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19 Mar 2015 @ 11:10pm

Lieutenant Commander Jessica Gibbs

Name Jessica Gibbs

Position Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species El-Aurian
Age 94
Languages Standard, Trill, Romulan, Vulcan, Limited Klingon

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 148 lbs
Hair Color Brunette
Eye Color Teal
Physical Description Standing at a normal 5'6", Jessica is a fairly attractive woman with long Brunette hair, and bright teal eyes. She has a fairly pale looking complexion, but people say that it just makes her eyes stand out even more. Jessica has a fit body from years of service in Starfleet Intelligence.


Father Vice Admiral Horatio Gibbs - Adoptive
Mother Lorina Gibbs - Adoptive
Brother(s) Captain Jackson Gibbs - Adoptive
Alexander Gibbs - Adoptive

Personality & Traits

General Overview A relatively mild mannered woman in appearance, Jessica is a firecracker on the inside though many dont tend to see it due to her preference to think before she speaks. She is a woman who knows how to get things done, through any means. Never once has she been unable to complete a mission set upon her by her superiors, however un-achievable it may seem.

Jessica is also a listener, a trait she inherited from her species. It allows her to be a great Intel officer, as well as a great friend. Jessica is a easy to get along with, and fiercely loyal to those she loves. While an adopted Gibbs, Jessica shares the same trait all of her Siblings and extended family carries, thanks to the way she was raised, she will jump at any opportunity to help someone.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strong for her size, Jessica is not someone to be trifled with in a fight. As well as being physically strong, Jessica is mentally strong, able to think her way out of most situations. Because of her heritage as an El-Aurian, Jessica has limited Emphatic abilities, allowing her to read people’s emotions.

Being a trusting person, while a bonus most of the time, is sometimes taken advantage of by others.

However, on the negative Side, Jessica can sometimes get lost in her own thoughts, allowing her to be easily distracted, sometimes at the worst of times. Being left to the system at a young age, and having never meet another El-Aurian, Jessica does not know much about her own race.
Ambitions Jessica doesnt have much in the way of Ambitions. Knowing full well she will outlive her family, Jessica just hopes she can always be apart of the family as the generations go on.

One day, she hopes to make it into the same position as her father, and be Chief of Starfleet Intelligence.
Hobbies & Interests Jessica enjoys most physical sports, soccer being one of her favourites. She also enjoys a good read now and again, whether it be a Holobook, or a real paper book.

She also enjoys spending time in various gather places, just listening to what people have to say, and help them through their troubles.

Personal History ~Civilian Life~

Born in early 2293 on the SS Lakul to 2 El-Aurians, Jessica was one of the 47 El-Aurians saved by the Enterprise-B. However, during the chaos that was the ride through the Nexus, Jessica had become separated from her parents. Rescued by an elder El-Aurian, she was transported over before the Lakuls destruction, Jessica's Parents however were not among those rescued. Upon returning to Earth, the Elder El-Aurian gave Jessica to Starfleet authorities who put her into the system. Not knowing her real name, she was named Jessica by the Jackson, the couple that ran the Orphanage.

By the time Jessica was ten years old, she had been passed over almost 100 times for adoption, for various reasons. While her friends came and went, Jessica was starting to become disheartened by it all, the Jacksons however remained optimistic, as Jessica was a bright young girl who had alot of love to give.

Finally with a little under a month until her 11th birthday, Jessica was adopted by a young Lieutenant JG and his wife. When Horatio Gibbs and his wife Lorina had been told by doctors that Lorina would never be able to have kids, they had decided to adopt, when they first saw Jessica, they fell in love with her, and instantly adopted her. Jessica was overjoyed to finally have a home, people who would love her unconventionally, and who would be her Mom and Dad.

With a new name, Jessica Gibbs, and a new family, Jessica moved to the USS Relative, an Excelsior Class starship and her Fathers posting. Jessica learned to love Horatio and Lorina, even more then she ever thought she would. They were good to her in so many ways, they walked her to the school everyday, they always helped her with her homework, and get her everything she wanted. Something that she loved the most though, was that she no longer lost friends every few months. When Jessica turned 15, Horatio got a promotion and a transfer however, and for the first time in her life, Jessica was the one saying good-bye and leaving her friends, instead of the other way around.

Posted to the brand new USS Ulysses, an Ambassador Class cruiser as the Chief Intelligence Officer, it was a huge step for Horatio, and Jessica knew that. While she was going through her more rebellious years, she always made sure to let Horatio and Lorina know that she loved them. Jessica would meet her first romance on the Galaxy as well, Taylor Judge, the son of the Chief Medical Officer. While their relationship would be strong for 3 years, when Jessica turned 18, she decided she was going to enter Starfleet Academy, and continue her Dads legacy. By now she truly cared about Horatio and Lorina, despite them being her Adoptive Parents, she loved them as if they were her birthparents, and that was why she had decided to follow him. Ending her relationship with Taylor, Jessica moved to Earth and started her first year at the Academy.

~Starfleet Service~


Jessica entered the Academy in 2311. In her first year at the Academy, Jessica was constantly one of the best students there. While it helped that she was naturally quite smart, Jessica worked hard, constantly getting on the Commandants list, and scoring high on alot of her tests. While she was particularly strong in Intelligence due to her Father, she lacked somewhat in Medical, and ironically counselling. While she was El-Aurian, and it one of her species inate abilitys to be natural Counsellors, Jessica just couldnt get a good grasp on it. While she still got high grades in it, she knew she would never be able to excell in that field.

By Jessica's third year, She was finally able to start specializing in specific fields. It had been no doubt however, to her, her parents or her teachers what one she would choose. Choosing mostly Intelligence Specialty courses, Jessica also took the time to take some Security courses, to build her skills in both Hand to hand Combat, and weapons combat.

In Jessica's final year at the Academy, she got amazing news. Out of some miracle, Lorina became pregnant with Twins. It overjoyed Jessica, not only would she be getting brothers, but her parents would be able to grow their already tight-knit family. By the end of the Year, Jessica graduated with honours and entered Starfleet Intelligence with the Rank of Ensign.

Starfleet Intelligence

With a few strings pulled, Jessica was assigned to Starfleet Intelligence Headquarters, where Horatio had recently transferred to upon knowing Lorina had become Pregnant. This allowed Jessica to be present when her brothers Jackson and Alexander were born.

Jessica would be at Starfleet Headquarters until late 2016, when she was assigned to a new Intelligence team being sent to the outreaches of the Federation to investigate the recent outcropping of Terran Rebellion movements. With her brothers a little under 1 year old, Jessica struggled a little when she left home. She wanted to be their for her family. But Jessica knew her duty, and left for Justka II.

A little under a month after her team set up shop on Justka II, Jessica's entire team was captured by the Terran Rebellion movement after the teams XO turned traitor and defected to the movement.

During Jessica's time as a, basically a POW, she was tortured almost daily to some extent. Along with her training, and natural mental strength, Jessica was one of the toughest on the team for the Rebels to crack. While she never really cracked, Jessica's heart was all but shattered, when the Rebellion brought in some fresh recruits in to take a crack at the team. One of its members was Taylor Judge, her first real love, and what she thought would be her only. While Jessica didnt break, she started crying for days. She would cry hours, only for her crying to be interrupted by torture sessions by Taylor Himself.

Finally after four years of captivity, Jessica and her team, now dwindled down to just her and the team leader, where rescued by a Marine Recon team sent in to scout the Base they were at. Jessica was taken back to Earth where her Mom, Dad and now 5 year old brothers waited for her. While Intelligence never did figure out why her team was tortured for years on end, they figured it was for propaganda purposes, as the videos of the torture session were broadcasted across the local systems.

Having a leave forced upon her by Starfleet medical, Jess moved in with her parents and brothers and slowly began to heal. While her physical scars healed fine, and most of her mental ones did as well, Jessica was never truly able to get over Taylor's betrayal and the harm he had caused her. Ever since then, Jessica has always been hesitant when it came to relationships.

Finally, after 2 years of rest and time for healing, Jessica entered back into active service. This time around however, Starfleet decided she would be better serving Intelligence on a Starship instead of at Headquarters. Being her first starship Assignment, Jessica was giddy and excited for it. Assigned as an Intelligence Officer and promoted to Lieutenant JG, Jessica's new boss was Lieutenant Commander Geoff Reynolds, one of her fathers closest friends.

Geoff would become one of Jessica's most trusted friends, as well as her mentor. Over the next 7 years, Jessica would embark on dozens of missions, recruit many sources, and even evac'd an important defector or 2 from Romulan space. By 2329 however, Jessica was beginning to tire with Intelligence, it involved alot of risks to her lifestyle. Deciding she wanted to mix it up a bit, Jessica began working in other departments on the Renaissance. Finally, when the opportunity came up, Jessica transferred to the USS Virginia where she assumed the role of Assistant Chief Operations Officer.

Her first appointment as a Operations Officer would turn out to be a great experience for her, as both an officer and a person. While it gave Jessica the diversity in her service that looked good on her record, it also showed Jessica a lighter side of the Federation, as compared to Intelligence dark view on universe. It also allowed Jessica to develop her skills and abilities in some of the more technological aspects of Starships and their operations.

Finally, in 2335, Jessica transferred to the USS Vancouver, where she got her first Chief position, as Chief of Operations on the newly minted Excelsior class. With a fresh pip on her collar, Lieutenant Jessica Gibbs was able to take control of Gamma Shift, allowing her to get valuable command experience. It was around this time that Jessica also was taken under the wing of the Vancouver XO. For the 5 years Jessica was on the Vancouver, the XO taught her everything he knew, but by 2340, Intelligence was calling for her to return, they had a mission for her. Though saddened she was leaving the Vancouver, Jessica decided it was time to return to her true calling.

So, Jessica transferred back to Starfleet Intelligence on Earth, where her father was now a senior Captain involved in several Operations. One of the operations was to embed a Intelligence Officer into a Maquis unit. Against her father's wishes, Jessica volunteered for the operation, and was soon sent out to the DMZ.

Jessica met up with some Maquis on a planet just outside of Cardassian space, which soon came under attack from Cardassian Colonists trying to protect their interests. Helping to fight of the attack, Jessica quickly gained their trust and was admitted into the Maquis. During the first few years of her assignment in the Maquis, Jessica continually fed Intelligence the Maquis targets and plans. For years Jessica was able to keep Starfleet informed, and they were always able to do something about it. However, in 2348, when several of Jessica's cell's plans were thwarted before they even began, the others in her Cell began to become suspicious. So, Jessica sent a message to Intelligence Command, saying that she was going off the grid until she deemed it safe for her to return.

That chance however would not come for another six years. In 2354, Jessica's cell which was basically the loose cannon of the Maquis, started striking out against Starfleet Targets. Seeing this as both wrong and an opportunity, Jessica resumed contact with Intelligence, warning them of an attack on a Subspace router hub just inside Federation space. When her cell arrived, they were meet by a Excelsior Class and an Akira class and quickly captured by Starfleet. For the first few days, Jessica was put in with the other Maquis rebels in a large holding area. A Intelligence team soon arrived, headed by a now Commodore Horatio Gibbs. Jessica was quickly separated from the rest of the group and debriefed by Gibbs and his assistant.

It quickly became apparent that Intelligence had thought her lost over a year ago, and was pleasantly surprised when she had contacted them with the co-ordinates and plans for the capture of the Maquis Cell. With the end of her mission, which was deemed Successful, Jessica was transferred back to Earth. Jessica joined the personal staff of her father who was quickly on the rise in Starfleet Intelligence.

However, by 2357, Jessica had grown tired of Starfleet, and wanted more, to meet people and help them, something that had been digging at her for a long time. So, Jessica tendered her resignation and left Starfleet.

~Civilian Life~

Wanting sometime off, Jessica got a place in downtown San Fransisco and lived their for over a year, just exploring and meeting new people at random coffee shops. Finally, in 2358, Jessica decided to start her own cafe. With some help from her family, Jessica secured a place near Starfleet academy where she opened The Aurian Cafe.

Over the next twenty years, The Aurian Cafe would become one of the to be places for Starfleet Academy students and faculty. Quite routinely Jessica was rubbing shoulders with the students, listening to their troubles, helping them when they needed it. She was even there for her first niece when she went through the academy and was having a rough time.

With her new life, Jessica was able to keep in constant touch with her family, talking with her Parents everyday, and her brothers weekly. It brought her closer to them after years of speration while she had been undercover in the Maquis. All this did for Jessica was confirm how much she cared for her family and how much they meant to her, and she to them.

At the outbreak of the Dominion War however, Jessica felt compelled to rejoin Starfleet and help out, to try and keep her family safe.

~Starfleet service~

Due to her experience with Starfleet Intelligence, Jessica was commissioned with the rank of Lieutenant Commander and assigned to Starbase 375 where she was to serve as Admiral Ross's Intelligence Aid. Throughout the Dominion War, Jessica filtered the intelligence sent to Admiral Ross, weeding out the intelligence that was bad, from the good stuff. She worked closely with Captain Sisko during his stint as the Admirals Adjutant, even helping him plan the assault on Deep Space Nine.

By the end of the Dominion War, Jessica had decided she was going to stay in Starfleet. Putting in for a transfer to Starfleet HQ, Jessica was assigned to the President of the Federation where she served as a Liaison between the Presidents office and the Starfleet HQ.

Jessica would serve as the liaison through 2 Presidents, before finally transferring back to Starfleet HQ. Jessica has been serving there ever since.
Service Record 2293 - Jessica is born on the SS Lukal to 2 El-Aurian parents.
2293 - The SS Lukal is destroyed in the Nexus, with Jessicas Parents aboard. Jessica is now an Orphan
2303 - Jessica is Adopted by Lieutenant JG Horatio Gibbs and Lorina Gibbs.
2311 - Jessica enters Starfleet Academy
2315 - Jessica Graduates from Starfleeet Academy with Honours. Is assigned to Starfleet Intelligence Headquarters on Earth.
2316 - Jessica sent on Assignment to Justka II.
2316 - 2320 - Jessica is captured by the Terran Rebellion along with the rest of her team after the Executive officer of the Team turns traitor.
2320-2322 - Starfleet Medical Forced leave.
2323 - Return to Active Service.
2323 - 2330 Assignment to the USS Renaissance, promoted to Lieutenant JG.
2330 - 2335 Transfers to Operations department and the USS Virginia.
2335 - 2340 Transfers to USS Vancouver, Promoted to Lieutenant.
2340 - Jessica Transfers back to Starfleet Intelligence HQ.
2340 - 2348 Jessica is embedded into a Maquis Cell.
2348 - Jessica goes off the grid after being close to discovered.
2353 - Jessica is assumed lost by Intelligence and made MIA
2354 - Jessica reappears and has her Maquis Unit captured. She is transferred back to Earth.
2357 - Jessica resigns from Starfleet.
2358 - Jessica opens The Aurian Cafe.
2373 - At the outbreak of the Dominion War, Jessica opted to rejoined Starfleet with the rank of Lieutenant Commander.
2373 - Jessica is assigned to Starbase 375 under Admiral Ross as his assistant.
2375 - Jessica stays in Starfleet, transferring to Starfleet HQ. She is assigned to the Presidents office where she serves as a Liaison.
2387 - Jessica transfers back to Starfleet HQ.