Blood Rage

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After a securing a new source of dilithium for the Federation, and bringing to an end the strain on resources in the sector, the crew has been enjoying some extended shore leave on Deep Space 5. However trouble is brewing beyond the edges of space patrolled by the Federation as disturbing distress calls are received, ships are going missing, and communications with outposts are being lost.

As a test of their new alliance, The Imersa Council has requested the Federation investigate the situation and the Phoenix has been given the duty. Once beyond the veil they will be on their own and what they will find would strike fear into bravest warrior.

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Included Missions

Sole Survivor

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The crew discovers a derelict, pre-warp, spacecraft. The sole survivor, from the race called the Pricari, telling a tale of desperation when their planet began to be overrun by a plague that mutated their people into what they referred to as the Defiled. In an attempt to save their people, they flung themselves into the void.

What was Lost is Found

Post Count: 0

The crew of the Phoenix has had little luck finding any sign of the bio-signature for the defiled but what they do find is a crashed Romulan D7 and the remains of an old Constellation Class ship, the USS Granger, that had been reported missing near the Romulan Neutral Zone on SD 7396 (2271).

How did vessels from over 100 years in the past get 200 light years from where they were.

Monsters ARE real

Post Count: 0

Responding to a distress call the crew of the Phoenix arrives at a space station, apparently dead in space. What they find is beyond anyone's imagination.