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Recovering Some Peace

Posted on 25 Oct 2012 @ 11:38pm by Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar

267 words; about a 1 minute read

Personal Log: Teresa Wendsar recording

I am grateful that the war with the Kenzii is over. Life can go back to normal for everyone. Victoria and Jason shortly will be here. Victoria is anxious to see me.This seperation has been difficult for Vicki. As for me, I certainly have missed her. Making life as normal as possible, is my goal.

As for Jason, Vicki really likes him. I must agree with her oppinion of him. He's cute and fun. I would like to see where this relationship could go. I do not want to Vicki to get hurt. For that matter, I do not want to get hurt, either.

Counseolors may say I am psychoanalyzing, but I'm going to do it anyway. My parents and I do not get along. They have hurt Vicki and I one too many times. You hurt Vicki, anyou hurt me. Vicki is the only family I have left. My parents have disowned me, and I will not allow them contact with Vicki. Right now, Vicki does not want to speak to them. They had hurt her pretty badly. Maybe someday they will want to mend the fences. I guess it will not be today, because they have not even contacted me to make certain that Vicki and I are alive. So, I guess I am afraid of getting hurt, again, and I do not want to get too close to someone else.

Well its time to meet up with Vicki. I do not want her to have to wait any longer than she has to. This seperation was long enough.


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