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Posted on 20 Dec 2013 @ 1:48pm by Staff Sergeant Philip Kasmierski

320 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M11: Feet to the fire
Location: U.S.S. Achilles
Timeline: End of duty day

"And just a reminder, if you're planning to take holiday leave, I need your form uploaded to my box by close of business today," Sergeant Kasmierski said to his assembled team. "Especially if you're from a colony world, because that has to get hustled up to the commander ASAP." He paused. "I highly 'recommend' everyone take leave if they can. You do not want to be stuck here because I guarantee I will find something for you to do. Any questions?"

"Sergeant," Corporal Sarnek said. "There is a small matter I need to discuss with you after formation."

Kaz nodded. Then he called the squad to attention, executed a perfect about face and gave the platoon sergeant the accountability report.

The order for dismissal came, and the Marines scattered to do whatever their duty was for that day. Kaz looked over to the Vulcan corporal, who jerked his head as a signal that they should go walking.

"So what's going on?" Kaz asked once they were walking down the corridor and away from prying ears.

"Pon Farr, Sergeant. Quite soon." The tall Vulcan kept his gaze straight down the hall, though Kaz knew that the sniper most likely had identified any possible threat or listener in the corridor.

"You can't find anyone on Terra to take care of that for you?"


"Damn. All right, you're excused from weapons cleaning to go do up an emergency leave form to get you back to Vulcan. Have to me in an hour so I can go talk to Sergeant Major."

"I will have it to you in half an hour. Thank you, Sergeant."

"Żaden problem."

"What did you say, Sergeant?"

"No problem. Go get that form."

"Of course." Corporal Sarnek continued up the hallway, presumably heading to his quarters and the terminal he'd share with three other corporals. Kaz turned around and headed back to the office he shared with Sergeant Frey.


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