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Diplomacy Over The Intercom

Posted on 23 Mar 2009 @ 5:01pm by

553 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M1: Prepare for Battle
Location: Diplomatic Suite

Elek couldn't help but smile as he left the bridge after his impromptu meeting with Rodriguez - she seemed like a wonderful XO, and a good person to boot. He decided to follow up on that dinner as soon as possible.
Before long, Elek was on Deck 7, visiting the Diplomatic Suite for the first time. It, and the galley, were nicely furnished. In time, there were things he would like to change, but he decided ideas like that could wait - given what was currently on, he knew that minor issues like decorations were far, far ... far down the list.
He went into his office - small, but functional - and checked his messages. He read through most of them, seperating them into two groups - "Delete Now" and "Do Something ... Later".
Sighing, he sat back in his chair, thinking for a moment. He didn't feel comfortable going on this mission without knowing as much as he could and, as he hadn't been on DS5 for more a few hours before transferring to the Freedom, he hadn't had the chance to speak to the starbase's chief diplomatic officer.
He leaned forward again and opened a comm link to the main comms link of Deep Space 5, and was quickly transferred to the Diplomatic Office.
"Ms Kelan," Elek said, as Ayren Kelan's image came onto the screen. "Hi. I'm Termin Elek on the Freedom."

"Lieutenant," she said with a friendly smile, hiding the stress she was under. "How can I be off assistance?"

Elek smiled. "I wonder if you could fill me in on anything to do with this Romulan situation?" he said. "I don't like the thought of going into this with only half the information."

"Well I suppose we all have half the information. There isn't much I can devulge right now, but of this I can assure you....There isn't much diplomacy going to happen." She knew that the Romulans could attack any time, but his CO would have been informed of that. "Is there anyting specific you would want me to expand on if I can?"

Elek frowned in thought. "The Romulan Ambassador. I guess I have my ... concerns about her ability to be open to a non-violent solution, considering the circumstances with the warbirds. What's your gut feeling?"

"I am not sure that she could even if she did try," Ayren said honestly, thinking out loud. "There are Romulans aboard the station, but it seems like the attackers do not care. I think you can safely assume that an attack is eminent, I am sorry to say," the Diplomat said with a sad tone to her voice, thinking of a friend she had lost earlier, warning her of the sabotage of the Gaurdian Platforms.

Elek nodded, and sighed. "I see. Thank you, Ayren. I appreciate your candour. Wish me good fortune."

"I wish you whatever you need to be successful in this battle," said the diplomat, concern in her black eyes as he studied her colleague. "Let me know afterwards if you are ok, " she added an afterthought.

The comm link switched off, and he stared in thought at the blank screen for a moment, then got up and exited his office. He needed a walk.

Lt (JG) Termin Elek
Uss Freedom

Ayren Kelan
(Played by Sharon)


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