Congratulations on your decision to join the USS Phoenix. However before you begin down your road to Honor and Glory there are a few things that you need to know...
On the USS Phoenix we encourage:
1. Detailed, rich and realistic character development and relationships.
2. In addition to the main mission plot, I like to see multi-layered and inclusive side plots with a strong focus on player contribution.
3. Positive OOC interactions between the crew, the in-built, the NOVA platform PM function, or third party messenger programs or email.
4. And of course we want everyone to have loads of fun.
On the USS Phoenix we welcome:
1. Enthusiastic players dedicated to maintaining a reasonable standard, both in terms of written content and OOC attitude, which includes reliability and regular activity.
2. Imaginative players who wish to contribute ideas to plot and character development.
3. Dedicated players who wish to see the continuation of post-Nemisis Star Trek through the use of their own imaginative writing, who understand the nature of real life and the impact it has on everyone and who, as a result, are able to work both collaboratively and independently to ensure the sim's continued success.
On the USS Phoenix, we guarantee that:
1. Every player has equal rights regardless of their characters rank or position and that every player will be afforded equal respect and courtesy in all matters.
2. Every player who chooses to speak shall be heard.
3. This sim is a collaborative writing experience designed to be enjoyable for all involved; as such, every effort will be made to include players in ways that allow them to enjoy their experiences here with the understanding that you cannot please all of the people, all of the time.
4. Concerns, questions and complaints will be dealt with fairly, promptly, and professionally, while at the same time adhering to Fleet expectations, standards and rules.
5. Most of all have fun.
Sim Rules can be accessed here or by clicking the Wiki link at the top. Please be sure to peruse these before or soon after joining.
Captain Montoya

Language - Swearing is permitted, with some minor limitations.
Level 2 = Mild swearing is permitted, with limitations on some moderate language.
(The use of vulgar obscenities are limited. Words like fu**, cu**, etc. should be rare.)
Sex - Sexual content is permitted, with some minor limitations
Level 2 = Sexual content is permitted with some limitations. Explicit sex, pornography, or too much detail is not.
(Keep it tasteful--more foreplay and emotion, less detail.)
Violence - Violence is permitted, with some minor limitations
Level 2 = Violence is permitted, with limitations.
(Describe it, do it, but don't go into graphic detail.)
It's up to the COs to keep content from getting too graphic, vulgar, or explicit. We want to appeal to a wide group of simmers and many are turned away by the adult content permitted in a 3 rating. For this reason, a 3 rating is not permitted in Theta Fleet and by extension the USS Phoenix.
We also encourage anyone who writes a scene that may not be appreciated by all members of the crew to put a disclaimer at the top of the post and in the title. For example: This post contains sexual content that may not be suited for all players. Feel free to skip this post. The title could also say: Spring Fancy (Adult Content)
We recognize that life on a sim (starship, starbase, planet, etc.) involves all aspects of a character's life. We expect, and encourage, relationships to develop. However, this should be a natural outgrowth of interpersonal relations and not be the focus of the sim. If any character wishes to write mostly sexual content and relationships, we suggest they look for another sim/fleet.
If there is ever any question as to the content of a post, please notify the CO/XO so they can review the post prior to its release.
-- GMAIL & HOTMAIL Users --
Anyone interested in joining this sim that uses either Gmail or Hotmail for their email serves be advised. You will need to set up a filter so that emails sent from this site to you are not routed to your spam folder.
For Gmail the simplest way it to have any email containing "[USS Phoenix]" in the subject and check the "Never send to Spam" box.
For Hotmail the process is similar. As above use "[USS Phoenix]" for the subject tag then in step two select the inbox for the delivery option.