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New CIO Reporting In - Part 1

Posted on 30 May 2014 @ 12:42am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Commander Anastasia Lyons & Lieutenant Matt'ew al-Altaa

767 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: USS Mississippi, USS Achilles
Timeline: MD 03 / 1436 hours

Matt'ew sat in the co-pilot's seat as he piloted the USS Mississippi, a Danube Class runabout that was one of the several dozen that Starfleet Personnel had on hand to ferry transferring personnel from one duty station to the next. The reason he was flying was because the pilot was lying on his back, working on the communications console. The communications, as well as a few other systems, had gone offline when the Mississippi stumbled upon a solar burst, which had overwhelmed the safeties, causing several key systems to short out and shut down. They had been dead in space and adrift 0 poppers about an hour before the emergency backups finally rebooted and kicked in.

As they weren't in any immediate danger, they both decided that they could do the necessary repairs to get the runabout moving, at least get it to Matt'ew's destination, Starbase Twenty-Four. His next assignment, the USS Achilles, was currently there, offloading crew and supplies to aid in the reconstruction of said starbase. Unfortunately, the system failure had caused Matt'ew to miss his rendezvous with the Achilles. Thus, the Mississippi was ] speeding through space at its maximum safe warp speed on an attempt to catch the faster warship.

"I think that might do it, Sir," the young pilot, a Bajoran, stated as he pulled himself out from the inside the console. After closing the maintenance cover. He climbed back into his seat. "Go ahead an try now, Sir."

Matt'ew keyed the comm panel. They heard the familiar channel open tone and smiled. =^= USS Achilles, this is Runabout Mississippi, Lieutenant Matt'ew al-Altaa here, do you read, over? =^=

[USS Achilles]

Logan sat at Ops when the call came in, the signal was week but able to be received. From behind the officer in charge ordered the channel open.

"On Screen."

=^= This is the Achilles, what can we do for you Lieutenant? =^=

[USS Mississippi]

Matt'ew breathed a small sigh of relief. =^=Achilles! Glad we were able to get through to you. As I said, I am Lieutenant Matt'ew al-Altaa, I am supposed to be assuming my duties as your new Chief Intelligence Officer. May I ask who I am speaking with?=^=

[USS Achilles]

=^= Lt. Parsons...stand by Lieutenant. =^= "Ens. Logan do we them on long range sensors?"

"No sir they're still outside sensor range."

=^= Lt. al-Altaa, your location? =^=

[USS Mississippi]

=^=We are currently passing by the Bo'alla System. On heading one six four mark forty-seven, on a rendezvous course with you.=^= His deep baritone voice sending over the Bridge's speakers. =^=I would have made the rendezvous with you while you were at Starbase Twenty-Four, however, we received damage from a solar event and have only just repaired our systems well enough to get moving again.=^=

[USS Achilles]

Sitting forward in his seat as they were informed of the trouble, =^= Do you require assistance? =^=

[USS Mississippi]

Matt'ew shrugged slightly. =^=We're not in any immediate danger. However, if you could alter your course to shorten the rendezvous time. I'm sure my pilot would like to have his ship checked over by a few of your engineers before he returns to his base of operation.=^=

[USS Achilles]

Making a command decision he spoke to the helm and to ops. "Helm take us out of warp and alter course. Logan, let Engineering know that the Missouri will need of repair. "I will let the Admiral know what's going on."

-- A short time later --

Shortly after the two ships reached each other, Matt'ew beamed directly to the bridge. Upon the completion of the transport cycle, the tall Betelgeusian looked around the dark bridge. He stopped looking around when his eyes fell on Lieutenant Parsons. "Lieutenant Parsons," he nodded. "Permission to come aboard?"

Nodding to the Betelgeusian, a race he had personally never met. "Granted. The Admiral is in his ready room with the XO and are waiting on you."

Matt'ew bowed his head slightly, keeping his eyes on Parsons. "Thank you. As soon as you're able, please transport my belongings to the Quartermaster's office, as I do not yet have assigned quarters." Then, without another word, Matt'ew turned and made his way to the door that led to the Admiral's ready room. He did not need directions as he had studied the layout of the Achilles during his trip. He could walk the entire ship blindfolded and know exactly where he was.

When he reached the door, took a moment to ensure that his uniform was straight. Then, he reached up and pressed the door chime control and stood at attention while he waited to be allowed entry.



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