal with her wounds. He was quick,
efficent, and gentle.

She was too tired to decide whether he was helping her of whether he was preparing her for more torture, her mind unable to interpret what she her senses told her. The pain started to clear away, making it possible for her to become more aware of her surroundings. The smell of him was unfamiliar, so was the room... his mind was strong ... She kept hers locked, still keeping the information safe.

"Don't worry, Miss T, your mission was a success. You passed with incredible fortitude." He sealed up the fractures and with a dermal regenerator,
reduced the swelling of her face so that she could see. Then he stopped and gave her more water. "Your next assignment, is to find and kill Reynolds.
You have clearance to whatever weapons and supplies you wish. Once you recover, of course".

As her vision cleared she saw the man behind the forms and shapes she could discern earlier. She studied him, he was a huge, lithe man, more dangerous than she had ever come across. His eyes were like mirrors, the grey displaying a coldness in his soul, like steel. His words caught her attention. She was too weak still too move, but revenge provided much needed strength. She sensed that he was serious, it was no test, but he was capable to hide that from her. "Why kill one of our own?" she asked, barely more than a whisper.

"Why try and rape one of our own? Killing is one thing, it can be done with respect and dignity, but rape... there's nothing in it but debasement and immorality. Assassins are above that, they have integrity, they have honor. We have a bond that no one outside us understands. You do the job, you don't bring emotion into it, logic over emotion."

By now T'Pal could sit on the table, still sensitive in her face and midsection, but she was fully aware and alert. "You really want me to go after him, because he wanted to rape me? I could have killed him there already, then you interfered." she said still watching him. "There is something more isn't there? Like he is a mole...? What is it?"

Tyvan looked at her, "You were in no shape to have killed a worm, let alone him. I must be out of my mind for even considering letting you go after him
now. Yes, he's a traitor, he's been a double agent for the highest bidder for some time now. He sold weapons tech to the Cardassians, who appear to be
building up their military for some reason. Oh and he isn't a he, Reynolds is a Chamaloid, it just prefers a he."

Her head snapped up. "I don't care really what *it* perfers! I want to go after him and now is as good a time as any", she retorted with fire in her eyes. "And don't be fooled, I had more in me than you realize... anger is great in providing strength. He did not break through, not in 72 hours...", she added.

She did not throw around youthful threats, she was more resilient than Tyvan had seen in a long time. Whether she could have killed Reynolds, maybe not, but she would have disabled him probably... he would not have been able to pursue his desires for sexual violence for a long time. It would have been unwise to put vulnerable organs in a angry Klingon's mouth, no matter how weak they seemed to be.

An hour later:

In a swift move she got up and disarmed him of the Kabar knife that had freed her earlier. She grinned, still feeling a bit weak, but getting stronger by the minute as the medication and nutricional supplements Tyvan had pumped into her body kicked in. She studied the weapon, keeping her eyes on Ty.

"This will do, if I can hunt him".

Tyvan didn't even flinch, though his eyes seemed amused. "Be my guest, good hunting. Hope to see you later, alive and in one piece."

She cocked her head and grinned. Then her expression changed. She was now driven by the instinctual revenge of a Klingon warrior, the silent hunter
coming to the fore. She knew that this mysterious man probably planned this and her prey would be within reach by foot. There were forests surrounding the compound, ideal for tracking. The kabar knife would soon be dripping with fresh blood.

With one last look at the amused Tyvan, she left for her first hit, the first of many.


T'Pal blinked as she forcedher mind back to reality. She couldn't help to wonder where Tyvan was now. Was he preparing another of his protege's? Three years she had spent with him alone. Three years of training and some more training, literally hand reared by an El Eurion with hundreds of yearrs of experience behind him.

T'Pal focussed on the forest again....Time to see what her security noncomms were made of.



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