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Lost in time - Achilles Part 2 - Move Out!

Posted on 10 Sep 2013 @ 11:10am by Sergeant Major Arcenio Velez & Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey & Captain Rebecca Post & Staff Sergeant Philip Kasmierski & Sergeant Dawn Brianna

2,311 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: USS Achilles

[Aft crew mess - Deck 14]

The only light in the area was star light and the glow from the planet below. Jason had been thrown across a near by table and was shaking it off as he got to his feet. "Dawn you ok?"

Dawn was thrown into the wall, she grunted as she stood up. "Yes... I think so." She replied to his question.

Ready to help her up but not needing to, "Let's get geared up and get to emergency stations."

[Deck 10]

PFC Eirias was not having the easiest day. The Corporal assigned to watch the group as they navigated through the ship was struggling to keep his laughter in check as the group made one mistake after another. That lasted until everything went insane all at once. After a quick tossing around, the first thing noticed was a lack of lighting. Before sitting up, he did a quick check of himself, and satisfied he could move safely, sat up. The absence of the normal noises made it easy to pick out the sounds of the four other Marines, but one sounded wrong to him, and there was a slightly metallic taste to the air that had not been present before. "Everyone ok, sound off. Computer, what happened?" The PFC called out. The lack of an answer made him wonder if the comm system itself was down, so he tapped his badge after acknowledging the only two responses to group. "PFC Eirias to any Marine, response please, over." While he waited, he was checking on the others. "Reitan, Dorovan, Corporal Wilson, you three ok? L'rab, Terrence, see if you two can locate where we are, but stay together.

While moving over to the three, he almost slipped on something dark and slick, and a moment later after a quick evaluation and sniffing, he realized that someone was bleeding and a lot. The first two checks reassured him, probably nothing more than a concussion and some bruising. The last one, he didn't need much light to smell the blood and know it was a more serious head wound. "Figures, it would be the Corporal that gets himself hurt. L'rab, Terence! Get over to sickbay and get some help, we've got a free bleeding head wound on the Corporal and a couple of concussions. We can't afford to move them until someone checks them over. Once you get sickbay notified, make your way back to the barracks and see if you can find any of the NCO's and let them know. More than likely someone's going to be doing a head count soon enough."

As the pair ran off, Eirias' main concern was the bleeding. Some fragment from training reminded him that head wounds could bleed a lot, but with the chance of concussion high, he couldn't risk moving the head to put direct pressure on. Settling in the meantime for a compromise, he took off his jacket and carefully wrapped it around Wilson's head in an attempt to get some kind of barrier to prevent the bleeding. Checking pulse and breathing on all three, Wilson's worried him the most as it was a they slower than the others, which could mean shock. Kicking himself mentally, he realized that he should have had the pair find him a medkit before sending them off, but that was also more time before help could arrive.

At their return, the sight of Corpsmen was welcome as they took the three injured off to sickbay to be treated, then realized the radio was working and broadcasting.


Corporal Caldwell softly counted to three, then swung her arm back and tossed the stun grenade through the window. There was a crash of glass as the block of metal and plastic shattered the glass. This was followed by a boom and a blinding flash of light.

Sergeant Kazmierski was about to kick the door in when the ship lurched suddenly, throwing him to the ground. The blue green buildings vanished, to be replaced by the black plastic and glass of the holodeck. The normally bright ship lights had been replaced with the red glow of emergency lighting pointing to the exit.

“All right, Omega, sitrep,” he said as soon as he got to his feet.

“Boss, I think I broke my foot,” he heard Whelan say.

“WTF, Whelan? How do you break your foot on the holodeck?” He sighed and watched as Corporal Caldwell began working on the young private. Then he keyed his helmet radio.

“Bridge, this is Omega one, over.” He frowned at the dead air that came in reply, then pulled off his helmet, walked over to Corporal Tenaka and tapped her on the shoulder.

“Iron Pants, see if you can raise anyone on your radio.”

She blew him a raspberry. “On it, sergeant K.” She turned on the manpack communicator and started going through channels. Then she stopped. “PFC Eirias, this is Corporal Tenaka. What's your situation?” she said over the radio. “Do you need medical, over?”

"Corporal Tenaka, PFC Eirias. I'm on Deck 7, power seems to be out and emergency power is playing games with us. PFC's Reitan and Dorovan were unconscious and could not be woken up, suspect concussion. Corporal Wilson was similar, but with a free bleeding wound on the back of the head. All three are en route to sickbay. I was attempting to track down the life support controls and find some re-breathers before the air gets a bit too thick with emergency power being on blink, and preferably before we lose artificial gravity. Over." He kept his voice calm, panic wouldn't do any good and there were priorities to be met.

Kaz looked over and cursed. “Tell him to hold tight. I'm taking Sarnek and Caldwell to meet him. Tenaka, you take Whelan to sick bay. Keep commo open. You might be the only working radio on this ship,” Kaz said. “Meanwhile keep trying to raise someone in charge.” He looked over to Sarnek. “You, Caldwell and Whelan do a comm check and make sure you can get Tenaka. Once that's done, Sarnek, you and Caldwell with me. Take the suppressors off the weapons, we ain't playing now."

Kaz put his helmet back on. There was a clatter as the five suppressors dropped to the floor, and then the team left, heading in different directions.

When they reached Deck 7, Kaz saw why the power might have gone out. This apparently was a food production area, and two of the hydroponic tanks used to grow plants for food and oxygen had broken loose to smash against the walls.

"PFC Eirias!" Kaz shouted over the helmet's intercom. "This is Sergeant Kasmierski, Omega Team Recon. Shout out if you hear us!"

Well, that was to be expected, and he couldn't help but wince at the volume over the radio. "I hear you, and I can see you, I'm about 20m down from your location in the jefferies tube. Dropping back to the main deck now." He called out over the radio, then counted to three in his head before dropping down and walking over to the group.

"Why the [bleep] are a bunch of privates in the Jefferies tubes?" Kaz asked Sarnek over the helmet radio.

"Entirely illogical," Sarnek replied. "Unless they are up to something nefarious, or were assigned a punishment detail."

"Figure it out later. Here comes our man." Kaz said just as the man in question dropped from the ceiling and headed their way. "So lead the way to your wounded, private. Corporal Caldwell will get them patched up. If not, Sergeant Sarnek and I will help you do a MEDEVAC." He paused. "Did you hear shots, anything to indicate someone's trying to board the ship?"

Somehow, Kaz had the feeling that this wasn't some sort of enemy action. It was more a job for the eggheads in Engineering than anything else.

"MEDEVAC already accomplished Sergeant. Had to two mobile go get some corpsman while I watched. Only one here besides you all now. No shots, nothing that felt like a boarding. Only thing was a deep vibration and then being rattled, Sergeant." Eirias responded.

Kaz nodded. "All right. You two come with us. We're going to sickbay and check on one of my guys. Then we link up with command. Let's move out.

Meanwhile, Corporal Tenaka made her way to sickbay with Private Whelan's arm slung over her shoulder and him limping along beside her. It was a long slow trip, though Tenaka counted herself lucky that she and Whelan didn't encounter anything more aggressive than a Security man with an open wrist fracture. The white bone sticking out made her nauseous, so she stopped to puke in the hallway before resuming their trip.

Eventually they made it to sickbay and paused before wading through the throngs of other people with lesser injuries than Whelan's.

"Aw man," Whelan said. "The ma'am's here."
Tenaka looked over to the person sitting on one of the beds. "Oh. Wow. This isn't good."

[Marine Training room]

Velez had been observing the rather routine training of a large number on the Marines aboard when all hell broke loose. Once emergency lights came on. He regained his footing and tried his commbadge, "Velez to Post, Captain Please respond."

When no reply came, he began issuing orders on his own authority. He sent most to there assigned emergency station to begin securing the ship and assisting with emergency operations or wounded. Those few that remained he took to find there CO.

[Marine CO's Office]

Rebecca opened her eyes slowly, tasting the tang of blood in her mouth. She had been caught half way across her office and had been flung back against her desk and had hit her head, clearly knocking her out. As she pushed herself up onto her left arm she reached behind her head with her other hand and when she pulled it away she found it covered in blood and a closer examination found matted hair and when felt like a nasty head wound. But although she had a pounding headache, probably a concussion and god knew what else she could still operate. Dragging herself to her feet she staggered over to the desk for a minute and took a few deep, steadying breaths before grabbing her issue hand phaser and slipping it into her holster.

Stepping back across her office, not looking down at the blood-stained carpet, she made her way out of the door and looked around at the central parade deck of the marine barracks.

"Senior Marine, on me," she called out, still a little unsteady as she looked around, her vision fuzzy and a little blurry, but she was a Marine Officer, it was her duty to fight through this.

Velez turned of his wrist light as emergency light in the area was on, and heard the CO call out. From his vantage he saw the matted hair and blood running down the Captain's next. "CORPSMAN UP!" The corpsman moved quickly to the front and immediately saw the Sergeant Major was pointing to.

Velez matched pace with the medic as she began to examine her CO. Grabbing the Captain to steady her. "Easy ma'am, let get yo fixed up."

"I'm fine Sergeant Major, I just came off worst in a fight with my desk," Rebecca replied wryly, but never the less allowed the corpsman to get to work. "Give me a SITREP."

"Teams have been set to their emergency stations and others are moving through the ship to assist wounded or as needed. No indications of hostile action so far."

While the Sergeant Major reported to the Captain she had stopped the bleeding but the Captain needed to get to sickbay. "Top we need to get the skipper to sickbay. She'd taken a hell of a blow and besides blood loss she got an concussion."

Rebecca glanced at the Corpsman and shook her head, immediately regretting it.

"Until I know what is happening I'm not going anywhere," Rebecca replied. "Give me something for the pain and some adrenaline or something, I'll go to sickbay as soon as we find out what the hell has happened here."

"Pain I can fix, but adrenaline will increase your blood pressure and that will only make things worse..."

Velez chimed in, "She right Captain, we need you on your feet, not collapsing in 15 minutes from an injury. As far as we know you are the senior officer aboard ship. Until we know otherwise you need to get to the bridge. I can coordinate things here; you should go to the bridge by way of sickbay." Regs were on his and until the Skipper was 100% he could call the shots if needed, he just hope she didn't force his hand.

"I hate it when SNCOs talk sense," Rebecca grumbled. "Alright fine, but I want you to keep me updated."

Velez was inwardly relieved and nodded sharply. "Roger that. Turning behind him; "Andrews, Ranav, escort the Captain to sickbay and stick with her." The human and Bolian stepped up ready to aid their CO if needed. Cpl. Ranav spoke up, "Ready when you are Ma'am."

"Corporal, if you waited until I was ready we'd never be heading there," Rebecca commented with a wry smile as they headed for the door. "Alright, let's be about this then."

Velez nodded and watched as the Captain was help to sickbay. He turned back to the other Marines with him. "Alright, this will be our command post until we here from the bridge. I want reports every fifteen minutes, move out!"


Captain Rebecca Post, SFMC
Marine Detachment Commanding Officer
U.S.S. Achilles

SgtMaj Arcenio Velez & SSgt Jason Frey
NPC's Played by Da`nal

PFC Jason Eirias
USS Achilles

Sgt. Dawn Brianna
USS Achilles

SSG Philip Kasmierski
Omega Team Leader
USS Achilles


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