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First day

Posted on 09 Feb 2010 @ 9:42pm by

230 words; about a 1 minute read

Lieutenant Sir James Lawrence 10th Lord of Oaksey's Personal Log Stardate: 64692.4

I reported for duty today aboard the USS Freedom registry NCC-85359. I'm a bit torn in regards to my commanding officer, he’s a Klingon/Human hybrid and while their devotion to honor is good thing and I admire them for that; their culture as a whole is a brutal, savage and barbaric one. Klingons are unkempt, drunkard barbarians, a bloody savage lot. And this one is a mongrel mutt at that; he's not even a pure Klingon…a half breed. Were my actions during the Norton incident so wrong as cause me to suffer such an insult, and humiliation.

If he’d bother to check the roster of the federation council he would find that one of the councilors that represents earth as whole one of them is Sir Edward Pillew 23rd Lord of Locksey, and like myself his titles makes him a member of her majesty’s government and come with certain obligations to crown. While I was a commissioned Officer in her majesty's Royal Navy when I joined Starfleet, I was placed on inactive status retirement indefinitely. I should have reminded that savage that Great Briton never started a war with the Federation but barbarians of the bloodthirsty Klingon Empire did.


Lieutenant Sir James Lawrence 10th Lord of Oaksey
Chief Opertions Officer
USS Freedom NCC-85359


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