Marine vehicles & other equipment
Created by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal on 16 Feb 2015 @ 4:07am
Stryker Squad Assault Vehicle
Crew: 3 (Driver, Commander, Load Master/Gunner)
Passengers: Maximum of 15
Weight: 16
Length: 10.1 meters
Width: 2.6 Meters
Height: 3.4 Meters
1 x Phaser Repeater - Controlled by the Load Master in a rear facing RWCs.
Ablative Armour
The Rear of the Stryker is a deceptively large space in which up to a palette and a half of munitions and supplies can be comfortably stored. When the need to really push it, a full 2 palettes of supplies can be shoved in to the back of the Stryker. Located along the side of the rear compartment is a small transporter that has the ability to be linked to a squad of vehicles, thus transporting supplies to vehicles on the front. This transporter has a limited range of 1km however, so the Stryker must be within range. When not in use as transport, the back of the Stryker can be configured to fit up to 12 marines comfortably with their gear.
Bandit Class
Crew: 2-4 (operable with just one)
Length: 5 meters
Width: 2.1 meters
Height: 1.9 meters
Ground Vehicle Systems
Type IV Remote Controlled Phaser Canon with Integrated Mark 25 Revolving Grenade Launcher: 1 (Tactical Variant Only)
The Bandit Class fast recon vehicle was built to bridge the gap between the ARGO-ATV and the more cumbersome large vehicles in use the the SFMC. The Bandit is designed to be used as a fast recon vehicle to move quickly to the edge of enemy lines and beyond.
It has puncture resistant, all-terrain, large tires that make it possible to maneuver across nearly all types of ground, even under high speeds, although this should only be done in emergencies. However, it has the capability of lifting off the ground in emergencies but only with enough power for very short bursts and no more than a maximum of 1 meter off the ground...for example where the path ahead is too broken or damaged to drive over and the vehicle has need to clear the obstacle ahead.
In its base configuration, the Bandit has a crew of 3 Marines with a fourth available to assist in recon/terrain scanning as needed. The forward cockpit houses the driver and navigation Marine while the rear compartment houses the fire control marine (Tactical Variant) and/or two supporting Marines for field recon beyond the range of the Bandit or special operations as needed.
- Base Configuration: Fast Scout
- Tactical Configuration: Mobile Infantry Support / Short-range artillery support.
Individual Recon Assault Bike
SFMC Combat Armor
Helmet Heads UP Display
Marine Wrist Tricoder
Load Bearing System
Categories: Phoenix Information