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Drowning his sorrows

Posted on 28 Jan 2014 @ 11:18pm by Sergeant Major Arcenio Velez & Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey & Staff Sergeant Philip Kasmierski & Sergeant Dawn Brianna

2,114 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: M11: Feet to the fire
Location: Poisoned Arrow Lounge

Jason had been with some of his family when he got the word from Teresa about her transfer. It had thrown him for a loop to say the least but what had been the real shock had bee how she had let him know. No sooner had he let his mother know about he and little Vickie and seeing her eyes light up, than he was notified that his database had received a message...a damned 'Dear John' letter.

By the time he beamed back to the ship they were already gone. Teresa had thought it best for Vickie if the just broke it off clean instead of trying some kind of long distance relationship and dragging things out. Standing in the middle of what had been Teresa's quarters he could still smell her perfume and her yelled out at the top of his lungs and punched the bulkhead trying to vent his anger and frustration. He felt things crack in his hand and the pain from broken bones but he didn't care.

Walking out he wandered the ship aimlessly for quite some time until he found himself by the lounge. Ignoring his now swollen hand he walked in and grabbed a one of the staff as he walked by. "I want a bottle of the strongest thing you got. No syntoholic crap but the real thing you got it!"

"Yea problem."

Letting him go he smoothed out the guy shirt..."Sorry". With out looking back he found a secluded table and sat with his back to the room.

It wasn't long and a bottle and a single glass was placed in front of him and he grabbed the bottle. It was covered in Klingon writing and he ignored the glass and began to drink.

[Quite sometime later]

The lounge staff had just let him be for awhile, but now he was drunk and swaying in his seat but neither of them wanted to deal with a drunk Recon Marine. "Should we call security?"

"What and start a brawl, no. Pull up his unit info and have one of his own come and get him."

Dawn walked into the lounge, pulling aside a lounge staff member "What's going on here?" she asked, seeing Jason, but not knowing what was happening with him.

shrugging he replied to the Marine as he gestured in the man's direction. "You got me. He came in here a while ago and grabbed on of the staff and just started drinking. He made it clear that we were to give him the real stuff too. I used to work at a Marine base so I figured as long as he didn't start a riot that keeping things 'in house' would we called you guys." He glanced past her, "it is just you? You didn't bring anyone else?"

"Just me." Dawn replied, "Why, do you think I need more?" she questioned the staff member. She looked at Jason, he looked sad. Looked like his heart was ripped out of him emotionally.

[Holodeck 3]

Kaz aimed his rifle, waited for the pause then pulled the trigger. The zombie's brains exploded in a mass of black goop that turned the asphalt of the road she stood upon into a lacquered surface.

"We still have the rest." Sarnek said as he looked out the window of the office building the pair were in.

Suddenly the cityscape flickered, then disappeared into the stark blackness of the holodeck.

"Sergeant Kasmierski, you are requested at the lounge to assist Staff Sergeant Jason Frey.

"Any idea what he's done, Computer?" Kaz asked the room, then wiped sweat off his forehead.

"Petty Officer Ndebele of Achilles Security states that he is suffering from mild alcohol poisoning and is likely to become violent. She sent a request for you and Sergeant Brianna in order to prevent the involvement of local authorities."

Kaz nodded. "Tell the petty officer I gotta get changed, and then me and my man here are on our way. Out." He looked over to the Vulcan. "You all right with a night out?"

Sarnek remained impassive, as always. "It is logical that I go. What's the meet point?"

"Transporter room near engineering in fifteen."


[Main Lounge]

A bit later, the two were walking into the bar. Kaz stopped and looked at the bartender.

"Two shots of vodka." He looked over to the bottles behind the man. "Russian Standard, if you would. Sarnek?"

"Bloodwine." Kaz raised his eyebrows, but nodded to the bartender.

Drinks in hand, Kaz and Sarnek made their way to Sergeant Frey's table.

"Jason, my man," Kaz said. "What is up?"

Bottle in hand, barely, he poured the last of the chechtlhutlh, or at least most of it in his glass. Shooting the contents down he slammed the glass down on the table. Shouting out he ignored the three Marines around him; "BRING ME ANOTHER!!"

Kaz looked over to the woman. He'd seen her a few times at briefs, but really didn't know her. Assuming she had to be his girl, he downed one of the shot glasses, then looked over to her.

"You got any idea what's going on here?" he asked. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Sarnek give a slight shake of his head to the bartender, a signal that Sergeant Frey's order should not be filled. (Tag Brianna, in case you missed it)

"Cause I'm starting to think this is some bullshit pulled by a snotnose private in Security," Kaz said before downing his second shot. "And unlike ninety-nine point nine percent of this ship, [i]I[/i] spent Christmas here processing bullshit." He nudged Sarnek. "Let me out, man."

He stood. "So I'm about to pop smoke and beat feet because my ass has better things to do than get shitfaced drunk day before a duty day."

Jason got up barely able to stand not speaking really to anyone; "Christmas...Hahh The bitch just cut and run! I don't need this shit...'pop smoke' if you want ya panty waste!! Waving his arm wildly, "All off a can go to hell!!"

"So that is what this is about," Sarnek said. "You humans and your attachments. Do Pon Farr; it is much easier."

Kaz grinned at the corporal's statement. "Yeah. Hey, Jase, he's got a point, wouldn't it be easier if we could go bone anyone we wanted?"

"Well. That was inappropriate." Corporal Sarnek said.

Dawn rolled her eyes, "Go frak yourself. Let's just get him out of here." she growled at Kaz.

The stocky non-com looked at her. "I've seen guys fragged, Sergeant. Not something I'd shoot my mouth off wishing on anyone. But yeah. Let's get Staff Sergeant Frey out of here before Security has to write him up."

Ignoring the comments he tried to walk but staggered into nearby table. Righting himself he picked up a drink, what looked like an ale, that was on the table and slammed it down. Jason attempted to move again but missed the step to the lower level and busted his head against an empty table as he fell again. This time he didn't rise quickly at all, he wasn't out but he was definitely down.

Dawn reached down to pick up Jason, "Come on Staff Sergeant, let's get you out of here without busting your head open any more." She said to him, then thought, 'Ugh drunk Marines are not a good idea.'

Kaz grabbed the man's other side.

"Sarnek. Stay here and talk with Security if they show up. Tell 'em we got it in hand."

[some time later - Jason's Quarters]

Jason didn't remember leaving the lounge, what had happened or why his head felt like it had been hit by a sledge hammer. All he knew was that he was on his back and Brianna was holding a cold pack on the edge of his forehead. He groaned at the pain from his head and his hangover as he tried to situp. "What the hell happened?????"

Velez was in the chair as spun it as he heard the Staff Sergeant. "You got drunk Marine....publicly drunk. Fortunately you didn't do anything dumber than that. If it was for your team member here who knows what would have gone down."

Jason looked to Brianna, feeling like he was more dead than alive. "Thanks"

"Any time." Dawn smiled, "Why are you like this? What happened?" she asked. Dawn had never seen Jason like this. Him being like this worried her, not just because he was one of her Marines, but because he was also a friend.

Velez knew...or at least thought he knew but remain quiet as he crossed his arms and awaited the explanation.

Jason rasied his hand to his head and took the pack from Dawn's hand and felt the knot on his head. "You know I was seeing Teresa, the Lieutenant in sickbay?"

"No, I didn't." Dawn replied, feeling her stomach knot up. "I'm uh sorry."

"Well we first started before we all got left behind on Mercer when the Kzinti attacked and she was there at the starbase waiting at the umbilical when we got extracted. Well things were getting serious..very serious. At least I thought...I mean all the signs were there! But then when we get to Earth she got transfer orders and instead of talking things out or dealing with it she sends me a Dear John Letter while I was at my parents place telling them all about her and her daughter."

He shrugged a bit and let out a breath in a huff, as he reached up again only to grimace as he touched to goose egg that was there.

Dawn didn't know what to say, or how to react. "Jason, if there's anything I can do to help, I will."

"Shit, man," Kaz said, for lack of anything better. "Might as well have kicked you in the crotch."

Velez uncrossed his arms and stood up. He had seen things like this before, hell he'd been there himself...well sorta. At any rate he had to deal with what had happened despite the situation. He looked to Brianna and Kasmierski, "Give us the room please."

"Yes sir." Dawn replied, "Come on Kasmierski, we got some training to do." she said, lightly elbowing him in the ribs. The two of them walked out and Dawn shut the door behind them so Frey and Velez could talk without being disturbed.

As the door closed behind them he let out a huff. "Well Frey...Jason good thing for you that your were still on your leave and that you didn't do anything too stupid, had you not been on leave you could be facing some serious charges. Regardless, I can't have one of my Marines, especially a Recon Marine and NCO, getting drunk and making a spectacle of himself. I know your hurting and I won't order you to speak to the counselor but you need to deal with this and fast. Your new OIC and the detachments new XO are in bound, so this is no time for this...stupidity."

He paced the Marines quarters and stopped when he saw the image for the Jason with the doc and her kid. His own heart sank a bit for him as he remembered when his wife had taken his daughter and left him all those years ago. He put his hard ass bearing back up and faced the Staff Sergeant. "On your feet!"

Jason snapped to as ordered and his head split at the rapid movement but head the position of attention despite the pain. ~Here it comes~, he thought to himself.

"First you knew better to pull this kind of crap. You are a combat veteran; one that neither I nor even the Admiral would question your abilities or judgment...until now. I won't be reporting this as there is no official action that can be taken since the only one that got hurt was you; but don't think you are getting off either. So that you don't forget you will be dealing with that knot old school, no quick fixes by a hypo for you and the rest of your leave is cancelled. Is that clear!"

"Roger that Sergeant Major!"

"Alright, get yourself cleaned up back into your routine. It'll help."

Jason just nodded and watched the Sergeant Major leave and his cheeks puffed as he breathed out in a huff.

SSgt Jason Frey
Recon Marine
NPC played by Da`nal

SgtMaj Arcenio Velez
NPC played by Da`nal

Sgt. Dawn Brianna
Recon Marine

SSgt Philip Kasmieriski
Recon Marine


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